Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Zendran trial; major update

This morning I appeared in Providence Municipal Court for my Trial. Atmy trial several odd things occured. First, the people called in aswitnesses were unable to attend. During the proceedings it was broughtup that my case currently in RI Superior court may involve the sameincidents. When informed of this I explained to Judge Graziano that Iwas not informed of this and that the only document I had recieved inregards to that case was the complaint charging me with an incidentwhich allegedly occured on October 3, 2006, and that I had recieved noother copies of witness statements or any other documentation in regardsto that case. Judge Graziano accepted my Motion to recieve copies ofthose documents. I also had the chance to present the documentstion inregards to the dispute over the Trust created by my Grandmother for mybenefit which I should have recieved funds from but in fact haverecieved nothing from, as well as contact info from people who hadattempted to assist me in regards to this and info regarding pasttreatment for emotional distress in 1996-8 the dispute had caused me. After reviewing the documentation Judge Graziano stated the Turst wasvalid, that I had recieved bad legal referrals, and agreed to set acontinuation until April 18, 2007, to determine the exact nature of thecharges against me to make sure I am not recieving double jeopardy as aresult. Needless to say, I will continue to fight this.
Peter Zendran

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