This was just sent to my @KhaneMazendaran twitter account. it is proof
that rajavi's ncr knows nothing but how to spew propagandist platitudes.
The first point makes no provision to prevent electoral intimidation
and for impartial vote counts. The third point is nonsense, as the
death penalty is necessary for extreme cases. The fourth point does not
clarify the definition of "separation or religion and state" and it's
implementation. The sixth point is hypocritical as rajavi
has shown no difference from jomhori mollah from enforcing any fairness
in judicial proceedings among their own community. The seventh point
has similar problems, as rajavi discriminates against those who do not
follow their marxist/muslim ways. The ninth point is hypocritical as
rajavi has practiced violence against those who disagree with their
views. The tenth point is delusional, as Nuclear Weapons and and
Weapons of mass destruction are essential to the defense of Iran and
prevention of invasion.
Everything else is simply platitudes designed to lure people into a
false sense of trust. Look at the track record of rajavi and mek, they
are nobody's friend.
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