Sunday, September 28, 2014

Zendran un legal problems coincide with provacetur alsawaf

Once again when heading to manhattan to head up a protest against rowhani and American interference in American affairs another attempt was made to derail me from heading up that protest.
            This time I was held for five hours by the cranston pd on a trumped up warrant from south Kingstown for a disorderly conduct charge.  Oddly enough I was not fingerprinted, no mug shot was taken, and south kingstown chose to have me arraigned in the cranston pd hq by justice of the peace dawson hodgson and in the presence of lieutenants from the cranston pd and south kingstown pd, having me released on personal recognizance, and giving me a court date of October2.  I informed them I planned to appear Pro Se, as I have beaten every charge of disorderly conduct brought against me, and continued on my way to the un. If anyone doubts my success the picture of me below will dispel their doubts.

            As a result of my protest rowhani changed his speech date and time, and I did manage to persuade many Iranians and others there successfully that rajavi’s mek and ncr Iran are just as bad as rowhani, and few of rajavi’s supporters were there. Oddly enough rajavi’s people planned a last minute demonstration the day of rowhani’s speech, knowing I would not know of rowhani’s change of plan and that I could not attend

Once I returned to rhode island and saw pictures of the rally by rajavi’s supporters I spotted pictures and a video of a Syrian born provacetur from rhode island, hasan alsawaf.  This tazi nadulmaful is running for the 22nd district state senate seat in rhode island, spouts scripted republican, anti-Iranian, ant—Syrian, pro-american rhetoric.  He has a questionable medical practice and keeps his address at 492 Putnam Pike, Greenville, RI.  Interestingly enough this is the neighborhood where Persian cultural foundation scam artist shanaz bina lived until her illicit behaviors forced her to move to California, and hasan alsawaf behaves in the same mold as Syrian relief scamsters berge and krikor zobian and their family. This hasan alsawaf deserves at least a fist in the face rather than your support, by backing him you are making things worse for Iranians and Syrians.

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