Saturday, July 31, 2010

Der hundenkanzellor, the new world order, and shit u

Recently one of my few contacts at the watosn institute gave me some copies of their latest issue of briefings. On page 19 there is an article about watson's world leaders in residence. In that article hundenkanzellor gusenbauer is quoted as saying "The challenge ahead is to create a new world order without a world war." Even more telling is that the watson institute no longer puts copies of their briefings newsletters on their website. If this does not wake people up to the true evil nature of shit u then what will?
Peter Z

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Outcome of last night's governor's forum/debate

I was at last night's SOS governor's candidate forum on the Mental
Health system. It was good to see most of the candidates were allowed
to attend, and that people were able to find their way to the event.
I was suprised to notice the two leading candidates, Caprio and Chafee,
tended to be off focus during the event, while the other candidates
offered more creative answers. Despite the time constraints and some
well prepared questions no real curveball questions that would have put
the candidates on the spot were asked.
Recently when viewing the candidates websites which NAMI linked in their
notice I noticed something very attention getting. Today bill clinton
is in providence stumping for Caprio. While I have had issues with
Chafee over his connections to the clintons, including his brown
connections with the clintons and their associates, I certainly hope
Caprio is able to address issues concerning the clintons which other
candidates have not.
Also to my suprise I noticed the RISD security officer left seconds
after I made my early exit, the result of having left food in my freezer
for too long and not, unlike the snub I did wheholbrooke gave his speech
nearby in 2007, to disrespect anyone.
Peter Z

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Iran more seriously imperiled than ever

Anyone who dismisses talk and news like this as sabre rattling is a fool. Right now the gangsters running america have redoubled their efforts to attack Iran. And notice the source of most of this, the zionist/jewish community spewing their lies and pissing cash to cover up their own criminal actions, be it in congress or in the military/industrial complex, or the media. Know that people like Castro who warn of acts like this do not make their words lightly, he understands that conflicts can be easily prevented, that countries like Iran have the right to use nuclear technology, be it for power or defense, and that the zionists and the goverments they hijacked, be it america or britain, are the real warmongers since the 19th century.
Peter Khan Zendran

Castro: War on Iran 'Imminent'

By Tom Melle

July 13, 2010 "Morning Star" -- Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro warned on Monday that a US-Israeli attack on Iran is "imminent" and predicted that this could trigger a global nuclear war.

In a special appearance on state-run television for the first time in nearly a year, the Communist leader described US and Israeli sabre-rattling over Iran's civil nuclear energy programme as "the most serious crisis" on the international scene because "the Iranian government will not retreat."

"The Iranians have been preparing themselves for 30 years, and have acquired all the Russian and Chinese aeroplanes and weapons necessary for their defence," Mr Castro said.

"They are training all people between the ages of 12 and 60 - just the Guardians of the Revolution have a million members," he added.

And Mr Castro insisted that the US sank the South Korean Cheonan warship in order to justify an attack on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

He said that "in the face of a massive attack against Iran, North Korea will not wait to be attacked, and a nuclear war will also break out in that zone.

"When they decide to attack Iran, one war after the other will be unleashed," he declared.

The veteran Communist spoke out at a delicate time politically for Cuba, as it begins releasing 52 prisoners under a landmark deal brokered with Spanish officials and the Catholic church last week.

The men were all arrested in a crackdown on US-backed subversion in 2003.

The Origin of Wars

By Fidel Castro Ruz - - July 11, 2010

I affirmed on July 4 that neither the United States nor Iran would give in; "one, due to the pride of the powerful, and the other, out of resistance to the yoke and the capacity to fight, as has occurred so many times in the history of humanity..."

In almost all wars, one of the parties wishes to avoid them, and sometimes, both. On this occasion, it would come about even though one of the parties does not wish it, as happened in the two World Wars in 1914 and 1939, with only 25 years of distance before the first outbreak and the second.

The slaughters were horrific, they would not have been unleashed without prior errors of calculation. The two parties were defending imperialist interests and they believed that they would obtain their objectives without the terrible cost that that implied.

In the case that concerns us: one of them is defending national, absolutely just interests. The other is pursuing illegitimate intentions and crude material interests.

If we analyze all the wars that have taken place, starting from the known history of our species, one of the parties has sought those objectives.

Any illusion that, on this occasion, such objectives will be reached without the most terrible of all wars is absolutely vain.

In one of the best articles published by the Global Research website on Thursday, July 1, signed by Rick Rozoff, he provides abundant indisputable arguments on the United States intentions, of which any well-informed person must be aware.

"... Victory can be attained when an adversary knows it is vulnerable to an instantaneous and undetectable, overwhelming and devastating attack without the ability to defend itself or retaliate," is what the United States thinks, according to the author.

"... A country which aspires to remain the only state in history to wield full spectrum military dominance on land, in the air, on the seas and in space."

"... To maintain and extend military bases and troops, aircraft carrier battle groups and strategic bombers on and to most every latitude and longitude. To do so with a post-World War II record war budget of $708 billion for next year."

It was "... the first country to develop and use nuclear weapons..."

"... the U.S. retains 1,550 deployed nuclear warheads and 2,200 (by some counts 3,500) more in storage and a triad of land, air and submarine delivery vehicles."

"The non-nuclear arsenal used for disabling and destroying the air defenses and strategic, potentially all major, military forces of other nations will consist of intercontinental ballistic missiles, adapted submarine-launched ballistic missiles, hypersonic cruise missiles and bombers, and super stealthy strategic bombers able to avoid detection by radar and thus evade ground- and air-based defenses."

Rozoff lists the many press conferences, meetings and statements of Joint Chiefs of Staff and high-ranking members of the government of the United States in the last few months.

He explains the commitments to NATO and the reinforced cooperation with Near East allies, primarily, read Israel. He says, "The U.S. is also intensifying space and cyber warfare programs with the potential to completely shut down other nations' military surveillance and command, control, communications, computer and intelligence systems, rendering them defenseless on any but the most basic tactical level."

He speaks of the signing in Prague, on April 8 of this year, of the new START Treaty between Russia and the United States, which "does not contain any constraints on current or planned U.S. conventional prompt global strike capability."

He refers to countless news items on the subject and illustrates the intentions of the United States with one overwhelming example.

He notes that "... 'The Department of Defense is currently exploring the full range of technologies and systems for a Conventional Prompt Global Strike (CPGS) capability that could provide the President more credible and technically suitable options for dealing with new and evolving threats."

I maintain the opinion that any president whosoever, not even the most expert military chief, would not have one minute to know what should be done if it was not already programmed on computers.

Imperturbably, Rozoff relates what the Global Security Network affirms in an analysis titled: "'Cost to test U.S. global-strike missile could reach $500 million,'" by Elaine Grossman.

"'The Obama administration has requested $239.9 million for prompt global strike research and development across the military services in fiscal 2011... If funding levels remain as anticipated into the coming years, the Pentagon will have spent some $2 billion on prompt global strike by the end of fiscal 2015, according to budget documents submitted last month to Capitol Hill.'"

"A terrifying scenario comparable to the effects of a PGS attack, in this case the sea-based version, appeared three years ago in Popular Mechanics:

"'In the Pacific, a nuclear-powered Ohio class submarine surfaces, ready for the president's command to launch. When the order comes, the sub shoots a 65-ton Trident II ballistic missile into the sky. Within 2 minutes, the missile is traveling at more than 20,000 ft. per second. Up and over the oceans and out of the atmosphere it soars for thousands of miles.

"'At the top of its parabola, hanging in space, the Trident's four warheads separate and begin their screaming descent down toward the planet.

"'Traveling as fast as 13,000 mph, the warheads are filled with scored tungsten rods with twice the strength of steel.

"'Just above the target, the warheads detonate, showering the area with thousands of rods-each one up to 12 times as destructive as a .50-caliber bullet. Anything within 3,000 sq. ft. of this whirling, metallic storm is obliterated.'"

Rozoff immediately explains the April 7 statement of General Leonid Ivashov, joint chief of staff of the Russian armed forces, made in a column entitled "Obama's nuclear surprise."

In that same column Ivashov, refers to the speech by the U.S. president in Prague last year: "The existence of thousands of nuclear weapons is the most dangerous legacy of the Cold War" and his signing of the START II agreement in that same city on April 8, Rozoff quotes the author, who stated:

"'No examples of sacrificial service of the U.S. elites to mankind or peoples of other countries can be discovered in the U.S. history over the past century. Would it be realistic to expect the advent of an African-American president to the White House to change the country's political philosophy traditionally aimed at achieving global dominance? Those believing that something like that is possible should try to realize why the U.S. the country with a military budget already greater than those of all other countries of the world combined continues spending enormous sums of money on preparations for war.'"

"... 'The Prompt Global Strike concept envisages a concentrated strike using several thousand precision conventional weapons in 2-4 hours that would completely destroy the critical infrastructures of the target country and thus force it to capitulate.'"

"'The Prompt Global Strike concept is meant to sustain the U.S. monopoly in the military sphere and to widen the gap between it and the rest of the world. Combined with the deployment of the missile defense supposed to keep the U.S. immune to retaliatory strikes from Russia and China, the Prompt Global Strike initiative is going to turn Washington into a modern era global dictator.'"

"'In essence, the new U.S. nuclear doctrine is an element of the novel U.S. security strategy that would be more adequately described as the strategy of total impunity. The U.S. is boosting its military budget, unleashing NATO as the global gendarme, and planning real-life exercise in Iran to test the efficiency of the Prompt Global Strike initiative in practice. At the same time, Washington is talking about the completely nuclear-free world.'"

In essence, Obama is trying to deceive the world by talking of a humanity free of nuclear weapons, which would be replaced by other extremely destructive ones, ideal for terrorizing state leaders and achieving the new strategy of total impunity.

The yankis believe that Iran's rendition is already close. The European Union is expected to announce a sanctions package of its own to be signed on July 26.

The last meeting of the 5+1 took place on July 2, after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad affirmed that "his country would return to talks at the end of August with the participation of Brazil and Turkey."

A high-ranking E.U. official "stated that neither Brazil nor Turkey will be invited to take part in talks, at least not at this level."

"Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki stated that he was in favor of defying international sanctions and continuing with the enriched uranium program."

From Tuesday, July 5, in the face of the European reiteration that they are to promote additional measures against Iran, this country has responded that it will not negotiate until September.

Every day the possibilities of overcoming the insurmountable obstacle are reducing further.

What is going to happen is so evident that it can be foreseen in an almost exact form.

For my part, I must make a self-criticism; I committed an error in affirming in the June 27 Reflection that the conflict would break out on the Thursday, Friday or at the latest Saturday. It was already known that Israeli warships were navigating toward that objective together with the yanki naval forces. The order to search Iranian merchant ships was already given.

However, I did not realize that there was a prior step: confirmation of the negation of permission for the inspection of its mercantile fleet on the part of Iran. In analyzing the torturous language of the Security Council imposing sanctions on that country, I did not notice that detail to give the inspection order full effect. It was the only thing missing.

The 60-day period given by the Security Council on June 9 to receive information on compliance with the Resolution expires on August 8.

But something really most lamentable happened. I was working on the latest material on the delicate issue drafted by the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the said document did not contain two key paragraphs the last two of the abovementioned resolution which textually state:

"Requests within 90 days a report from the Director General of the IAEA on whether Iran has established full and sustained suspension of all activities mentioned in resolution 1737 (2006), as well as on the process of Iranian compliance with all the steps required by the IAEA Board of Governors and with other provisions of resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and of this resolution, to the IAEA Board of Governors and in parallel to the Security Council for its consideration;

"Affirms that it shall review Irans actions in light of the report referred to in paragraph 36 above, to be submitted within 90 days, and:

(a) that it shall suspend the implementation of measures if and for so long as Iran suspends all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities, including research and development, as verified by the IAEA, to allow for negotiations in good faith in order to reach an early and mutually acceptable outcome;

(b) that it shall terminate the measures specified in paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 12 of resolution 1737 (2006), as well as in paragraphs 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of resolution 1747 (2007), paragraphs 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of resolution 1803 (2008), and in paragraphs 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23 and 24 above, as soon as it determines, following receipt of the report referred to in the paragraph above, that Iran has fully complied with its obligations under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council and met the requirements of the IAEA Board of Governors, as confirmed by the IAEA Board of Governors;

(c) that it shall, in the event that the report shows that Iran has not complied with resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and this resolution, adopt further appropriate measures under Article 41 of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations to persuade Iran to comply with these resolutions and the requirements of the IAEA, and underlines that further decisions will be required should such additional measures be necessary..."

A compaƱero from the Ministry, after the exhausting work of many hours at the machine making photocopies of all the documents, fell asleep. My eagerness in seeking out information and exchanging points of view on these delicate issues, made it possible for me to discover this omission.

From my point of view, the United States and its NATO allies have said their last word. Two powerful states with authority and prestige did not exercise their right to veto the perfidious U.N. resolution.

It was the only possibility of gaining time to seek some formula for saving the peace, an objective that would have afforded them greater authority to continue fighting for it.

Today, everything is hanging from a tenuous thread.

My principal intention was to advise international public opinion of what was occurring.

I have in part achieved that by observing what was taking place, as a political leader who, for many years, has been confronting the empire, its blockades and its indescribable crimes. But I am not doing it out of revenge.

I am not hesitating to run the risks of compromising my modest moral authority.

I shall continue writing Reflections on the subject. There will be a number more after this one in order to continue going more profoundly into it in July and August, unless some incident occurs to trigger the deadly weapons currently pointed at each other.

I have very much enjoyed the final games of the World Cup and the volleyball games, in which our valiant team is marching at the head of its group in the World League of that sport.

Fidel Castro Ruz - July 11, 2010 - 8:14 p.m.

'US will attack Iran if it must'
07/07/2010 12:11

Senators in Jerusalem to discuss Middle East tensions.

Talkbacks (44)
There is wide support in Congress for using all means to keep Iran from
becoming a nuclear power, “through diplomatic and economic sanctions
if we possibly can, through military actions if we must,” visiting US
Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT) said Wednesday in Jerusalem.

Lieberman, flanked at a Jerusalem press conference by his senate
colleagues John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), used very tough
language, saying the words “military action” in regards to stopping
Iran’s nuclear program. Most US officials opt to tiptoe around the
subject, saying “no options are off the table.”

Lieberman said that “a certain trumpet needs to sounded here for the
Iranian regime to hear.”

He said the sanctions Congress recently passed against Iran were meant
to signal to Teheran to “negotiate the end of their nuclear program
and re-entry into the civilized world, if that is possible. But if not,
they should know that when Congress says it is unacceptable to get
nuclear weapons, we mean it. We hope economic and diplomatic power will
work, but if we must use force, that must remain a very active

Regarding Tuesday’s friendly meeting in Washington between Prime
Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama, Lieberman –
based on reports he heard from people there – said “it was a
positive meeting, and we can say with some encouragement that the
relationship between the US and Israel is back on track.”

Lieberman, acknowledging that the past year was a “difficult one” in
the US-Israel relationship, said that even during this period “the
members of Congress across party lines continued to both feel and
express strong support for the security of the State of Israel, and for
the relationship.”

Graham was even blunter.

“The Congress has Israel’s back,” he said, “and never
misunderstand that. Whatever relationship problems we have had in the
past, it has never seeped over into Congress. The Congress has been
united in protection of one of our best allies in the world, the State
of Israel.”

Regarding another American ally, Turkey, McCain – referring to both
Ankara’s vote against Iran sanctions at the UN and its hostile
rhetoric toward Israel – said he has been “disappointed recently”
by Turkey’s “actions and words.”

At the same time, he said, Turkey is an old and close ally with whom the
US has common interests.

“I hope that at some point the Turkish leadership would lower the
rhetoric, reduce it to the point where we can try to solve differences
in a quiet and diplomatic way,” McCain said.

Asked what would happen to US-Turkish ties if Ankara severed, as it has
threatened to do, its ties with Israel, McCain replied, “obviously it
wouldn’t be helpful. I hope this won’t be the case. I hope that
there will be conversations.” Saying that the Israeli-Turkish
relationship has “contributed to stability in the Middle East,”
McCain said he found the situation “disturbing,” and said he hoped
the US could play an “interlocutor role to bridge some of these

Fundamentally, McCain said, Turkey remains a secular nation that has
“contributed enormously to peace in the region and the world.”

All three senators, who met during their two-day stay with Defense
Minister Ehud Barak and Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi,
as well as with Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad,
praised the US-trained PA security forces.

McCain, in an apparent reference to talk about putting PA security
forces at border crossings from Israel into Gaza, said the willingness
of Israel to discuss this issue showed the confidence Israel had in
these forces as well.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Concerns about censorship during gubenatorial campaign

On April 29, 2010 while at the RI state house I received an invitation
to a RI Gubernatorial debate about the mental health system which was to
take place on June 24 at 6PM at Butler Hospital’s ray conference
center and was sponsored by NAMI. When I went there on June 24 I found
the event had been cancelled at the last minute, which I found
suspicious as there was no public notice of this. A few days later I
received an invitation via e-mail to another such debate which is to
take place on July 28 at the RISD Museum’s Metcalf auditorium at
5:30PM. Upon receiving this invitation I looked it over and found some
things of concern.
1. This is being held at a place with no connection to the mental
health system, is difficult to find, has poor parking, and is awkwardly
cramped, thus restricting the number of people who could attend such an
2. Only 4 of the candidates are invited, with Moffit and Block not
attending, why this omission is anyone’s guess.
3. The invitation asks that people reserve in advance and that
questions they plan to ask to the candidates be submitted beforehand.
My concerns are that this is being done is to prevent the public from
presenting their issues freely and to censor the facts from the
candidates, some of whom have created problems for people who have dealt
with the mental health system. If anything this does not appear to be a
fair forum.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Iran seriously imperiled over nuclear program by it's "allies"

This came out in the Russian press around the same time it was announced
on the news last night that medvedev supposedly said Russia has concerns
over Iran's nuclear program. This sudden about face by Arab nations
long friendly with Iran and by Russia must be taken as a serious
sanctioning of invasion. Consider at this point Iran is most
vulnerable, as amrikan/zionist forces may decide to go for broke in an
all out invasion and would use the slightest pretext to do so.
Peter Khan Zendran

Arab World Supports War Against Iran?

09.07.2010 Source: Pravda.Ru URL:

Israeli hawks that urge to strike preventive blows on Iranian nuclear
objects have found a radical ally in the Arab world. Yousef al-Otaiba,
the United Arab Emirates Ambassador to the USA, stated that positive
sides of the military solution to the Iranian nuclear problem outweighed
possible negative results of the use of force in the struggle against
the nuclear program of Iran, The Washington Times wrote.

The UAE Ambassador straightforwardly supported the use of military force
in case economic sanctions against Iran are proved inefficient. The
official acknowledged that the use for force against the Islamic state,
a direct neighbor and a trade partner of the UAE, would lead to severe
economic consequences. The UAE’s trade turnover with Iran makes up $12
billion a year. Such a measure will also trigger massive protest actions
in the Muslim world, the official said.

"We cannot live with a nuclear Iran," the envoy said at a conference in
Aspen, Colorado. "I am willing to absorb what takes place at the expense
of the security of the UAE,” he added.

Russia Today: “We cannot live with a nuclear Iran” – Arab diplomat

The diplomat said in an interview with the Atlantic Magazine that many
Arab states in the region would turn their backs on Washington and move
towards Teheran in the event the US administration failed to stop Iran.

Otaiba was quoted as saying that he "absolutely" wanted the US to use
force to halt Iran's nuclear program.

"Countries in the region view the Iran threat very differently," he
said. "I can only speak for the UAE, but talk of containment and
deterrence really concerns me and makes me very nervous. Iran doesn't
have nuclear power now but … what makes me think that once they have a
nuclear program, we are going to be able to be more successful in
containing them?"

He also said that Iran’s nuclear program posed a much bigger threat to
the UAE than to the USA. “You’re seven thousand miles away. It
threatens your assets and the peaceful process in the region, it may
disrupt the balance of forces, but it does not threat your existence,”
he added.

The remarks from the UAE’s high-ranking official sparked harsh
criticism in Teheran.

"I hope the government of the UAE will correct this viewpoint," said
Kazem Jalali, spokesman for the Iranian parliament's National Security
and Foreign Policy Committee.

Jalali also said that the Iranians may no longer travel to the United
Arab Emirates to avoid possible ill attitude on the part of the UEA
authorities. The money, which the Iranians spend during their visits to
the Emirates, helps the UAE endure the economic crisis, the official

Iran now intends to cut economic ties with the UAE. The head of the
Iranian Board of Trade stated Wednesday that the level of commercial
ties with the Emirates would be cut. The ties will be cut in response to
the UAE’s decision to execute the UN Security Council resolution about
the new sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

Last week, the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates ordered to
freeze 41 bank accounts of Iranian companies and natural persons in
order to implement the new sanctions against Iran. In June, the
financial authorities of Dubai informed the companies located in free
economic zones of the emirate about the need of taking precautionary
measures during operations with Iranian banks.

Economic sanctions do not scare Iran. The living standard in this
country has never been high. The Iranians can endure a lot, even if the
sanctions make their lives even worse.

Some “hotheads” in this nation may take UAE official’s remarks in
Washington as a reason for taking actions with unpredictable
consequences. US Senator Josef Lieberman also stated during his recent
visit to Israel that the US Congress was discussing an opportunity for
using military power against Iran to make the nation shut down the
nuclear program.

It is worthy of note that Prince Saud al-Faisal, the Foreign Secretary
of Saudi Arabia, shares the above-mentioned opinions expressed by Yousef
al-Otaiba. The sanctions were a long-term solution to the Iranian
nuclear dispute and Saudi Arabia country wanted an “immediate”
resolution, Faisal said during Hillary Clinton’s visit to Saudi

John Bolton, the former US Ambassador to the UN believes that Al-Otaiba
reflected the opinion of all leaders of Arab states in the Persian Gulf.

The United States has been increasing its military presence in the
Persian Gulf. Israeli submarines and missiles appeared in its waters as
well. The current state of affairs in the region reminds the possible
scenario of preparations to the so-called non-contact war, which NATO
conducted in Yugoslavia in 1999.

It is quite possible that the unprecedented remarks from the UAE
ambassador will start verbal artillery preparations to the real war in
the Gulf.

Ivan Tulyakov

Read the original in Russian

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