Thursday, December 06, 2012

MIT prof for new watson boss

If this pans out, this will be the 6th director watson has had since I left, and locke will essentially be taking a career killing move.
Course 17 head, Sloan dean to leave MIT Richard Locke PhD ’89 to direct international studies institute at Brown By Anne Cai NEWS EDITOR December 4, 2012 Richard M. Locke PhD ’89, deputy dean of MIT Sloan School of Management and head of the Department of Political Science, will become the director of Brown University’s Thomas J. Watson Institute for International Studies in July 2013, Brown announced last Wednesday. “This was a difficult decision since I am so attached to MIT,” wrote Locke in an email to the political science department yesterday morning. “But after nearly 24 years on the faculty (and five and a half years as a graduate student before then), I feel that it is time to try new things in a new place. The Watson Institute provides me with the right mix of challenge and opportunity that I am looking for in this next phase of my professional life.” Appointed after an “international search,” according to Brown University, Locke will be stepping down as deputy dean of Sloan and head of the political science department on June 30, 2013. “Richard Locke is a collaborative academic leader whose distinguished scholarly career, focused on issues of global importance that are well-aligned with [the Watson Institute’s] mission, make him particularly well-suited to the Watson directorship,” said Brown President Christina Paxson, who chaired the search, in a statement to Brown News and Communications. “His commitment to advancing teaching and research on issues of international importance will enhance [the Watson Institute’s] reach as a center of relevant scholarly activity.” Locke graduated from MIT with a PhD in political science concentrating in political economy in 1989, and first joined the MIT faculty as an assistant professor of international management in 1988. He has remained at MIT since then. Locke and fellow Sloan colleagues developed the Laboratory for Sustainable Business (S-lab). Locke also pioneered the Global Entrepreneurship Laboratory (G-lab) that places students “in internships with startups in an array of companies in various emerging markets,” for which he was awarded the MIT Class of 1960 Teaching Innovation Award in 2007 and the Jamieson Prize for Excellence in Teaching in 2008, according to his faculty profile. In addition to his contributions to graduate education, Locke has taught the undergraduate class Introduction to Public Policy in the past and is currently teaching Building a Better World.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Secession movement growing in america

Having been a supporter of the Second Vermont Republic movement since 2005 and one of the signers of the petition for Vermont to secede and become an independent nation, I am glad to see that more American citizens are taking this step against a government which has abused them too many times.  After all this has happened in every other country and America has no excuse for this happening to it.  I am also including the full text of the Vermont Secession resolution passed on October 28, 2005 with this as well.

This is WND printer-friendly version of the article which follows.
To view this item online, visit


Now many states want to secede from U.S.

Movement started day after election spreading like wildfire

Drew Zahn is a former pastor who cut his editing teeth as a member of the award-winning staff of Leadership, Christianity Today's professional journal for church leaders. He is the editor of seven books, including Movie-Based Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching, which sparked his ongoing love affair with film and his weekly WND column, "Popcorn and a (world)view."
a declaration
Since WND first reported that residents in the state of Louisiana were petitioning to secede from the U.S., residents in over 30 more states have filed requests with the White House to peaceably break from the union.
Furthermore, the Louisiana petition has topped 27,000 signatures, exceeding the threshold needed after which the White House has pledged to respond.
And for Texas, one of the new states to join the fray, the signature count now tops 60,000.
The White House’s We the People website explains that once a petition reaches 25,000 signatures, it will be placed on a queue for response from the administration. The website also maintains a page for previous petitions that have received a White House response.
Joining Louisiana now are Alaska, Utah, Wyoming, California, Delaware, Nevada, Kansas, Ohio, South Dakota, West Virginia, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Oklahoma, Arkansas, South Carolina, Georgia, Missouri, Tennessee, Michigan, New York, Colorado, Oregon, New Jersey, North Dakota, Montana, Indiana, Mississippi, Kentucky, Florida, North Carolina, Alabama and Texas.
The Louisiana petition, which has served as a pattern for  many of the new states, reads as follows: “We petition the Obama administration to: Peacefully grant the State of Louisiana to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government.”
It continues, “As the Founding Fathers of the United States of America made clear in the Declaration of Independence in 1776: ‘When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.’”
The petition concludes with a further quote from the Declaration of Independence: “‘Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute new Government.’”
Screen capture of White House petition page for Louisiana secession
Residents of other states, however, have chosen different wording.
The Texas petition explains itself this way: “The U.S. continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government’s neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending. The citizens of the U.S. suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, the TSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect it’s citizens’ standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of our Founding Fathers, which are no longer being reflected by the federal government.”
A petitioner from Tillamook, Ore., identified by the site as Kristopher W, worded his state’s petition this way: “Allow Oregon to vote on and leave the union peacefully and remain an ally to the nation.”
He continues, “With the federal government increasing it’s size much larger than our Founding Father’s intended, and it’s abuse of power trumping over the rights of state constitutions, and the forcing of unconstitutional laws over it’s own citizens, the people of Oregon would like the chance to vote on leaving the Union immediately. The federal government has imposed policies on Oregon that are not in Oregon’s best interests, and we as citizens would respectively and peaceably separate ourselves from a tyrannical government who cares nothing about creating a sustainable future for our children. At any time that the citizens of Oregon [should feel] the federal government was no longer imposing on the Constitution, we could re-vote to again join the union under a new agreement.”
As WND reported, the first of the petitions was filed the day after the 2012 election by Michael E. (full last name not provided) of Slidell, La.
The White House created the “We the People” petition site ostensibly as a way of giving all Americans “a way to engage their government on the issues that matter to them.”
“The right to petition your government is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution,” the page reads. “We the People provides a new way to petition the Obama Administration to take action on a range of important issues facing our country. We created We the People because we want to hear from you. If a petition gets enough support, White House staff will review it, ensure it’s sent to the appropriate policy experts, and issue an official response.”
The page also explains, “You have just 30 days to get 25,000 signatures in order to get a response from the White House.”
Once the White House does draft a response, it has pledged to send it via email to everyone who has signed the petition (registration on the site with a valid email address is required to sign petitions).
To view or even sign one of the petitions, click here.
Here is the text of the Vermont Secession resolution of 2005 with a link to the Second Vermont Republic movement.

Historic Vermont Meeting in State Capital  Passes Resolution to Secede from the U.S.

              The members of a peaceful freedom-fighting
              group want no part of neo-cons running the
              imperialistic U.S. government. Plan to secede
              from the U.S. gaining momentum in the fiercely
              independent Green Mountain state.

              2 Nov 2005

              By Greg Szymanski

              The neo-con band of criminals running
              Washington, trampling on civil rights at home
              and invading countries at will overseas, has
              led a large group of strong-minded Vermont
              freedom-fighters with no choice but to secede
              from the United States.

              And last Friday at the state capital building
              in Montpelier, a historic independence
              convention was held, the first of its kind in
              the United States since May 20, 1861, when
              South Carolina decided to leave the Union.

              A packed House Chamber in the Vermont
              statehouse, with more than 400 gathered,
              started the daylong secession convention with
              a speech by keynote James Howard Kunstler,
              author of The Long Emergency, and ended with a
              resolution passed to secede from the United

              Most people think of secession as impossible
              if not treasonous, but the concept is deeply
              rooted in the Declaration of Independence,
              reminding us that “Whenever any form of
              government becomes destructive, it is the
              Right of the People to alter or abolish it and
              to institute new government.

              And with the neo-con takeover of Washington,
              including all its branches of government
             transforming America into a one-party
              dictatorship, that’s exactly what the
             resolution passed in Vermont seeks to do by
              members of grassroots movement growing in
              numbers daily.

              Although the resolution is the first step in
              the long process that needs support from the
              state legislators – as well as an officially
              recognized convention - the grass roots group
              called the Second Vermont Republic passed the
              following citizen’s resolution:

              “Be it resolved that the state of Vermont
              peacefully and democratically free itself from
              the United States of America and return to its
              natural status as an independent republic as
              it was between January 15, 1777 and March 4,

              Even though critics give the secession group
              a snowball’s chance in hell,’ organizers are
              firmly convinced in the present-day tyrannical
              political climate secession will not only
              succeed but will prosper.

              ‘This could only happen in Vermont where
              people are still fiercely independent and fed
              up with the course the American government is
              taking,” said Thomas Naylor, the head of the
              group calling itself the Second Republic of
              Vermont. “We have a lot going for us and if
              you think about it, we have a lot in common
              with Poland’s Solidarity movement, who many
              said would never succeed.

              “But Poland did get its freedom, mainly
              because it was a country liked around the
             world, sort of like how people in America feel
              about Vermont.  When people think of Vermont,
              they have a warm and fuzzy feeling, an image
              of black and white Holstein cows and beautiful
             scenery. I can also tell you there is now
              closet support in the legislature now and we
              are serious about getting the support needed
              to secede from the United States.

              Naylor, a former Duke University economics
              professor, said from his Vermont home this
              week that statewide independence is really a
              euphemism for secession, adding Vermont also
              will seek to join the group of Unrepresented
              Nations similar to the Lakota Indians and
              other international indigenous people.

              “Secession is one of the most politically
              charged words in America, thanks to Abraham
              Lincoln,” said Naylor, adding he had been
              writing about secession for the better part of
              10 years but the movement picked up tremendous
              steam after 9/11. “Secession really combines a
              radical act of rebellion grounded in fear and
              anger with a positive vision for the future.

              “It represents an act of faith that the new
              will be better than the old. The decision to
              secede necessarily involves a very personal,
              painful four-step decision process. It first
              involves denunciation that the United States
              has lost its moral authority and is
              unsustainable, ungovernable and unfixable.
              Second, there is disengagement or admitting ‘I
              don’t want to go down with the Titanic. Third,
              there is demystification that secession really
              is a viable option constitutionally,
              politically and economically. And finally,
              defiance, saying ‘I personally want to help
              take Vermont back from big business, big
              markets and big government and I want to do so

              What started out as Naylor’s little fantasy to
              have an independent country made up of
              Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, has already
              grown from a small group of 36 several years
              ago to a packed House Chamber in the state’s
              capital. Claiming to have a membership of 160
              as of last April, Naylor said the numbers have
              doubled or even tripled.

              “”I’m getting calls from all over the country
              supporting our movement,” said Naylor.
              “Although there are more than 20 states with
              some kind of secession movement, Alaska and
              Hawaii being the best examples, I think
              Vermont really has the best chance at
              succeeding at seceding.

              Besides holding the Vermont independence
              convention in Montpelier, the smallest state
              capital city in the United States, it also has
              the reputation as being the most fiercely
              independent and anti- big business, being the
              only one not allowing a McDonald’s in the
              entire country.

              “First and foremost, we want out of the United
              States.  It’s not just an anti-Bush statement
              and if Kerry was elected, we still would have
              wanted out,” said Naylor. “The reality is that
              we have a one party system in this country,
             called the Republican party, that is owned and
              operated and controlled by corporate America.
              So it’s not just a Bush protest, but a protest
              against the Empire.

              Although many critics have said the mighty
              U.S. would not stand for Vermont’s secession,
              Naylor as will as others disagree, including
              Jim Hogue, a talk show host on Vermont Public

              “There’s nothing they would want here. There’s
              no oil, just mountains. We’re just not
              important enough. We’re funny, we’re small and
              we’re peaceful,” said Hogue several months ago
              in an article in the Montreal Gazette.

              With most Vermont politicians, including the
              Congressional delegation, ignoring the
              grassroots secession movement or just laughing
              it off as good theatre, Vermont’s Lt. Gov.,
              Brian Dubie, has weighed in on the issue,
              giving it a certain amount of merit but
              stopping short of outright support.

              “I really salute their energy and passion,” he
              said in a local press interview. “we have an
              obligation to think of what is in our best
              interest as a state and for the people of out
              state, even as we approach federal and
              national issues.

              Besides Naylor and Kuntsler, others who spoke
              at the Oct. 28 independence convention
              included Professor Frank Bryan of the
              University of Vermont; Kirkpatrick Sale,
              author of Human Scale; J. Kevin Graffagnino,
              executive director of theVermont Historical
              Society; Professor Eric Davis, Middlebury
              College; Shay Totten, editor of the Vermont
              Guardian; and Dr. Rob Williams of Champlain

Friday, November 09, 2012

Iran repulses american drone

This action by Iran's Air Force is a clear warning that any invasion will be repulsed. People should also note the fighters involved, the SU-25 is more capable than most nato fighters, and one was used to kill the chechen leader dudayev in 1995, as the SU-25 has the ability to listen in on mobile phone conversations.

News - English News numbre: 9107118018 2012-11-09 - 18:15 Iran Confirms Engagement with US Drone TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi on Friday confirmed reports about Iran's confrontation with an enemy aircraft in the airspace over the Persian Gulf, saying that the aircraft was shooed away by Iranian fighter jets. "Last week an unidentified aircraft entered the airspace over Iran's territorial waters in the Persian Gulf, which was forced to flee due to the prompt, smart and decisive action of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Armed forces," Vahidi said in a statement released by the Iranian Defense Ministry on Friday. He stressed that the incident and similar events in the past all indicate that "the Islamic Republic of Iran is vigilantly and precisely monitoring all moves and provides decisive, necessary and prompt response with efficient power" to any hostile move. The Iranian defense minister further stated that Iran is pursuing the case at relevant international bodies using all available capacities. On Thursday the Pentagon reported that Iranian fighter jets had opened fire on a US drone over the Persian Gulf on November 1, but did not hit the aircraft. According to the timeline provided by the Pentagon, two Iranian SU-25 "Frogfoot" aircraft intercepted the American drone at about 4:50 a.m. EST (0850 GMT) as it conducted a classified mission over Persian Gulf waters about 16 nautical miles off the Iranian coast. In response, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces for Cultural Affairs and Defense Publicity Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri told FNA that the Iranian Armed Forces repel any aggression against the country "The defenders of the Islamic Republic of Iran give decisive response to any aerial, ground or sea aggression," Jazayeri told FNA, responding to a question about Pentagon's Thursday report. "If any kind of alien flying object wants to enter our country's airspace, our armed forces will confront it," Jazayeri added. The Pentagon report was given a wide coverage in the US media and sent gold prices high up in the world markets. Pentagon spokesman George Little said the aircraft fired multiple rounds at the Predator drone and followed it for at least several miles as it moved farther away from Iranian airspace. "We believe that they fired at least twice and made at least two passes," he said. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was quickly notified of the incident, as were members of Congress and the White House, Little added. Political analysts believe that the Iranian fighters intended to just shoo away the American predator. The United States also sent Iran a warning through diplomatic channels, saying it would defend its military assets and would keep sending aircraft on similar missions in the Persian Gulf. "There is absolutely no precedence for this," Little said. "This is the first time that a (drone) has been fired upon to our knowledge by Iranian aircraft." American officials said that the Iranian SU-25s were flown by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps as the IRGC is responsible for protecting security over the Persian Gulf. ©2006 Fars News Agency. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Exposing Iran war prophecy huckster john hogue

Recently I called out john hogue on his prophecy’s about war with Iran, as much of his material mirrored my work.  His response referring to me as “another researcher” is not only insulting it shows he is afraid to acknowledge that while he has been researching Iran since 2006 I have had a major impact on my people’s affairs since 2000.  Below is what I received when I sent him a response

Returned mail: User unknown
Peter Khan Zendran
Tue, 30 Oct 2012 8:36 PM (1 day 15 hours ago)
The original message was received at 2012-10-30 17:33:48 -0700
from postoffice.(null) []

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----

   -----Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to postoffice.(null).:
<<< 550 5.1.1 unknown or illegal alias:
550 <>... User unknown

In all probability this is a block, as hogue is afraid to be called out as the jerry corsi of prophecy he is.  Below is what he would have received

Re: Heard you sneak Iran in with the storm news--Hogue's response
Peter Khan Zendran
George Noory , ""
Tue, 30 Oct 2012 5:27 PM (1 day 18 hours ago)
There will ALWAYS be a need for paper books.
In case you hadn't noticed I've been around longer than you have.  Who's
family do you think helped Farah and reza settle into Greenwich?  Or
perhaps you never noticed my photos with the Sipah Salar insignia I was
given from Iran's defense Ministry in May 2005, let's see if you can
guess by who?
Also I doubt if you can describe the capabilities of the Ghadir SSK, the
weaknesses in the Arleigh Burke class DDG, why america's military has
become dependent on it's nato allies, etc.  You have been getting your
information by scouring the internet.  I have obtained my info from
firsthand sources, some of who are recieving this e-mail.  I bet you
don't even know who forouzandeh is, who ali khameni's relatives in the
Iranian military are, let alone how american personell are talkinig
about Iran the same way their british counterparts were talking about
Rusia in the 1800's.
Get out from your rock and do some real research for a change.
Peter Khan Zendran

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012, at 05:02 PM, john wrote:
> On Oct 30, 2012, at 1:02 PM, Peter Khan Zendran wrote:
> > I heard what John Hogue had to say about war with Iran last night at the
> > end of his talking about yesterday's storm.
> > I checked his site and noticed his book is in e-book form, but NOT in
> > print form.
> > I am wondering if this is done to prevent someone from going in to any
> > bookstore to check his sources. 
> No, Peter, it is done to lower the carbon footprint of the author and his
> readers. E-books are the future of books and I'm a futurist moving my
> work into the future.
> > I also have saved his e-mail
> > converationos with me from a year ago where he mentions checking my
> > sites. 
> I also document all of my correspondences.
> I read many sites, Peter. Moreover many URL creators read me. That's what
> Internet is, a free flow of information.
> > As you wil notice Hogue mentions the possibility of the Iranian
> > Navy taking out the US Navy, something I have written about and
> > described how it can be done.
> My sources on how this can be done come from studying Iranian military
> maneuvers, the statements of General Salami and others in the Iranian
> high command. It also comes from studying the long and documented
> evolution of weapons purchases of the Iranian armed forces, their
> capacities. In short, this information is available on public Internet
> sources and is not something unique to your web site. Indeed when I
> looked at your web site, it appeared that you have drawn from the same
> publicly available sources, plus news outlets, both Iranian, Arab,
> Israeli and US, that any researcher would have examined.
> How the Iranian navy might counterattack the US Fifth Fleet in the tight
> arena of the Persian Gulf is a subject of concern that even US Navy
> admirals have discussed publicly. These are sourced in my book. You might
> be the last Iran War researcher out there that doesn't understand that US
> military concerns are widely known and expressed over the last decade
> about putting a deep water navy into a little "pond" like the Persian
> Gulf. Such a strategy exposes US carriers well within the striking reach
> of Yakhont, Sizzler and other supersonic Iranian anti-ship missiles. That
> Iran is also planning to fire swarms of subsonic silkworm and exocet
> missiles  at the US Fifth Fleet is a threat well known. All of this is
> common knowledge, Peter. Do you really think you are the only researcher
> who has come across this information?
> One wonders where you have been all these years, if you think otherwise.
> > I am curious if Hogue has used any of my work in this book on Iran he
> > has written.
> Let me set you straight.
> No.
> Your conclusions are not unique to your thinking or what you have posted
> on your web site. Moreover, much of what I say in the Iran book update is
> unchanged from my research in 2006 when working on the first edition.
> That was five years before our mutually documented "conversations" by
> email.
> > Though I disagree with some of what he says some of his
> > material looks like it came from my work.
> I'm sorry to point this out to you Peter, but your conclusions are not
> that original. The Iranian defense plan has been well known and
> accessible to researchers years before "your work" was published online.
> Sometimes we think we have unique information when in fact we haven't
> looked too deeply and too far away from out own self-focus. Conclusions
> that we think are original have often been written about long before we
> presume a "unique" insight.
> I hope that clarifies things for you.
> John Hogue
> > Peter Khan Zendran
> >
> > --
> > - One of many happy users:
> >
"History will burden those leaders with blood guilt if they do not act according to their professional and statesmanely principles and knowledge. Their soldierly loyalty must end at the boundary where their knowledge, conscience, and sense of responsibility forbid the execution of an order. In case their advice and warnings fall on deaf ears in such circumstances, then they have the right and the duty, before the people and history, to resign their offices. If they all act together, then it will be impossible to carry out military action. They will thereby saved the Fatherland from the worst, from total ruin. If a soldier in a position of highest authority in such times see his duties and tasks only within the limits of his military responsibilities, without consciousness of his higher responsibility to the whole people, then he shows a lack of greatness, a lack of comprehension of responsibility. Extraordinary times demand extraordinary actions!"
Generaloberst Ludwig Beck