Wednesday, August 07, 2019

On the illegal nature of plastic bag bans

Over the past few years many states have been passing plastic bag bans, contributing to increasing health and trash problems under the lie of saving the planet.  The fact is these bans have been organized and spearheded by an eco-terrorist front group called clean water action, which is active in fourteen states and attempting to organize nationally as seen below on their site
An excellent example is the lies their rhode island chapter uses seen below
The fact is plastic bags prevent trash, as it is human stupidity that is responsible for misusing single use bags and causing pollution, not any kind of plastic bags.
Additionally, clean water action uses violence against companies and politicians to get these laws passed, making these bag bans illegal, yet nobody mentions this.
If you want to save the planet, use plastic bags, including single use ones as ONLY DIRTBAGS BAN PLASTIC BAGS.

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