Thursday, October 10, 2024

On steve ahlquist censored/banned from twitter/x

I just learned this afternoon that twitter/x has censored/banned steve ahlquist's longtime account
As much as I am against censorship, as it prevents people from objective examination of facts, peeny-boy ahlquist fucked himself with his lifetime of lies and slander about people including myself, and I will rather help put him on the escalator to hell than help get back on that forum.

On exposing slander from peeny-boy ahlquist

Recently some Chinese hackers recovered the slanderous posts steve ahlquist made about me in December 2012 for smashing up providence city hall which can be viewed below
Notice the pic used, which peeny-boy ahlquist loks at when sticking tampons in his ass, and the reference to my political positions because ahlquist is a faglover of sisiwiwi, the pedophile rapist politician who criminilized free worship, as seen below
Consider how steve ahglquist's blogs like and were pulled because of this slander, and he was removed from upriseri and rifuture for slander as well. The marxists/progressives peeny-boy claims to represent recovered these slanderous posts for posterity to remind the World what kind of SHIT ahlquist is, and if he ever goes to a communist country or america becomes communist ahlquist and his fagbuddies will be the first to be eliminated, a GREAT thing.

On exposing informant/provacetur artemis moonhawk

On this day 13 years ago I was arrested at occupy providence because of a crank complaint by professional informant/provacetur artemis moonhawk, who despite claiming to be homeless lives lavishly with military fake johnny buttface at 32 meadow ave in cranston, close to the old cranston center for the retarded
This butfaced loser has misrepresented the Indigenous, Wiccan/Magick, and Indigant communities for decades, and dozens of people in america have done time because of this coward who informs on people for personal profit. If you encounter lil miss buttface or her associates flush them down a toilet or do something to get rid of them to end their grifting ways permanently.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Artesh Iran launching successful missile strike on israel

On 1 October Artesh Iran made a successful missile strike on israel, doing damage to tel aviv, rishon lezion, dimona, nevatim and tel nor airbases, and the temple mount in jerusalem. While I join Artesh Iran, along with other Iranian leaders, in saying this was a justified act of self defense, verification of the damage because of communications issues is a problem
I remind the World that zionist israel has menaced Iran since the 1970's by backing terrorists like rajavi, creating savak atrocities, weaponizing history and culture to slander Iran and force evil zionism on others, and the acts of aggression israel over the past two decades against Iran and Iranians Worldwide are justification enough. Notice this was done on the birthday of jimmy carter, the evil american president who created this mess in 1978 by betraying Iran. Once again Artesh has shown israel and other enemies of Iran to be weak, now we must prepare for further acts of aggression from zionist israel, and eliminate the zionists wherever we find them.

On outcome of dartmouth's mousavian event

Yesterday afternoon dartmouth released the video of hossein mousavian monday night event
While my acts made sure ali talebinejad and his terrorist associates did not travel to make trouble there were a few local non-violent student disruptors
Notice the resemblance to arash azizi, who has ripped me off for my role in helping supress the 2009 mousavi / holbrooke election riots, of that student, also the member of dartmouth security who said it is safe for my family to return to campus can be seen in plainclothes
After the event mousavian blocked me on twitter, miffed a Royalist in Artesh with local roots helped with security and for calling out the half-assed nature of the event
Overall, this shows how dartmouth's IR/Middle East studies is third rate, half-assed in handling community relations, and tends to fall for zionist jew lies that ruin communities instead of positive interaction.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

The two Mercy Browns

While many are familiar with the story of Mercy Brown of Exeter rhode island in the lore of the paranormal
few realize there is a second Mercy Brown of similar description who's grave can be found nearby in Quonset
Whether Mecry Brown had a doppleganger, near identical cousin, or another burial to throw people off has yet to be determined, but that this fact has been ignored is appalling, and I, one of the few South County folk associated with the Nosferatu, am revealing this.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

On netanyahu ordering Nasrallah's murder from UN

I was recently shown an image from the israeli embassy in Manhattan showing netanyahu ordering the missile strike that killed Nasrallah and many in Beirut from there
It amazes me that the UN has not taken action to seize and charge netanyahu for this act of murder, and it should, as the World can not live with a just peace with netanyahu alive.

On fox news backing terrorist rajavi

I was recently shown news reports on fox news where followers of the terrorist rajavi can be clearly seen, one courtesy of dana perino
another from neil cavuto and eric shawn, the latter a rabid rajavi supporter from 179 East 79th St in Manhattan
How supposed conservatives and independents can give credibility to followers of rajavi is beyond me, and this further ruins the credibility of fox news.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Hassan Nasrallah killed in idf strike

Hours ago Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, was killed in Beirut by a missile strike launched by the idf
I point out that Hassan will be replaced by someone more militant, and the idf has further made targets of EVERY israeli, after all zionist israel weaponizes their entire population necessitating the acts of Hezbollah.

Friday, September 27, 2024

On terror threat to dartmouth over Iran-israel event

Recently some anonymous people started a petition to cancel seyed hossein mousavian's Iran-israel talk at dartmouth college on 30 September
which has been promoted by ali talebinejad, a longtime active follower of the terrorist rajavi
who I have successfully confronted repeatedly including at his 100 landsdowne st place in Cambridge
I personally am mad that I and my family, along with other Iranians in that region, were not invited. However, ali and his fellow terrorist associates know I and others have access issues over the 1 May protest, and are thus emboldened to thgreaten violent action, and ali has been repeatedly removed from campuses for causing violent disruptions. Notice this is referred to as Boston area, despite the remote location, however the event is walking distance from the dartmouth coach stop, and their Boston office has security issues. Certainly a credible threat which beilock's administration helped make happen and which must be snuffed out, and which I can assist in removing smoothly.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

My message to dartmouth over current Indigenous affairs

I have recently made a video message from the camp the Narragansett Tribe lets me use to dartmouth college over their lack of followup with me on issues re the 1 May protest and after someone from dartmouth called me when at that camp I remind people I have known the Narragansett and Mohegan Tribal leadership better and longer than the current leadership at dartmouth college, and the members of those Tribes who have been recently visiting dartmouth are taking issue with me not meet with them there. I also point out that the current leadership at dartmouth would probably NOT be able to handle life on Indigenous land the way I can. In all probability dartmouth is not giving people a proper education on Indigenous life, as their lack of followup with me shows.