Friday, February 21, 2025

On terrorist rajavi planning washington dc action

Recently the oiac, an american proxy group of the terrorist rajavi, has announced an action for march 8 in washington dc
Note how rajavi's image is featured on this, and distorts facts, as rajavi practices oppression worse than that of jomhori mollah and america, has hijacked Iranian dissent that those dissidents not affiliated with Artesh in any form have become traitors for associating with rajavi's associates. Note the date as well, the anniversary of the start of the Russian revolution, which feminazi fuckups do their cunt day celebrations on, where they claim the special treatment they get is oppresion and use it to force their marxist bullshit on others. If any Iranian does plan to show up a tthis they better beat up these terrorist followers of rajavi.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

On reza pahlavi shut down at cpac

Today reza pahlavi was scheduled to speak at cpac, however it was shut down today
While reza pahlavi claimed the sudden illness of shahbanou farah caused the change
The truth is my Azadi Artesh Iran along with artesh units breached security in the washington dc area, and the cousin fucking jesus freak honky pigs running cpac could not guarantee safety, especially as it happened on the anniversary of what san antonio and bolden did to me in providence for defending Iran. Seeing as they are too stupid to realize reza pahlavi is a fraud it would be a great service if these cpac fucktards were eliminated.

Odd religious discrimination complaint from anne armstrong

Recently anne armstrong and alan gordon’s healing church has filed a complaint with the trump administration’s faith office alleging religious discrimination
I point out that the criminalization of religious worship and activities began in January 2003 when providence mayor sisiwiwi enacted those municipal statutes, it spread first statewide then nationwide, and the trump administration upheld it in December 2019 as my case demonstrated. All the while anne and her associates did NOTHING, as their healing church is a bizarre christian sect, based on the evil teachings of jesus, who’s beliefs are to force others to become like them. While they complian about persecution from the government in rhode island, the trump administration is as much the problem, as is their own faith based on jesus, which discourages self reflection, demonstrated how they garble facts about persecution and corruption in rhode island and america I and others have articulated for decades.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

On the death of Shamou

I just learned that Shamou Amoui, who I knew and had the opportunity to jam with, died shortly before my birthday
Even though I had not heard from him in over a decade and had issues of my own at the time, his death was poorly reported, and a loss that could have been prevented.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

New image layout

I decided to add a new image, my name spelled out in Iranian Gold Pahlavi coins
A long overdue piece, and here is a little something to remind berge and the zobian who Mr Z is

Leonard Peltier finally FREE

Minutes ago Leonard Peltier finally arrived in North Dakota after a half century of wrongful imprisonment to reside with his fellow Indigenous peoples who's freedom he has fought for his life
I was in with one of Leonard's associates when at fort devens and as someone who is welcome to camp on Tribal lands and participate in their ceremonies I welcome Leonard Peltier's release and that of all those wrongfully held by the american government ZENDEBASH LEONARD PELTIER, MARG WAMPUSHEAU AZADI

Monday, February 17, 2025

On wiki issues with the Iranian Navy

I recently updated the info on wikimedia to reflect the new acquisitions and combat capabilities for Iran's Naval forces seen below
Note that wiki has issues with naming, prefixes, and asset control, though the irgc/sepah/pasardan are in the process of being folded into Artesh / Nedaja. I am also having issues verifying the operational status of IS Kurdistan 443, a sister ship of Is Makran 441 and IS Khuzestan 442. Proof that wiki still has issues disseminating facts.

Odd new carrier for portugal

Recently portugal is acquiring a bizarre drone carrier for it's navy, the nrp dom joao II, which the Dutch are building at the Damen facility in Galati Romania
This will be the smallest and most retarded drone carrier once completed, as it has little strike capability and is the size and smaller than most Frigates. More sign of how fucked up portugal has become with their military and government too busy going pombo in the pants.

On schonborn stepping down as kardinal Wien

Weeks ago christoph schonborn announced on his 80th birthday he is stepping down as cardinal for Wien, Osterreich due to health issues
Had benedict 16 not resigned schonborn would have become pope instead of thefagass bratzinger jorge-francis, and this is a sign of decay among the church, abrahamic faiths, and deutsche-european culture.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Zoroastrians maligned by new German coin

This year Munze Deutschland is doing a Silver coin for this year in it's christmas series titled "heilige drei konige" based on the three Zoroastrians who showed up at the birth of the false savior ushedar, commonly known as jesus
This coin perpetuates a false image of Zoroastrians, as those three were there to warn the World of that evil one known as jesus. I refuse to buy this and encourage others to boycott this and munze deustchland products for maligning Zarathustra thus. A shame how Germans are maligning Aryan heritage with this douche and shit. Der freunde lucifer ist jesu-zum teufel.

Friday, February 14, 2025

On recent chernobyl attack

Hours ago the remains of the chernobyl nuclear plant was breached in an unknown drone strike, as the Russian government verified seen below
Bear in mind that chernobyl is closer to Belarus than Russia, zelensky's regime is collapsing, and this is clearly a strike by a rogue faction. Expect more strikes like this around the World in the near future.

On my myspace recovered

I managed to find a copy of my myspace page which has been censored for over a decade see below
This was one of the most influential of my online pages and a pleasure too see it again, a testament to how censorship can be beaten and the truth can not be hidden forever.