Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Royal pains for the Libyan, Iranian, and other Arab riots

With all the focus on the conflict in the Muslim World people are forgetting some of the key players. In regards to the Libyan situation one key player who has been making a lot of noise is Prince Muhammad, the head of the Senussi dynasty which Qaddafi overthrew in 1969. While Prince Muhammad has been active in attending anti-Qaddafi events in the uk where he lives he has made no effort to return to Libya, in particular to Benghazi where the Senussis are originally from and where his presence could change the situation dramatically.
One other story not being reported is the fact that many of the anti-Qaddafi forces have been attacking ethnic minorities and reporting them as attacks against Qaddafi's forces, I must thank Workers World for bringing this to light where others ignore it, as for once we are in agreement. Interestingly enough they fail to mention that King Abdullah II of Jordan used similar tactics that Qaddafi used initially, that is meeting with political opponents and isolating those inciting riots, yet this is ignored as well.
Speaking of old enemies of mine reza pahlavi has been issuing an open call to attack Iran on his facebok page, but has been too cowardly to put it anywhere else on his site, I have included it here along with other news stories linked here. Apparently with mousavi and karroubi wiped out of action reza pahlavi is showing his true colors and trying to seize control of a faltering movement.
This is just the latest in his bizarre acts. Recently he pulled the facebook page created in memory of Prince Ali-Reza, has been silent about the death of Princess Azadeh, and has not criticized prince william and kate for not rescheduling their wedding, which is occuring on what would have been Prince Ali-Reza's 45th birthday. Right now reza pahlavi has been so obsessed with creating riots that he has forgot how to govern.
Interestingly enough when meeting with hayal alavi earlier this month she admitted that the american government has been behind the riots in Libya, Egypt, and Iran's green movement from the getgo, but the government will not admit it openly.
Speaking of military matters the Algerians have been hitting my Naval Images pages more often. This may seem trivial, but when one considers that Algeria has a sizeable Navy to go with it's military, and that mass riots could erupt there any day like they did in Libya, Egypt, and Yemen one must consider that any potential rioters would want to know what they're up against.
If one doubts this check the links and text below.

Libya's 'crown prince' makes appeal
Muhammad al-Senussi calls for the international community to help remove Muammar Gaddafi from power.
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2011 17:22 GMT
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Muhammad al-Senussi, who would be Libya’s crown prince if the country still had a monarchy, has spoken out about the ongoing violence in the country from London.

Libya was a monarchy until Muammar Gaddafi took power in a military coup in 1969 and the exiled King Idris has long since died.

In this interview with Al Jazeera's Barnaby Phillips, al-Senussi asks the international community to help remove Gaddafi from power and stop the ongoing "massacre".

Libya’s Crown Prince Says Protesters Will Defy ‘Brutal Forces’
By Vivian Salama - Feb 22, 2011

Muhammad bin Sayyid Hassan as- Senussi, who would be Libya’s crown prince if the country still had a monarchy, said the people who were “killed by the brutal forces” of President Muammar Qaddafi are “heroes” and that their struggle will soon be victorious.

Qadaffi’s “fight to stay in power will not last long, because of the desire for freedom by the Libyan people,” Senussi, whose great-uncle King Idris was overthrown by Qaddafi in 1969, said in an e-mailed statement from London today. He called upon the international community “to halt all support for the dictator with immediate effect.”

Qaddafi’s crackdown on a week-long uprising, inspired by protests that overthrew the leaders of Tunisia and Egypt, has left more than 200 dead as regime supporters fired on demonstrators in Tripoli, according to Human Rights Watch. Libya’s royal family, which was for a period held under house arrest by Qaddafi, emigrated to the U.K. in 1988, according to the statement.

“I send my condolences for the heroes who have laid down their lives, killed by the brutal forces of Qaddafi,” the 48- year-old Senussi said. “The Libyan people have now chosen to challenge this regime peacefully until it is gone from Libya, and the people will not return to their homes until justice is delivered.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Vivian Salama in Cairo at vsalama@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Andrew J. Barden at barden@bloomberg.net

Behind the demonizing of Gadhafi
Published Mar 2, 2011 4:50 PM

Africa continues to be the most underdeveloped continent, despite having the world’s most abundant mineral wealth.

The United States in 1847 created Liberia as a place to send freed African-American slaves. Eventually it became the biggest rubber plantation in the world. In the late 19th century, most of the rest of Africa was carved up by the European colonial powers, including Germany, Britian, Portugal, Spain, Italy, France and Belgium. By the time of World War I, Africa was nothing more than a gigantic plantation, with hundreds of millions of African peoples made into virtual slaves and their resources ripped off to help enrich European and U.S. capitalists.

After World War II, anti-colonial struggles spread like wildfire throughout Africa, bringing forth dynamic African leaders at the head of campaigns for independence and sovereignty from their former colonial oppressors. These heroic leaders included Patrice Lumumba, Amilcar Cabral, Samora Machel and Kwame Nkrumah.

Libya had been an Italian colony until Italy’s defeat in World War II. After the war, the U.S. and Britain set up a monarchy in Libya under King Idris I. Moammar al-Gadhafi was a military officer when he led a coup in 1969 against the monarchy. This led to the nationalization of Libya’s oil and social gains for the Libyan people.

In recent years, however, U.S. sanctions and military aggression against the Gadhafi regime led the government to make concessions and agree to austerity measures demanded by imperialist banks, all of which fueled unrest in the population.

On top of this growing imperialist intervention and pressure, the capitalist media are carrying out a vicious, vindictive campaign against Gadhafi, characterizing him in demonizing, racist terms like “mad dog.” Such terms are never used to describe former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak or other U.S. puppets in the Arab world, from Saudi Arabia to Jordan to Bahrain.

The U.S. has imposed sanctions on President Gadhafi and his family’s bank accounts; by contrast, the U.S. did not impose similar sanctions on Mubarak and his reported $70 billion in bank accounts. While President Barack Obama has publicly called for Gadhafi to step down from office, he treated Mubarak with kid gloves before the resolve of the Egyptian masses forced Mubarak to leave office.

The racist, hostile treatment of Gadhafi is not an isolated example. Another African leader who has been demonized in a comparable manner is Robert Mugabe, president of Zimbabwe. Unlike Gadhafi, Mugabe has been the leader of a national liberation movement, ZANU-PF. Mugabe forced Britain, the colonial oppressor, to the bargaining table in 1979 to work out an agreement in which Britain would subsidize the giving back to African war veterans of millions of acres of land stolen by white farmers. But Britain didn’t live up to the agreement. When Mugabe kept his promise to these freedom fighters by seizing the land, the U.S. and British governments in 2000 imposed genocidal sanctions on the Zimbabwean economy and also sought to isolate Mugabe with a prolonged character assassination. They called him a “tyrant” and “despot” and accused him of starving his people — when the real culprits were “structural adjustment” measures imposed by the IMF, along with periods of severe drought.

The Western imperialists have also made every effort to demonize President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan while funding secessionist movements in the oil-rich South and West of the country, imposing sanctions and bringing criminal charges against him in the International Criminal Court.

It is the right of any oppressed people to oppose and organize against their leaders if basic needs and rights are not being met. It is not the right of imperialist governments to manipulate, exploit and outright intervene in the internal affairs of another country while personally and politically demonizing their leaders. This is a violation of the basic right to self-determination.

There have been reports from news sources, including Al Jazeera, that low-waged migrants from Chad, Niger and other sub-Saharan African countries working in Libya have been physically attacked and accused of being “mercenaries” hired by Gadhafi. These attacks are being carried out by anti-Gadhafi forces who are receiving backing from the West.

The imperialists don’t care about any suffering of the Libyan people but will do what they deem in their interests to gain control of the oil that Libya possesses. The people of Libya don’t need imperialist intervention; they need and deserve reparations from imperialist banks and governments that have held back real economic development and political independence on a continent that has been severely abused for centuries, beginning with the devastating slave trade.

It is imperative that the progressive movement in the U.S. take up the clarion call of getting imperialism off the backs of the African people by intensifying the class struggle here. This is what real solidarity is all about.
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Sunday, March 6 at 1:00pm - May 31 at 4:00pm
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هواداران شاهزاده رضا پهلوی, Persia Press
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