Thursday, September 30, 2010

Odd actions by chafee

Recently I have experienced oddness from the linc chafee team. Yesterday I received notice that linc chafee was following me on twitter, below is what I got in my inbox
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 3:09 PM
From: "Twitter"
Subject: Lincoln Chafee is now following you on Twitter!

Lincoln Chafee (@LincolnChafee) is now following your tweets (@peterzendran) on Twitter.
Lincoln Chafee
Rhode Island
Bio Trust Chafee.
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This came the day after I sent an e-mail to linc’s brother greg, who I know from the world affairs council RI/hope club, as he is president of wacri, asking him why I continue to receive wac mailings one year after my membership had been terminated. Essentially, my membership with wacri was cut after an outburst at having to be put in the same room with the person who directed me to the bupd hq on April 14, 2008, a catherine hanni, who I learned was a board member of wacri, and had I know that beforehand I never would have been involved with them. That is one example of linc’s cronyism. While Buddy Cianci has called out linc for his goldman sucks ties through brown most people forget about linc’s cfr cronies who he and I dealt with while we were both at watson. Notice how people ignore the fact that he was let out of his contract with brown/watson so he could run for governor but dick holbrooke was allowed to remain a professor at large while campaigning for the dyke clinton and while doing dirty work for that same dyke in Iran/Afghanistan/Pakistan once she became secretary of state. While linc followed me out of salomon in October 2007 after I made a jackass out if dick during his lecture there linc certainly went silent during my legal dealings with brown. Then again, seeing how many of his finaicial backers in RI are cronies of that bank, washington trust, it is not surprising that linc is chicken to go against the tide against his own cash cronies.
And as usual NOBODY has taken up my offers to share documents, be it the wac mailings I received or in regards to linc’s cronies, or the cronies of any other candidate. Apparently most people out here are afraid to put their money where their mouth is.

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