Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Important Zendran items stolen in Watertown

When I was detained I was on my way to meet with members of the Johnston IAFF 1950. After leaving the Tsarnayev trial I had learned that four of my first responder shirts were missing. Those shirts were two Providence "fire cicilline" IAFF shirts, a 2000 Providence Steve Shaw shirt, and a Narragansett Tribal Nation security shirt given to me in 2003 when assisting the tribe after the smokeshop raid.
All of those shirts were missing from my cousin Homa Khanoum's place, where they had been stored for safekeeping since May 2014. I had met with retired Providence Detective John Finnegan who confirmed my possession of the shirt, as he gave me that shirt, by members of the Narragansett Tribal Nation who have known me since I was an infant, and by members of the Johnston IAFF who I picketed alongside in 2009 and who can confirm how I obtained those shirts.
All of those people agree that those shirts missing so soon after my appearance of the Tsarnayev case is not only bad news, they are afraid that a terror attack may be in the works by terrorists posing as police or firefighters. If such an attack does occur they will have the cowardly actions of lee sohn and bill dickie to blame.

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