Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More watson/shit u oddness going around.

Recently more oddness has been going on around watson/shit u, and not just their pigs staring at me giving everyone there the finger whenever I go by.
1. Recently greg chafee, linc chafee's brother and wacri president, has begun listing wacri events on the watson institute's website. Only thing is those events are NOT open to the public, rather they are restricted to elitsists. My membership with wacri was terminated after I flashbacked when put in the room with brown administration who caused the legal problems I had and the hope club complained, however those of my contacts there who knew my situation refunded my memberhsip. This also creates a conflict as linc chafee went out of his brown contract early, so something is up. Contact greg at gregchafeewacri@gmail.com or call (401) 228-8657 to find out more about these elitists.
2. Recently salman rushdie returned to brown, this time they dropped the pig squad, why is anyone's guess as they've been all over campus at places where there are no problems.
3. Reently the Midle East studies dpt has been packed with zionists including omer bartov, martha joukowsky, nina tannenwald by that tramp cammett a far cry when I was there, and are focusing on irrelevant topics. Mosst concerning is bartov, whose "research" nas taken him into areas where my family has been and thus put him in a position to snoop on myself.
4. Recently lucnida waston has become involved with sarah lawrence college. The family that created sarah lawrence college are part owners with me at kensico cemetary, I wonder if lucinda or the fucks at watson/brown are aware of it?
Peter Z

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