Sunday, December 05, 2010

More on wikimedia discredibility

Below is the exact text of an e-mail from norman pearlstine's people in
regards to comments he made on September 19, 2007 about
wikipedia/wikimedia sources not being credible. Notice what is most
interesting is how he is afraid to be quoted on this, and if
sources are not credible why is he afraid to be quoted? This certainly
gives substance to rumors that wikimedia, including wikileaks, are not
the independent info sources people are lead to believe.

Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 2:42 PM
From: "Fasulo, Miranda"
To: "Peter Khan Zendran"
Subject: RE: For Norman Pearlstine, please send to him.

Dear Peter,
Mr. Pearlstine's office phoned and said that they would prefer that he
not be quoted.

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Khan Zendran []
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 9:30 PM
Subject: For Norman Pearlstine, please send to him.

I had asked earlier today about contacting Norman Pearlstine.
The reason is to quote what he said at his lecture on 9/19 aduring the
q&a session of his lecture about wikipedia not being a credible source
of information. I checked the video archive of his lecture and saw the
q&a session was edited out. Recently, I have experienced identity theft
and slander on wikipedia and wikimapia and have been speaking out
against both wikipedia and wikimapia, as they encourage this behavior.
Not only do I wish to quote Mr. Pearlstine on what he said, as his words
lend weight to this argument, but also show him and anyone else at
Watson firsthand evidence of discredible actions, including false info
and slander, on wikipedia and wikimapia.
Peter Khan Zendran

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