Thursday, May 05, 2011

Some Pakistani military news not being reported

With all the fuss over bin Laden's killing in Pakistan near the Pakistani military academy people forget that this is only the latest in a series of incidents going back years. Below is a more recent example.
Currently there are Pakistani Naval personell on Mayport, FL as the us navy recently sold the ex-USS McInerny FFG-8 to Pakistan as the PNS Alamgir. What the Pakistani Military forgot is thaty the ex-FFG-8 is the second of the Oliver Hazard Perry class, a class notorious for structural and combat peoblems. The infamous USS Stark FFG-31 and USS Samuel B Roberts FFG-58 were of this class and were easily taken out. The australian navy is phasing out those FFG's of that clas it operates after the hmas adelaide was successfully detained by 5 Iranian Fath class Fast Attack Craft in December 2004. Spain is phasing out the 6 OHP FFG's it operates as well, as are Turkey and Taiwan, as Turkey is favoring the Meko design and Taiwan the LaFayette design. Only america, Egypt, and Bahrain continue to operate OHP FFG's.
How the Pakistani navy can make this screwup is beyond me, but it makes one wonder why they did it in the first place to endanger their troops like this.
Peter Khan Zendran
Frigate, Pier Damaged At Drydock

POSTED: Friday, January 21, 2011
UPDATED: 2:46 pm EST January 21, 2011
PNS Alamgir damaged in drydock
The PNS Alamgir and the drydock it was in were damaged while testing the ship's engines Friday morning.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A Navy guided missile frigate that was sold to the Pakistani navy earlier this year was damaged on Friday morning, along with the pier of a Northside shipyard where the ship is undergoing repairs.

The USS McInerny was transferred in August and renamed the PNS Alamgir. It was at BAE Drydock -- formerly Atlantic Drydock -- in the 8500 block of Heckscher Drive for renovations before it was to steam for Pakistan next week.

The U.S. Coast Guard said the ship's engines were being tested when it lurched forward, slamming into the pier causing heavy damage to the pier and the bow of the ship.

There was no oil or fuel spill, but the hull was crumpled.

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