Friday, February 21, 2025
On terrorist rajavi planning washington dc action
Recently the oiac, an american proxy group of the terrorist rajavi, has announced an action for march 8 in washington dc
Note how rajavi's image is featured on this, and distorts facts, as rajavi practices oppression worse than that of jomhori mollah and america, has hijacked Iranian dissent that those dissidents not affiliated with Artesh in any form have become traitors for associating with rajavi's associates. Note the date as well, the anniversary of the start of the Russian revolution, which feminazi fuckups do their cunt day celebrations on, where they claim the special treatment they get is oppresion and use it to force their marxist bullshit on others. If any Iranian does plan to show up a tthis they better beat up these terrorist followers of rajavi.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
On reza pahlavi shut down at cpac
Today reza pahlavi was scheduled to speak at cpac, however it was shut down today
While reza pahlavi claimed the sudden illness of shahbanou farah caused the change
The truth is my Azadi Artesh Iran along with artesh units breached security in the washington dc area, and the cousin fucking jesus freak honky pigs running cpac could not guarantee safety, especially as it happened on the anniversary of what san antonio and bolden did to me in providence for defending Iran. Seeing as they are too stupid to realize reza pahlavi is a fraud it would be a great service if these cpac fucktards were eliminated.
Odd religious discrimination complaint from anne armstrong
Recently anne armstrong and alan gordon’s healing church has filed a complaint with the trump administration’s faith office alleging religious discrimination
I point out that the criminalization of religious worship and activities began in January 2003 when providence mayor sisiwiwi enacted those municipal statutes, it spread first statewide then nationwide, and the trump administration upheld it in December 2019 as my case demonstrated.
All the while anne and her associates did NOTHING, as their healing church is a bizarre christian sect, based on the evil teachings of jesus, who’s beliefs are to force others to become like them. While they complian about persecution from the government in rhode island, the trump administration is as much the problem, as is their own faith based on jesus, which discourages self reflection, demonstrated how they garble facts about persecution and corruption in rhode island and america I and others have articulated for decades.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
On the death of Shamou
I just learned that Shamou Amoui, who I knew and had the opportunity to jam with, died shortly before my birthday
Even though I had not heard from him in over a decade and had issues of my own at the time, his death was poorly reported, and a loss that could have been prevented.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
New image layout
I decided to add a new image, my name spelled out in Iranian Gold Pahlavi coins
A long overdue piece, and here is a little something to remind berge and the zobian who Mr Z is
Leonard Peltier finally FREE
Minutes ago Leonard Peltier finally arrived in North Dakota after a half century of wrongful imprisonment to reside with his fellow Indigenous peoples who's freedom he has fought for his life
I was in with one of Leonard's associates when at fort devens and as someone who is welcome to camp on Tribal lands and participate in their ceremonies I welcome Leonard Peltier's release and that of all those wrongfully held by the american government
Monday, February 17, 2025
On wiki issues with the Iranian Navy
I recently updated the info on wikimedia to reflect the new acquisitions and combat capabilities for Iran's Naval forces seen below
Note that wiki has issues with naming, prefixes, and asset control, though the irgc/sepah/pasardan are in the process of being folded into Artesh / Nedaja. I am also having issues verifying the operational status of IS Kurdistan 443, a sister ship of Is Makran 441 and IS Khuzestan 442. Proof that wiki still has issues disseminating facts.
Odd new carrier for portugal
Recently portugal is acquiring a bizarre drone carrier for it's navy, the nrp dom joao II, which the Dutch are building at the Damen facility in Galati Romania
This will be the smallest and most retarded drone carrier once completed, as it has little strike capability and is the size and smaller than most Frigates. More sign of how fucked up portugal has become with their military and government too busy going pombo in the pants.
On schonborn stepping down as kardinal Wien
Weeks ago christoph schonborn announced on his 80th birthday he is stepping down as cardinal for Wien, Osterreich due to health issues
Had benedict 16 not resigned schonborn would have become pope instead of thefagass bratzinger jorge-francis, and this is a sign of decay among the church, abrahamic faiths, and deutsche-european culture.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Zoroastrians maligned by new German coin
This year Munze Deutschland is doing a Silver coin for this year in it's christmas series titled "heilige drei konige" based on the three Zoroastrians who showed up at the birth of the false savior ushedar, commonly known as jesus
This coin perpetuates a false image of Zoroastrians, as those three were there to warn the World of that evil one known as jesus. I refuse to buy this and encourage others to boycott this and munze deustchland products for maligning Zarathustra thus. A shame how Germans are maligning Aryan heritage with this douche and shit. Der freunde lucifer ist jesu-zum teufel.
Friday, February 14, 2025
On recent chernobyl attack
Hours ago the remains of the chernobyl nuclear plant was breached in an unknown drone strike, as the Russian government verified seen below
Bear in mind that chernobyl is closer to Belarus than Russia, zelensky's regime is collapsing, and this is clearly a strike by a rogue faction. Expect more strikes like this around the World in the near future.
On my myspace recovered
I managed to find a copy of my myspace page which has been censored for over a decade see below
This was one of the most influential of my online pages and a pleasure too see it again, a testament to how censorship can be beaten and the truth can not be hidden forever.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Major new Iranian naval developments
In addition to the new Shahid Bagheri C 110-4 Drone Carrier the Iranian Navy now has the IS Khuzestan 442 Command/Aviation Cruiser/ Logistical Support Ship operational
In addition to the IS Sahand 74 FFG nearing completion of refit after the accident in July
and the IS Taftan FFG under construction
This shows that Iran's Navy and military industry are able to meet any challenger and dominate the region, including against further american and zionist aggression, though improvements could be made.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
On students sentenced for Free Palestine protest at dartmouth
Yesterday afternoon judge michael mace of 131 rowell hill rd new london sentenced Kevin Engel and Roan Wade for their Free Palestine protest at dartmouth college to 2o hours comunity service and a suspended fine, mainly at the insistence of dartmouth administration headed by sian beilock and keiselim montas of 214 hardy hill road lebanon
This is odd as the verdict was made in camera, their defense too hastily prepared, I and other supporters were informed of the odd sentencing time at the last minute, complicated by kira's half-assed defense. This also sets a dangerous precedent, as Engel and Wade are students and technically not trespassing, and the sentence so loaded they could be violated for anything, a real possibility for what beilock is planning in October. Also this will incite more violence like the kind dartmouth saw in October that got rid of kotz.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
On Abdullah II meeting with trump
This afternoon Abdullah II became the first monarch to meet with trump at the white house, and the Hashemite court released details before the white house considered it
Notice how vague Abdullah II is, saying he opposes trump's Gaza resettlement plan, yet otherwise agreeing on keeping peace and security in the region but not saying how it will happen. Notice this occurred on the anniversary of khomeinei/rajavi seizing power in Iran, and the Hashemite stance on this issue is vague as well.
Odd anti-DOGE order from rhode island
Earlier this week judge john mcconnell of 67 longview dr cranston issued a ruling against trump's DOGE program
which came after a violent mob of drug addicts, pedophiles, and degenerate thugs showed up at mcconnell's courthouse in providence, incited and covered by peeny-boy ahlquist
Everything about this screams judicial intimidation and tampering, as ahlquist is fagbuddies with some of mcconnell's classmates at shit u, and is fagbuddies with the rhode island attorney general, which explains why this is allowed to happen in that shithole. I was overdemonized for constantly standing up to this corruption, which put trump out the first time along with a bunch of government employees, and it amazes me nothing is being done about this.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Abdullah II boston visit snub
This afternoon Abdullah II of Jordan met in boston with political, academic, and business leaders
This gives concern to his dealings and state of mind as he prepares to meet with chump at the white house tomorrow where matters on Iran and Palestine will be discussed.
On new Iranian drone carrier shahid bagheri
Days ago the new Shahid Bagheri C-110-4 was made operational near Bandar Abbas
This new warship is an improvement on the IS Makran 441, yet carries drones due to dolat/jomhori mollah neglecting aircraft production for Artesh, and is under control of irgc/pasardan/sepah, showing more malignment of Nedaja. It is also named after a relative of shiva bagheri, who I and trump know very well, to further show the weakness of america, zionists, and those who menace Iran.
On zarif compromising Iranian security
A recent image from Artesh /Vezerat Defa shows zarif with pezeshkian and nasirzadeh at a defense expo
I have shown for two decades how zarif has created security breaches, and pezeshkian creating a government position for this qaem susk will allow more. Artesh is better off executing traitors like zarif to prevent further breaches.
Sunday, February 09, 2025
Odd reza pahlavi tribute to aga khan 4
Hours reza pahlavi issued a condolence on the death of aga khan 4 seen below
This shows the abyssimal stupidity of reza pahlavi, as aga khan 4 embodied all wrong with Mazendaran, Iran, and islam, and no Royals in the World, including Shahbanou Farah, mourned aga khan 4. More reason to get rid of reza pahlavi.
On evil faith office established by trump
Recently trump established a white house faith office
This is illegal as it forces religion on others and will only incite religious violence, as trump's just us dpt upheld the criminalization of free worship in December 2019.
Odd Afrikaner act by trump
Recently trump made an odd executive order on the Afrikaners of South Africa seen below
This is illegal and done simply in retaliation for South Africa backing Palestine, Also Afrikaners are indigenous to the Netherlands and Germany and trump has not consulted and has angered those countries by this act.
Friday, February 07, 2025
On bizarre aga khan 4 funeral
The funeral for aga khan 4 is to begin tomorrow and take place in portugal and egypt, more details below
Note it is by invitation only, as they realize that the aga khan is simply a terrorist grifter that embodies all that is wrong with islam and abrahamic faiths, and it should be disrupted, as someone like the aga khan belongs in a toilet.
Thursday, February 06, 2025
GOOD RIDDANCE aga khan 4
This week aga khan 4, the head of ismali / nizari islam and the World's oldest terror sect, died in lisbon
This fucker represented all that is wrong with islam and the abrahamic faith, as my Gilanshahi ancestors allied with the Mongols to exterminate the ismali hashishishm terror sect in Mazendaran, and only revived by extorting Mohammed Shah in the 1830's, and how anyone could follow these parasites is beyond me. GOOD RIDDANCE
On trump forcing christianity on america
Today trump issued an executive order forcing christianity on america under the guise of fighting christian persecution seen below
The truth is trump upheld the criminalization of free worship in December 2019 starting with Zoroastrians, and christians persecute ALL who are of different faiths, as the basic teaching of jesus and abraham is to control others, force their way on and exploit all who are different, as such christians are prosecuted for their forcing their ways on others. Additionally, this act is unconstitutional and violates ALL freedom of worship statutes Worldwide, and ALL must resist this by refusing to deal with ALL christians, a faith that must be exterminated as they have exterminated others.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025
On terrorist rajavi behind trump's new threats to Iran
The terrorist rajavi's pmo/mek has just announced they have helped plan and endorse trump's new threats to Iran made hours ago
I remind people the pmo/mek helped create these problems for Iran over a half century ago, and are led by qajar who ruined Iran. This shows the trump administration has been compromised, and it must be eliminated before the World is destroyed by rajavi's bullshit.
Tuesday, February 04, 2025
On new threats to Iran from trump
Minutes ago trump published fresh threats claiming he will stop Iran from having nuclear weapons and ICBM's
fully explained below
I remind the World Artesh Iran has nuclear weapons and ICBM's, nobody will take them from us or prevent us from defending ourselves, and trump's just us dpt started this war by illegally charging and detaining me on 30 December 2019. If he tries to stop us at best we will permanently break the american military, at worst we will detonate Damavand and destroy the planet. If he doubts our capability recall when I beat up his cousin tommy in November in waltham
Odd Iranian military twitter acts
Recently the main twitter feed for Artesh Iran began following ayatollah khamenei's hebrew twitter page, among the few it follows
That is odd in itself as they follow khamenei's main twitter feed, and khamanei's recent hebrew posts are cause for Artesh to remove him and seize power, meaning either the twitter feed for Artesh is compromised or their leadership structure is. Either way a military liability for Iran.
Friday, January 31, 2025
Pro-Palestinian vandalism at columbia
This week pro-Palestinian students and community members associated with Columbia University Apartheid Divest vandalized columbia, as images from their post below demonstrate
This was partly inspired by similar vandalism at dartmouth in October which helped get rid of provost kotz, the evil genius behind the pig violence at the 1 May protest there. This is proof that militant action works, is necessary, and that trash eating marxist wimps who fake Solidarity, along with repressive zionist jew backed institutions, are part of the problem.
The evil anti-semitsm order from trump
This week trump issued an executive order to combat anti-semitism under the false pretext that jews face discrimination while ignoring the criminal nature of judaism
This is based on lies and targets people standing up to jewish crime and allows jewish criminal behavior to run rampant. At present anyone who even discusses judaism is considered threatening, and anyone who exposes jewish lies is defamed. Notice the use of the term anti-semitic, based on lies, as out of the 425 million semites Worldwide 2.5 million of them are jewish. I and my family who came to america 100 years ago can personally attest to this as we lived around khazar ashkenasim jews who told us Iran was a fairy tale, and such lies continue to be accepted as fact. This order is incitement to violence and will guarantee a second shoah/holocaust.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
On facts on american military discrimination and trump
Recently trump issued a fact sheet regarding discrimination and the american military
Notice it says NOTHING about religious discrimination, for while prohibited by the Constitution and International law, the american government and military DOES discriminate against my fellow Zoroastrians and others with similar worship practices, as I learned the hard way in December 2019, so we can expect further discrimination and brutality involving the american military and more conflicts.
On idf israel map
Some cunts serving in the idf sent me this
This is part of the eretz israel plan based on distorted facts, as abraham was expelled from Larak / Ur / Mesopotamia, and most places, and the circled area is around the area where the Nephilim descended, where the idf facility was taken out by my Artesh on 13 April 2024. Bear in mind the jewish Semites only number 2,500,000 and the remaining jews are NOT indigenous to any territory claimed by israel. Typical jew lies.
Facts on american funding halts
This week the trump administration issued an order halting funding to programs deemed wasteful and harmful clarified below form the white house
It was challenged by several state attorney generals, most notably pete neronha of rhode island as shared by his fagbuddy steve ahlquist
The corruption and abuses in rhode island advocated by ahlquist and allowed by neronha are a major factor for that funding halt, as many of those mental health, addiction, health and community programs have allowed torture and abuse to floursh in that state and spread nationwide, a major reason for america being hated and in conflict. Consider also how neronha like sisiwiwi has allowed ahlquist and his pervert pals to run amok including allowing pedophilia
Time to rumble folks.
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