Tuesday, February 24, 2015

John B Welles spreads lies about the Tsarnayev raid, aka the boston marathon bombing

Recently John B Welles fell for those who call the Tsarnayev raid, aka the boston marathon bombing, a hoax, by hosting david weiss of deep inside the rabbit hole and an australian who uses the pseudonym’s pete k and peekay on his caravan to Midnight show on it’s episode 232 which he aired on February 22, 2015 .  Those aforementioned individuals base their beliefs that the Tsarnayev raid, aka the boston marathon bombing, is a hoax by analyzing media photos and videos of what occurred on April 15, 2013 at the marathon bombing and none of the other actions of the Tsarnayevs, except to call them plants and to kick around rumors of their shootout and takedown.
By their doing so they have spent NO time in Watertown, Cambridge, Boston, or any of the locations where the Tsarnayev’s did their raid, NO time talking to those effected firsthand by the actions of the Tsarnayevs and who knew them, and most important, would NOT describing how they did the forensic analysis of the photos and videos of the Tsarnayev raid, aka the boston marathon bombing or where they obtained them initially.
By their doing this no only are they demonstrating their lack of credibility, they are disgracing on the very principles which sparked the Tsarnayev’s to do their raid, namely freedom from persecution and police state torture, and belittling those who have been effected by the Tsarnayev raid, aka the boston marathon bombing, the latter which all three seem to enjoy doing.  Considering how peekay calls the Sandy Hook incident a hoax without any similar examination, and how John B Welles decries those in Ferguson who are rioting against persecution and police state torture this is not surprising, but shocking nonetheless, for while australians are known for their reputation for discrimination against those of none anglo-saxon heritage, I expected more from John B Welles who until this moment has been impartial and unafraid to speak the truth, which cost him his spot on coasttocoastam.
If John B Welles and any of his guests wish to further claim the Tsarnayev raid, aka the boston marathon bombing is a hoax I have two challenges for them.
1.  Come to Boston, Watertown, and the places the Tsarnayev raid, aka the boston marathon bombing, occurred and the places the Tsarnayevs spent time.
2.  Answer correctly the locartions where the two photos linked below were taken, I will give only one hint each;
The one below is close to where the 18/19 shootout with the Tsarnayev’s took place
The one below is where the Tsarnayev brothers would hang out, and where I got to know Tamerlan, and where the Tsarnayev’s still frequent, and which was recently vandalized

If they are unable to meet these challenges then they need to stop talking about the John B Welles spreads lies about the Tsarnayev raid, aka the boston marathon bombing for they are guaranteeing that they and others in america will end up in some prison like the ones which inspired the Tamerlan Tsarnayev to do his raid.

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