Thursday, December 19, 2019

On crooked judge in the Tsarnayev case

If one still doubts how corrupt and vulnerable those in the government involved in the Tsarnayev case are my home visit to ojetta rogeriree thompson​'s 159 wheeler home in the south park section of cranston seen below
Not only is it easy to get to, this is a rough area of cranston/providence and any judge living there should have better protection.  One reason for the lack of security are shady associates of judge thompson, mainly arf/dashanks like her next door neighbor, and the zobians, who have repeatedly harassed me, brought bogus hate crime charges against me, and who in 2013 openly admitted to being associates with thompson.  This is the same arf/dashank group that was involved in making the bombs the Tsarnayev's used and helped them hide the bombs they used.  
For a judge to be associated with people openly involved in a case like this is a major conflict of interest, and to be this lax shows just how vulnerable america's government has become.

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