Tuesday, December 11, 2018

100 Sol Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Today is the 100th anniversary of the birth of the greatest writer who lived, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.  In the Russia where he was born and who's evil marxist government he was instrumental in deposing, he was honored with a memorial, which even Putin showed great humility before this greatest word-spinner
As I write this in america, particularly the Vermont he lived in when I was born down the street from him, his family and associates have done a scabby job of honoring this legacy of greatness, getting no response by planning events in venues tricky to access and poorly announcing them.  Seeing how america has become a marxist nightmare as Solzhenitsyn prophecy-ed at harvard in 1978 they should have known better, and their ignoring fellow political prisoners in america like myself is inexcusable.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

100 Jahre ende der Erste Weltkrieg

100 years ago today, after the signing of the German armistice, Kaiser Karl was deposed with the backing of the allied powers spurred by the american government.  That included the criminalization of the Habsburgs and Royal Houses related to them in the Erste Reich, including my father's.
Earlier today I made a demonstration at the providence WWI memorial, as a reminder the other side continues to live and how we are treated worse than niggers in many parts of america, which can be seen below.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

100 Sol Tavalod Peter I

Today my paternal grandfather, Peter I, Khan-e-Mazendaran, Reichsfurst, was born in Wien weeks before Kaiser Karl I was deposed because of american, british, french, and allied intervention.
All that has been taken we will take back, NEVER FORGET.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Major watson weirdnes update

Last night I returned to the watson institute to see if the strange lights would return and if there would be any odd phenomena in the sky. Even though the weather cleared, it was very cloudy to see those objects, however the clouds parted enough to allow the moon to be seen, however because starr plaza was a construction zone no proper viewing could be done, however the moon did appear directly over the construction zone in line with brown’s public safety complex, and the lights were on in fred fullerton’s old office where watson’s media is based as well as in my old department and in parts of the building that should have not been lit up

Those beings were giving four very specific warnings.
1.  There will be more violence and unrest throughout the World, with no nation being able to take a dominant position, mainly because of Marxist agitation, and to beware anyone/anything associated with Marxism.
2.  Beware of police agencies, for they will abuse their power in the name of safety it will reach a saturation point where people will no longer tolerate police abuses and physically retaliate in order to survive.
3.  Beware the media, for it will become so discredible people will stop using mainstream sources in favor of people with direct connections to facts and events.
4.  Beware of academia, for many in academic positions will abuse their knowledge for material gain to the point where they will debase themselves beyond all credibility.
It will be interesting to see what happens next year, if there is a planet left.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

On my response to trump, pompeo, and solemani on threats of war with Iran

Below is my response to trump and pompeo on their threats of war with Iran and to solemani for undermining Iran's security, demonstrating how Iranians can and will responded if we are invaded

On the leonard bernstein centennial

Today the musical and online community is observing the centennial of the birth of leonard bernstein, who's openly sordid life gave music a bad reputation and who only received praise because he was an american and a khazar jew.  To add insult to injury google has issued a doodle of this shit for brains on it's website which will lead you to websites which openly discuss every disgraceful and sordid life detail of this oven stuffer
My cousin Nikolaus Harnoncourt set the standard for musical performances, gave World premieres of vandalized and lost works and won a Grammy for his works, Herbert von Karajan helped develop new methods of recording and disseminating his masterful performances and has appeared on precious metal currency, yet they are ignored, and in the latter's case marginalized because of nazi associations.  However this oven stuffer shit poofer bernstein who turned performing arts into mainstream fags football and had a hand in worldwide cultural degeneration gets recognition.

Friday, August 03, 2018

On observing the tenth anniversary of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Today is the tenth anniversary of the death of the great author and political dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
I was born down the street from where he was speaking in Vermont in 1978, and like him I have been a political prisoner, in america, for my writings.
As a tribute to how he showed us how to overcome oppressive regimes we live in in his "Ascent" in the Gulag Archipelago I do a Zek bath on the anniversary of his death.
You can see me do this year's Zek bath below
Share to show how honor this greatest author and how to enjoy freedom.

Friday, July 06, 2018

On byron preiss boston treasure box location

With the recent surge in attention that byron preiss treasure boxes have received because of the archeological hack josh gates I began researching the boston box which is described in verse 3 of preiss's "the secret".
As most believe that the back bay fens secition is the location, specifically mothers rest and/or the charlesgate circles as the prime location they are very off.
Last night and early this morning I visited the fens and made interesting discoveries.
When I visited mothers rest I noticed there is no way any treasure box could be there, as it had recently been turned into a children's playground, and the construction would have easily uncovered anything buried
The charlesgate circles were more interesting as I noticed not only are they located close to boston university and commonwealth avenue, the local homeless community has been digging there and in the fens, as the picture I took below demonstrates
Notice how the area not only has been dug up but also the debris left behind by homeless people using the area as a squat who have been digging there as they focused on the most obvious point, as the circles have fallen into serious disrepair, and had these people found the treasure box it would have made the news easily
To think these people looking for the treasure box can be so off, as I know the location of the real park the boston box, and the only clue I will give is that that park is dedicated to the person who first taught me to hate america when I was a child, and if you still can not figure it out then preiss really jewed you.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

On massoud rajavi coming out

Three days ago massoud rajavi, who has been hiding for over a decade, publicly broke his silence and came out to praise those who had followed his wife maryam's incitement to commit acts of violence since december 2017.  The statement can be viewed below
This statement comes before rajavi's event in paris this weekend and as american government officials have been inciting Iranians to violence, and as Iranian government officials are beginning to enforce the death penalty for those who participate in rajavi's protests and strikes and betray Iran.  If one is still stupid to ignore that the protests and strikes in Iran are rajavi's doing to destabilize Iran to force his marxist/sharia ways on Iran then one deserves to be executed for menacing Iran by following this terrorist.

Saturday, June 09, 2018

On gallery night providence dropping dashank/armenian bigot berge zobian's gallery/studio z

When I returned to rhode island last month and participated in gallery night providence I was in for a pleasant surprise.  That was the fact that gallery night providence had disassociated themselves from berge zobian, who had helped start gallery night, and his gallery/studio z, as I noticed on the brochures and list of galleries on their website
The conflict between me and berge which had been going on since 2010 when he and his associates began harassing me because my father's mother's is the daughter of a woman who had been raped by a Turkish soldier in 1917 who had participated in the armenian massacres and because of my relationship with leslie yeransian helped highlight this, and the more the city of providence and the state would back berge the more the artistic community became disgusted at berge's bigotry  as it was chasing businesses from the area, hence gallery night's decision not to deal with him.
Should anyone still choose to believe the slander from berge and his dashank associates about me the picture below of me at Bank RI from their gallery night event last night says enough
You can clearly see Bank RI's artistic curator Paula Martesian behind be.  Paula has known me for over a decade and her and the bank would not deal with me for a minute if I were violently opposed to Armenians, and Bank RI would not deal with Paula if she were a dashank like berge and his associates.  However, those who fall for slander spread from dashanks like berge have poor comprehension.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

On anniversary of police harassment over my ethnic/religious/literary background

On this day 14 years ago while I was walking in cathedral square park in providence at night two undercover providence pigs, later identified as ken court #366 and dave schiavulli #651 pulled out their guns and badges out on me with #651 saying he was arresting me for pissing him off, to be held until the morning of may 24, 2004 when RI District Court Chief Judge DeRobbio and Providence Municipal Court Judge Caprio ordered my release.  That arrest occurred two days after the press release of the first book signing of my first book "Victimization of the Farsi, Arab, Turanian, and Central and Western Asian Peoples" to occur on May 24 2004, and at that event the providence pigs were parked on the opposite side of the street chasing away customers.  I later had all charges dismissed, however that incident made it next to impossible to sell my books and harassment from that department, including slander from #651 continued, mainly because he was jealous his wife natalie was seeing me and others from Golds Gym Providence/Pawtucket, and whenever he would see me in public he would pull some crank complaint about me.
I recently tracked down this pig, who is now an instructor for the providence pigs, to 111 wayland ave in cranston
For this scabby guniea dave schiavulli to pull this stunt, which was probably motivated by my ethnic background, as during the arrest he kept saying if I was "going to pay for my legal defense in raghead money" shows his lack of regard for human life and rights, why should this pig be allowed the same rights as others?

Monday, May 21, 2018

On mit terrorist ali talebinejad

Recently I verified that longtime supporter of the terrorist group mek/pmo/ncr headed by maryam rajavi and mit faculty member ali talebinejad resides at the apartment complex at 100 landsdowne st in cambridge close to the mit campus
This hajjibaba has since 2009 used slander and intimidation to have Iranians who do not back maryam rajavi, myself included, banned from the mit campus and shut down Iranian forums on mit campus in which rajavi is openly criticized.  
Individuals like this will not be allowed to continue to function as the photo above demonstrates, these terrorists can not hide forever.

Bandar Anzali Naval base April 2018

This satellite view of the Naval Base at Bandar Anzali in April 2018 offers an interesting view in light of the incident with the IS Damavand 77 FFG in January
Notice the hull segments of a Jamaran class FFG ready for assembly to the left of the drydock and below the Sina class Corvette
In all probability this is the IS Damavand 77 being rebuilt from reassembled segments that have been resmelted or a new IS Damavand being built
Notice the location of the stern section which has been allowed to remain next to the breakwater while the fore and amidships section have been clearly raised
Considering the odd location and angle of the wreck the IS Damavand 77 was clearly sabotaged, and the Iranian Navy is acting quick to maintain is strength by replacing it rapidly, hardly the behavior of a country crippled by unrest.

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

On trump/america withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal

The Iran nuclear deal is illegal as it was created to impede Iran from defending itself and the nigger in the white house used coercion to create it, so withdrawing from it is right in principle
However in reading the motives behind this act and the lies about Iran made this action was done to please zionist/khazar associates who want to destroy Iran and who have been a menace to Iran for centuries
If this is a prelude to an attack on Iran know if that does occur israel, america, and their allies will be attacked on their home soil within 24 hours and Iran will use it's Damavand facility to set off it's nuclear weapons inside the earth's core.

Friday, April 20, 2018

The skull and bones "impostor"

Recently someone has been contacting people at and near Yale claiming to be offering them membership.  While skull and bones is claiming these membership, the way the membership is being offered is done in a manner consistent with the practices of skull and bones, and in all probability the people contacted were highly offended by the initiation practices
An excellent example of the duplicity of skull and bones is the place listed as their location by Yale
Notice the windows, which does not match the "windowless crypt" description of skull and bones hall, however there is a building one street over that does match that description which Yale will not identify
Partly as a result of recent acquisitions, including the acquisition of the medical group handling my health care, Yale has been made to clean up it's act and these contacts may finally bring skull and bones under control or on the ash heap of history where it belongs.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Odd cathar/french tour from world affairs council

I recently received a mailing from the world affairs council about a tour of southern france where the cathars were active to occur in October 2018

Notice in the fine print how they reserve the legal right to cancel trips without refund and to strand tour goers deemed to be objectionable, and seeing that occult rituals involving human sacrifice were performed at these locations they may be planning to do a human sacrifice on this trip and make it look like an accident.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

On crooked rhode island attorney general

When I returned to rhode island to take care of personal business I was informed that a phony missing person report, similar to the one done on me in 2014 when I moved to watertown and which the providence pigs used to hold me in May 2014, had been done on me.  I found this to be true when homeland security agents had to intervene from having the providence pigs detain me and pull a repeat of May 2014, and wherever I would go in the providence area the local pigs would be following me.  This demonstrates how rhode island has gone to extreme lengths to criminalize me, for only there has this extreme behavior from punks with badges to me occurred.  It has occurred with extreme frequency since pete kilmartin of 598 armistice blvd pawtucket became rhode island attorney general
Not only has this pint size donut fucker helped criminalize me because of my religious background his policies have criminalized others, overcrowding jails, making hospitals ersatzes for jails, and putting bulls eyes on cops.  A perfect example of the rot in rhode island that has to go.

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Iranian vegan freak nasim aghadam shooting up youtube headquarters

Yesterday around 3:30 EST Iranian born nasim aghadam walked into youtube's san bruno california offices, shot three people, then killed herself with the same gun.  She had lived a vegan/bahai lifestyle, which caused a chemical imbalance and impaired her judgment.  This is evidenced by her physical shape, as in her workout videos she would never lift heavy weight causing her muscle definition to be from lack of proper nutrients, which is noticed below, as well as the fact those she shot have survived because her workouts were done more for getting attention than for being healthy

She also had issues of online censorship and discrimination which she was emphasizing strongly in the past two years leading up to her shooting.  While her lifestyle would naturally provoke this, online censorship also prevented her from making contact with those who could have led her into a more healthy lifestyle and better handled those discriminating against her

 As facebook twitter and instagram as well as youtube have censored her webpages her website is still active I am sharing it below
I am also sharing my pullup video as a tribute to nasim for her standing up to censorship online
I should also point out that I have noticed unusual activity by law enforcement agencies in america this week, as if some action was being prepared.
As long as this censorship against Iranians continues, this kind of violence will occur, and if it does people might not be so lucky next time.

Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Call issues with rudi bakhtiar

Since mid-February I have had phone problems, including having to replace two phones and repeated call/message malfunctions, however this recent problem originates when rudi bakhtiar called my phone so many times on 14 February of this year it shorted out, as you can see below
Her intentions for calling me like this, be it misplaced affection or provocation, are anyone's guess, but the message she sent me on facebook privately months ago gives an interesting insight to her mindset
It will be interesting to see her behavior towards me in the future.

Monday, February 19, 2018

On new director for my old department at brown/watson

I recently learned that beshitty doumani, who has been stalking my optometrist, is being replaced with this shithead bashir as head of my old department at brown/watson

Most disturbing is his stated academic specialty is the periods when my family last was in control of Iran and ended up in Europe 

This appears to be more highbrow stalking and brown/watson continuing to acknowledge they are dependent on ripping off people of substance who they profess to abhor.

Thursday, January 04, 2018

50 Sol marg Peter I

On this day 50 years ago today Peter I; Khan-e-Mazendaran, Reichfurst, Godson of Peter I King of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, died of Tuberculosis in Yonkers, New York, after contracting it leaving a New Years party in New York days before