Recently the story of esther has been brought in the news with the zionist drive to attack Iran. Few people realize that the story of esther from jewish traditions which is in the old testament of the bible, is one of the greatest hoaxes ever told.
First, there is no evidence that Khashayar, who the Greeks call xerxes and the jews ahaserus, had a Queen named Esther. Khashayar’s Queen consort was named Amastra, not Esther, and many historians have mislabeled her tomb in modern day Hamadan as the tomb of “esther” by mistranslating Amastra for Esther, however these same historians neglect to mention that Amastra was not of Hebrew or Jewish origin.
These same historians gloss over the fact that a member of Khashayar’s harem was in fact named esther, as this esther is refered to as a banukha, or harem girl. However this esther never had a brother named mordecai nor did she uncover any plot to murder the jews of Hakhamanish Iran. The evidence is not there, and the story only gets traction because the majority of people who read the bible are familiar only with the king james or new international versions, and have never read or researched the original source material.
The modern zionist obsession with the purim festival, supposedly to commemorate the story of “esther”, comes from the execution of julius streicher on October 16, 1946 in Nuremberg. Streicher was of jewish origin, and like many self hating jews in Weimar Germany joined the nazi party. Streicher’s popularity was in his slanderous stories of jewish “atrocities” in the news, and even the nazis stripped him from all positions of power in 1940. At his execution before he was hanged he claimed that this was the 1946 observance of purim, and even said prophetically to the executioner that the communists would hang him. Therefore the observance of purim by Zionists kicks around the myth of “esther” to mask the celebration of the executions of nazis at Nuremberg, notably streicher.
Today one must look at hard facts of established myths who’s only basis for credibility is that they have been repeated so often they are accepted as truth, particularly by people many are hesitant to criticize. The story of “esther” is one of them, and the more we look at it, the more it is seen as another example of jewish lying.
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