Thursday, November 13, 2014

Zendran-Tsarnayev connection to Mass bomb threats

Around the same time a status conference was getting underway at the Moakley Courthouse on the Tsarnayev case, which I was attending, several schools in Massachusetts were receiving bomb threats.  While some were unrelated, others were.
As I told reporters and others at the status conference the main motivation was the deplorable prison conditions in Suffolk and Middlesex counties and in Worcester, as well as in Rhode Island.  Out of the seven that received the threats two were not located in those areas.  Of the five in those that received the threats two have connections to me, boston college and natick high schools.
The former is affiliated with a college which had me trespassed in April 2014, despite objections from the head of the Slavic and Eastern studies department there who I have worked with for nearly a decade , on a suspicious person complaint.  The latter is located in an area where three entities have issues with me.  One is the people doing research on the stealth combat suits, as I have found ways to detect people wearing those suits.  The second is the yeransians, and recently I have had issues with their associate, carolyn raffelian, and the dispute between me and her has been responsible for killing vincent "buddy" cianci's political career.  The third is Iranian resistance hack shahrbanou asadi, an active partisan of reza pahlavi who's actions have made effective resistance difficult.
Overall, many got theirs that day.

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