Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Iranian vegan freak nasim aghadam shooting up youtube headquarters

Yesterday around 3:30 EST Iranian born nasim aghadam walked into youtube's san bruno california offices, shot three people, then killed herself with the same gun.  She had lived a vegan/bahai lifestyle, which caused a chemical imbalance and impaired her judgment.  This is evidenced by her physical shape, as in her workout videos she would never lift heavy weight causing her muscle definition to be from lack of proper nutrients, which is noticed below, as well as the fact those she shot have survived because her workouts were done more for getting attention than for being healthy

She also had issues of online censorship and discrimination which she was emphasizing strongly in the past two years leading up to her shooting.  While her lifestyle would naturally provoke this, online censorship also prevented her from making contact with those who could have led her into a more healthy lifestyle and better handled those discriminating against her

 As facebook twitter and instagram as well as youtube have censored her webpages her website is still active I am sharing it below
I am also sharing my pullup video as a tribute to nasim for her standing up to censorship online
I should also point out that I have noticed unusual activity by law enforcement agencies in america this week, as if some action was being prepared.
As long as this censorship against Iranians continues, this kind of violence will occur, and if it does people might not be so lucky next time.

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