Monday, November 21, 2022

On major new Iranian warships

Iran has recently acquired a new Frigate, the Shahid Soleimani, named for Qasem Soleimani and based on the american Independence class Littoral Combat Ship, which can be seen below in Bandar Abbas with two Fast Attack Craft
This, along with the new IS Dena 75 FFG, seen here with the IS Lavan 513 Amphibious Assault Ship
and the IS Shiraz 78 FFG
are a major enhancement to Iranian power. This shows that not only can Iran keep up with the rest of the World in modern weapons productions, it shows the riots incited by rajavi have not harmed Iran's military/industrial capabilities.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

On judical/medical corruption

One year ago today judge steve isharwood, of 333 fair st warwick rhode island
made a ruling based on the lies of dr dick miller of 180 progresso avw woonsockett, rhode island
which forced drugs on me which ended up doing harm to my eyes and cardio-muscular system. Though miller soon left the dr replacing him, pedro tactacan of 1995 division road east greenwich rhode island
refused to stop the drugs even when he saw the bad reaction I was having. It was my doctors at Yale-NH medical which stopped the drugs days after I was released and the charges dismissed. These three embody all that is wrong in rhode island's government and medical establishment, and would not be tolerated elsewhere. How rhode island allows this is beyond me.

Monday, November 14, 2022

My birthday message to King Charles III

I congratulate you on your birthday this year, your first birthday as King, of which I hope you will have many more. It is how the birthdays of the British Sovereign are celebrated in June that concerns me, as it should you and others. As you may be aware during your mother’s birthday celebrations in June 2001 my fiancée, HIH Princess Leila, was murdered, and the celebrations continued as if it were not an issue. That might seem like an isolated incident, were it not for the derogatory treatment of Iran’s Royal and Noble houses from your mother when she was Sovereign. That has included the poisoning my cousin Homa Khanoum experienced during your parents Platinum Wedding Anniversary celebrations. I and other Iranians, Royalists and otherwise, have demanded justice for her death which was wrongly ruled a suicide. I and other Iranians and Royalists were touched when your family tagged themselves in my twitter post in 2019 in remembrance of Leila’s murder, however more needs to be done. To have any celebrations on June 10, the anniversary of her murder, would be offensive to the memory of HIH and the Iranian community. I ask that you consider not holding any celebrations, birthday or otherwise, on June 10 because of the tragic nature of that date. Additionally, despite the outcry particularly from the Iranian community, no action has been taken against doctor lewis klein, who murdered HIH Princess Leila by giving her an overdose of tranquilizers before strangling her with a phone cord. I ask that action be taken against dr. lewis klein for the murder of HIH, for if not some vigilante, probably Iranian, will. I await your response Peter II Khan-e-Mazendaran Sipah Salar Furst von und zu DZendran

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

On Iranians harassed by us marshals

Thanks to shiva bagheri I know that my personal property was stolen by us marshal elden dasilva, of 9 azalea ave exeter rhode island. That has included using my phone to harass Iranians, including Iranian women including Rudi Bakhtiar and Marjan Faritous/Persia Pele. Bear in mind that americans have been getting killed in Iran and by Iranian forces because of what elden did to me on December 30, 2019
While the lack of action by the american government is disturbing, though not unexpected, the lack of action by the Iranian government is even more disturbing and shows that Dolat staff at Iranian embassies are not doing their job. How elden dasilva is still around, especially with Kamala Harris being a close associate of Marjan and Rudi, is beyond me, but it shows how corrupt and bigoted the us marshals are, a prime exapmle of why blue lives don't matter.

Saturday, November 05, 2022

Zendran is Mabus/Third AntiChrist of Nostradamus

In viewing the quatrains of Nostradamus about the Third AntiChrist I noticed that they describe me and many of my recent troubles too well. First, if one wants to associate this entirely with death and destruction I should remind readers the word “AntiChrist” simply means “not/against Christianity” and christians have used it in a negative/derogatory way. In the quatrains there are four which describe the Third AntiChrist and my situation. The first is Century II-62, the one that describes Mabus. Like Hister, a recurring corruption which describes both Hitler and Kaiser Ferdinand II, Mabus is a corruption, in this case of the word Magus. Magus not only means master of magick but is a slur for Zoroastrian clergy. In the first line of that quatrain it states “Mabus puis tost alors mourra viendra” “puis tost” means to be taken out NOT killed as most scholars claim, “alors mourra viendra, De gens & bestes vne horrible deffaite” means then death will come Of men and beasts a terrible defeat. Those two lines describe the raid in which the american government took me out on December 30, 2019 and the attacks Iran launched in retaliation against american targets in Iraq and the Gulf on January 1, 2020, a conflict which continues to this day. The second half “Puis tout à coup la vengeance on verra, Cent, main, soif, faim, quand courra la comette.” means that revenge will quickly come Hundreds hand thirst hunger when the comet will come describes COVID, which is a Chinese bioweapon which Russia and Iran acquired in December 2019 during joint Naval maneuvers, hours before I was taken out in the american government raid I was in conversation with the Iranian and Russian Defense Ministries and the ODKB/CSTO about those maneuvers. The Comet reefers to Comet Neowise, which was discovered on March 27, 2020, on what would have been Princess Leila’s, my late fiancee’s, 50th birthday, and COVID lockdowns began at that same time. The second quatrain is Century VI-33, which describes the circumstances leading up to my takeout by the american government in December 2019. The first line “Sa main derniere par Alus sanguinaire” means his hand behind by bloody Alus describes the injury I sustained to my left hand on December 19, 2019 hours before I confronted Judge Thompson which occurred at the same time my stepdad was involved in the mass shooting in westerly, rhode island, the second line “Ne se pourra plus la mer garentir” means there can not be guarantee by sea describes the mistreatment I experienced in Newport because of a local police/hospital fuckup from December 21-27 2019. Most telling is the third line “ Entre deux fleuues craindre main militaire” meaning Between two rivers to fear hand military describes the government takeout I experienced close to the military installations on Aquidneck Island on December 30, 2019. The third and fourth quatrains are Century I-50 and Century VIII-77. In the third one the second line “D'vn qui fera le Ieudy pour sa feste” describes my birthday, which ws on a Thursday, and in the fourth one, which is a recurring prophecy, the second line “Vingt & sept ans sang durera sa guerre” is also a reference to my inheritance dispute, as the time between my paternal grandmother’s death and my stepdad, lenihan law, and washington trust bank stealing my family’s fortune and the mass shooting in westerly, rhode island involving that same stepdad is 27 years, however the fourth line “Son corps humain eau rougie gresler terre” which means his body reddened with silted earth also describes the health problems I experienced as a result of prison neglect and torture because of the events in December 2019. Next time you want to call someone AntiChrist think hard, for that AntiChrist might be someone you know or see often.

Monday, October 31, 2022

Open letter to ali khamenei

I am sending this directly to you as my recent letters and emails to your embassies in Manhattan and Washington DC have not been answered, even after I hand delivered a letter to your embassy in Manhattan during Raisi’s visit to the United Nations in September. My concern is an important one and the lack of response from Dolat is a major reason I am writing, for I was charged and held illegally by the american government in December 2019 for acts I did while representing Artesh. While Artesh responded promptly to the american government’s illegal action against me, I and my attorney have received no contact from Dolat about my case, despite the fact that those charges were the culmination of two decades of legal harassment I have received in america for being an Iranian Zoroastrian. Even though the charges were dismissed america and Iran are still in a state of war because of what happened to me. Additionally, I had my Sipah Salar rank insignia given to me by Ali Shamkhani’s staff in May 2005 and other valuables from Iran stolen from me while in american government custody, and no attempt has been made to restore my insignia or Iranian valuables. I was also on the receiving end of torture, having lost 70 pounds and having to undergo medical treatment I would have not otherwise needed, yet Dolat has been silent about this while Artesh has not, and I want to know why. As I wrote to Dolat, since January 2003 the state of rhode island has criminalized Iranian Zoroastrians and other faiths with similar worship practices, yet Dolat has done next to NOTHING about this, does the human rights of Iranians in america mean nothing to Dolat Iran? I should point out that I and others in america have made contributions to Iranian society which have benefitted Iran. I have helped to train many in Artesh over the past two decades and I have been an integral person in preventing Iran from being invaded, and I expected and deserved more from Dolat than excuses. The bottom line is that Dolat, specifically your embassy staff, have done next to nothing to address the human rights violations Iranians like myself in america experience, while Artesh has taken action against america for the human rights violations Iranians in america experience. Perhaps we should have Artesh replace the embassy staff and Dolat with more competent people, after all the embassy staff in Manhattan said they could not understand my complaint yet were proficient enough to order specialty coffee. I await your response
من این را مستقیماً برای شما میفرستم زیرا نامهها و ایمیلهای اخیر من به سفارتهای شما در منهتن و واشنگتن دی سی پاسخی داده نشده است، حتی پس از اینکه در سفر رئیسی به سازمان ملل در سپتامبر نامهای را به سفارت شما در منهتن تحویل دادم. نگرانی من موضوع مهمی است و عدم پاسخ دولت دلیل اصلی نوشتن من است، زیرا در دسامبر 2019 به دلیل اعمالی که در زمان نمایندگی آرتش انجام دادم توسط دولت آمریکا متهم و بازداشت شدم. در حالی که آرتش بلافاصله به اقدام غیرقانونی دولت آمریکا علیه من پاسخ داد، من و وکیلم هیچ تماسی از دولت در مورد پرونده خود دریافت نکردیم، علیرغم این واقعیت که این اتهامات اوج دو دهه آزار و اذیت قانونی من در آمریکا به دلیل اینکه من در آمریکا بوده ام. زرتشتی ایرانی. با وجود اینکه اتهامات آمریکا رد شد و ایران همچنان در وضعیت جنگی به خاطر اتفاقی که برای من افتاد. همچنین در اردیبهشت 2005 نشان درجه سپه سالارم توسط کارکنان علی شمخانی به من داده شد و سایر اشیای قیمتی از ایران در زمان بازداشت دولت آمریکا از من دزدیده شد و هیچ تلاشی برای بازگرداندن نشان یا اشیای با ارزش ایرانی من صورت نگرفته است. من نیز تحت شکنجه بودم، 70 پوند از دست داده بودم و باید تحت معالجه پزشکی قرار می گرفتم، در غیر این صورت نیازی به درمان نداشتم، با این حال دولت در این مورد سکوت کرده است، در حالی که آرتش سکوت کرده است، و می خواهم بدانم چرا. همانطور که به دولت نوشتم، از ژانویه 2003، ایالت رود آیلند، زرتشتیان ایرانی و سایر ادیان را با عبادات مشابه جرم انگاری کرده است، اما دولت در این مورد هیچ کاری نکرده است، آیا حقوق بشر ایرانیان در آمریکا برای دولت ایران هیچ معنایی ندارد؟ باید اشاره کنم که من و دیگران در آمریکا کمک هایی به جامعه ایران کرده ایم که به نفع ایران بوده است. من در دو دهه گذشته به تربیت افراد زیادی در آرتش کمک کردهام و در جلوگیری از تهاجم به ایران فردی جدایی ناپذیر بودهام و از دولت بیش از بهانهجویی انتظار و لیاقت داشتم. نکته اصلی این است که دولت، به ویژه کارکنان سفارت شما، تقریباً هیچ کاری برای رسیدگی به نقض حقوق بشر انجام نداده اند، ایرانیانی مانند من در تجربه آمریکا، در حالی که آرتش به دلیل نقض حقوق بشر در آمریکا، اقدامی علیه آمریکا انجام داده است. شاید باید از آرتش بخواهیم کارمندان سفارت و دولت را با افراد شایسته تری جایگزین کنیم، زیرا همه کارکنان سفارت در منهتن گفتند که نمی توانند شکایت من را درک کنند اما به اندازه کافی مهارت دارند که قهوه تخصصی سفارش دهند. منتظر پاسخ شما هستم

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

On odd news from rhode island courts

 Last night I got news on how the rhode island supreme court ruled regarding the treatment I was subjected to while in state custody.

The good news was they sided with me and my doctors from Yale-NH Medical in overturning the RI district court's order forcing me to treatment, as there was no need for that treatment in the first place.
The bad news is that the refused to sanction or punish those doctors and staff who caused me health problems which I had to seek treatment for, despite the fact that many of those staff recently lost their jobs.
This is typical of the half justice to expect in america, especially rhode island.

Monday, October 24, 2022

New Supercarriers for China and america

 Recently China has completed a new Supercarrier, the Fujian 18, which can be seen below in Shanghai

The Fujian is more operational than people realize and may deploy within months.  Around the same time the Chinese completed the new CG Lhasa 102

At this rate the Chinese will be able to overwhelm other nations not only in quantity but soon quality judging by these new Warships.
By contrast the US navy has had trouble getting their new Supercarrier, the USS John F Kennedy CVN-79 fully operational

Notice CVN-79 near the new USS Gerald R Ford CVN-78, which has been having similar mechanical problems.

An interesting perspective on the two most powerful Navies in the World.

Monday, October 10, 2022

On crooked pig with occupy connection

 Eleven years ago today I was arrested at occupy providence, and among the charges that were dismissed was assault on an officer.  Later on that pig, ivan tavares of 11 bowdoin st providence, robbed me during an arrest of a valuable item from Austria

Interestingly this pig lives where many of the occupy bums and punks hang out, which makes one wonder about occupy, especially occupy providence, being critical of government.

Sunday, October 02, 2022

Has the Iranian community wasted it’s time in academia


The death of John Tirman at mit should be a wake up call to the Iranian community’s presence in the academic community, for they lost a good friend who was hen pecked by influential critics in the academic institution he taught at.  Tirman attempted to create a space at mit where members of the Iranian community could interact on important issues, however many Iranians and their allies were harassed at mit by staff who used the campus pigs to ban those they disagreed with, while the administration at mit openly encouraged Iranians who are associates of the terrorist rajavi, including many with access to nuclear materials on campus.  Such an incident must make us Iranians consider our presence on college campuses.

            Iranian studies first gained traction at harvard with richard frye, who founded what is now the center for Middle East studies at harvard, though he had a checkered past.  My father’s uncle served with frye in Khalj in OSS, however my father’s uncle knew little of his Iranian heritage having grown up around Slavs and jews who told him Iran was simply a land of fairy tales, and frye made no attempt to help him reconnect with his Iranian heritage during their service together.  While frye’s department became a repository of knowledge and information about Iran it was not publicly accessible.  Instead it was accessible only to harvard staff like mottadeh and their approved associates, doing the public little good.  And to add insult to injury one of frye’s relatives works at fort devens, where he has deprived those of Iranian heritage held there of their basic human rights.  In other words, frye’s work on Iran was little or no benefit to the Iranian community overall, so it should be no surprise that frye’s request to be buried in Iran in 2014 was denied.

It should be noted that as a result of frye’s actions many Iranians were welcomed on Harvard campus for research and events, though access was and is mostly private, and many of frye’s associates began copying this model at other Boston Metro area campuses.  As a result academic access for Iranians soon morphed into community events on campuses, thus turning universities and colleges into de facto community centers for Iranians in the Boston Metro area, which since 9/11 and occupy have made Iranians visiting those campuses the targets of bigoted staff who use campus security in a praetorian guard manner to menace Iranians on those campuses, a model which came into prominence at brown university.

            At brown university Iranian affairs gained prominence when Iranian born Vartan Gregorian became that university’s President.  Though known for putting brown on the map by reforming it, his focus on Iranian affairs simply made Iranians and their supporters targets for the ire of bigoted staff in the long run.  While Iran experts like Beeman and Biersteker, both of whom I had the opportunity to work with, gained prominence thanks to Vartan, his successes gave a false sense of security to Iranians invited to campus, which is alarming due to the small Iranian population in rhode island where brown is located.  Once he left Vartan’s work gradually became undone and after 9/11 the new president of brown used that incident to crack down on Iranians and their campus patrons, shunting people like Beeman and Biersteker into positions on other campuses and using the campus security to ban and harass Iranians who had once been welcome.  That behavior had got so bad that in 2008 Vartan resigned from the board of brown’s watson institute because of his disgust at this behavior by brown that he did not want himself associated with the actions of his successors.  That year brown also reorganized it’s Middle east Studies Department, which hosted access for the public including the few local Iranians, into the center for Middle east studies, which is closed to the public and is more ivory tower elitist than frye’s offshoots.  Partly as a result when Vartan died shortly after his birthday in April 2021 there was little notice from the Iranian and Academic communities, even the pahlavi’s were silent on Vartan’s death despite the fact he had taught Princess Leila, the youngest daughter of Mohammed Reza Shah and farah diba, before Leila was hazed off campus in 1990.

            The only other campus where Iranian studies gained traction was at columbia university.  There, shortly after frye began his work at harvard, eshan yarshater, and Iranian of jewish heritage, founded columbia’s center for Iranian studies, now better known for it’s Iranica project.  However, that institution was even more elitist than frye’s creation and was of little benefit to the Iranian community which came into the New York City Metro area as a trickle before the 1970’s, as it was not public accessible.  An excellent example was my paternal grandfather and his siblings, who grew up around Slavs and jews in the New York City Metro area who although he and his siblings knew they were of ethnic Iranian origin, thought because of those Slavs and jews they grew up around that Iran was some fairy tale land, and as a result spoke almost no Farsi and were cut off from the greater Iranian community.  Unlike harvard, brown, and their offshoots, columbia hosted very few community events, and the only New York City academic institution with any public access for Iranians was New York University, however NYU’s kevorkian center, founded in the 1960’s, was managed in such an elitist manner it was not until after 9/11 that it gained public traction for Iranians.  Even then, that public traction was decades late for Iranians like my father and his blood relatives, who remain on the fringe of the greater Iranian community because of the lack of community resources in the New York City area as do most Iranians who came to america before the islamic revolution.  Like harvard and brown, columbia drew people hostile towards Iran, even some while claiming to be neutral, such as gary sick, who repeats dated information about Iran without major interaction with those influencing Iranian affairs at present.

            Throughout american, and some Worldwide, academic campuses, the same pattern emerges; some altruistic faculty member takes an interest in Iranian affairs, invites Iranians to campus for research purposes, Iranians made to feel comfortable and bring their associates, increased presence on campus makes Iranians a target for detractors, some targeted by campus/community security groups for harassment, creates friction between Iranians and the community.  The sad part is that many Iranians throughout america do not seek out alternatives to community events held on college campuses, like the skittish retards in the Boston metro area, fucked up ingrates in the New York City metro area, and marginalized fuckwits in rhode island and New England.

            Other american campuses offer mixed, but similar experiences.  At yale and princeton the Iranians tend to be New York castoffs and are marginalized to the point where they have little community impact.  The university of Chicago has trained some fine Iran scholars yet Chicago itself is not very welcoming to Iranians.  Dartmouth at least avoids large scale interactions in order not to provoke any confrontations, like most academic institutions throughout america and the World operate.  Campuses like georgetown and duke act as a repository for Iranian academic castoffs like trita parsi and ali vaez from other academic institutions, while the Iranian communities in texas and florida, which are sizeable, have a minimal presence on campus and are barely noticed in the community.  While California has a sizeable population of Iranians, mainly in the Los Angeles metro area and San Francisco Bay area they repeat the same formula of regularly hosting community events on campuses like stanford and ucla, the latter though a public campus is fraught with the same dangers as other campuses, more so because public access leads to greater feelings of community making any incidents on public campuses all the more painful.  Iranian academic organizations off campus tend to be just as scatterbrained and out of touch, as the Association for Iranian Studies recently demonstrated in their statement on the recent riots in Iran where they could not even get basic facts straight.

There are so few community resources where Iranians can gather in any location that it is only natural they search for familiar places, and here is where academic campuses come in.  The hard fact is there are too few community resources for Iranians in most of america, and in searching out the familiar academic campuses become de facto community centers, where Iranians are treated like zoo animals who think they are something special.  This feeling is reinforced when Iranians spend more time off campuses and soon realize they are not as famous or as special as those who brought them to campus made them feel.  Outside of academia most prominent professors and Iranian luminaries are little known, and they experience a shock adjusting to life outside of campus environments, where they are nobody special, causing more problems for them.

Overall, it seems the Iranian presence on campus has more harm than good for Iranians, for it makes them dependent on a lifestyle that does not prepare them for life, especially life in the World where they are not sheltered from harsh reality.  If Iranians in america and outside Iran are to thrive they must learn not to be dependent on others and to stand up for themselves, especially in a World where people still think Persia is a fairy tale land and that Zoroastrians go around carving Z’s, for all we have done is lead whores to culture who could not think.


Thursday, September 22, 2022

On my recent Iranian embassy meeting during UNGA

 On September 21, 2022 I followed up with the Iranian embassy in Manhattan in regards to the e-mail I sent them and the embassy in Wahington DC in August 2022 in regards to human rights violations I received in prison from the american government for being Iranian and representing Artesh Iran.I brought with me a copy of that e-mail and a Farsi translation of the same e-mail and I was right to do so, as I learned the reason why.

The embassy staff claimed they could not understand my complaint.

This is the same kind of idiotic response I used to hear from incompetent staff when working as a rhode island state official, and I am shocked that Dolat can allow such people to work for and represent them and Iranians.
The bottom line is that Iranians like myself have been enduring human rights abuses in america for decades, especially since the patriot act was passed, such as Zoroastrian prayer being criminalized, and this will not be tolerated for much longer,.  
If Dolat still refuses to act Artesh will, as the recent situation in Irann shows, as this kid of behavior from Dolat serves only to ruin Iran.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Welcome Charles III

 Hours ago Charles III was proclaimed King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  You can read the proclamation below


I wish Charles III all the best for this reign, and hope his reign will be better than that of his mothers, especially in regards to the deposed Royal and Noble Houses of the World.

Thursday, September 08, 2022

Good riddance liz battenberg

Minutes ago queen elizabeth the second of great britain and northern ireland, died at balmoral at the age of 96

As a Gilanshahi and an Iranian I can not offer any condolences, as the british monarch was the only reigning monarch who was at best apathetic towards the situation in Iran by backing khomeinei, and showed not only apathy towards the Royal Houses of Iran but of Ethiopia, Nepal, Greece, Egypt, Iraq, and other Royal houses around the World who were deposed or impoverished because of inaction during her reign.  As a Mazendarani I can express disgust the way liz battenberg used the cause of Mazendarani independence to tease me with false hopes under the pretext of menacing Iran and the Caspian region. 
We only hope that her oldest son and heir Charles Phillip Arthur George will be a better monarch than liz battenberg ever was

Monday, September 05, 2022

On corruption/menace by gina raimondo

 If you want an excellent example of someone who is a corrupt menace in the biden administration look no further than wopaat gina raimondo

One of the reasons america is at war with Iran is because this woprat raimondo had continued the criminilization of Iranians in rhode island prisons with the rehiring of people like matt kettle who have cotiued the criminilization of Iranian Zoroastrians in rhode island prisons, and if you want to know where the bureau of prisons got this practice look no further than gina raimondo.
In addition to making prisons a major industry in rhode island she also made poverty and panhandling major industries by mismanagement.  I would love to see some of kthe panhandlers, among others the woprat has wronged, visit her at her home at 125 morris ave in providence and see what sympathy they get.
Additionally, gina raimondo has been involved in insider trading, as when she was a board member at yale university she used her position as rhode island governor to help yale acquire assets, including L&M healthcare, at relative bargains.
​Overall a corrupt person with no business in government.

Saturday, September 03, 2022

New Supercarrier INS Vikrant R-11 for Indian Navy

 Hours ago Narendra Modi commissioned a new Supercarrier for the Indian Navy, the INS Vikrant R-11
You can see a satellite image I obtained of the INS Vikrant in Kochi, where it was built, the first Supercarrier built in India

 This is India's second Supercarrier, the first, INS Vikramaditya being acquired from Russia, and is a major new addition to India and the region, especially India's allies like Iran which itself is working on an Aircraft Carrier.
Overall, a welcome new addition for India and the World.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

On the death of John Tirman

I just learned that my old colleague from mit John Tirman has died

We had many interactions over the years at mit, including one you can watch at the link below from 45:00 to 46:20 to hear us speak

John tried to create at mit's center for International studies a safe space where members of the Iranian community could interact on important issues.  However, people at mit cis lie bruce posner made trouble for men and other Iranians.  Whatever good Tirman did was negated by many of his colleagues at mit, and it is suspicious ion itself the no funeral or memorial services are planned for him, as he deserves more.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Major Chinese/Pacific Carrier deployments

 Recent satellite images of Hainan show major new assets for the Chinese Navy, including the Supercarrier Shandong 17

 and the Amphibious Assault Carrier Hainan 31

Note these ships are deployed with the Chinese South Sea Fleet, which is within striking distance of Taiwan with overwhelming force.  While the Hainan 31 has a practical use against Taiwan, the Shandong 17 does not, only to provide overwhelming Chinese air cover.  It does have a practical use against american and Japanese Carrier groups.
​Excellent examples of these can be found at Yokosuka, most notably the USS Ronald Reagan CVN-76

Additionally, because of the Chinese military buildup, Japan has built it's own Carriers, starting with the JS Izumo DDH-183

The Izumo, along with it's sister ship JS Kaga DDH-184, deploys F-35 fighters.  In all probability the Chinese Supercarrier deployments are not to attack Taiwan directly, but to confront american Supercarriers, which they are the equal of.  

The quality of prison religious meals

 When I was in federal, as well as state prisons, they would not accommodate me as a Zoroastrian.  I did notice something interesting with the accommodations made for kosher and halal meals.  They would serve one of four types of frozen meal from a brand called my own meals, which came with kosher and halal certification

 Notice how some of the meals include pinto beans and other types of beans, which are neither kosher or halal, including in the meals they served in prison.
​The fact is many inmates will claim to be jewish or muslim simply to make the prison system spend extra money on them.  Little is done about this, however some prison systems do a test of faith to make sure inmates are not lying about their religious background.
The bottom line is no matter your religious background you should know how to make due with whatever resources you have, including food.  If someone says they are jewish or muslim but do not know what is kosher or halal that is suspicious in itself, and they should not be accommodated, as it wastes resources on those who need the religious accommodations and makes things harder for them.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Oddness around the sinking of the IS Khark 431

 I just learned the US Naval Institute did a piece on the sinking of the IS Khark 431, Iran's Command/Logistical Support Ship, which was fragged in June 2021.  This includes a satellite image claiming to be the wreck of the IS Khark 431 off Jask in an article about that incident

 However, recent satellite images of Jask and the surrounding region show no evidence of any wreck 

Either the US Naval Institute did a half assed job reporting the incident, which the american military tends to do regarding Iran, or the Khark has been raised.

More facebook censoring Naval images

 Recently facebook has censored more Naval images on my project, this time of the Spanish Navy in Rota
This includes not letting me make the new 3D image of the Spanish Aircraft Carrier SPS Juan Carlos I L-61 and the SPS Reina Sofia F-84 FFG the new album cover

 This, along with images of the FFG's SPS Santa Maria F-81, SPS Navarra F-85

 SPS Victoria F-82, and the Amphibious Assault Ship SPS Castilla L-52

For all we know facebook may blame this on the recent hack attack it experienced.  Overall, this censorship and mismanagement needs to stop and they need to return the albums back to the pre-meta configuration.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

On facebook censoring Naval images in Bahrain

 Recently facebook has censored images of the Royal Navy of Bahrain I uploaded to my Worldwide Naval Image project.  This includes an image of the new British acquisition ​RBNS Al-Zubara 80 along with the rest of Bahrain's Navy

 One can also see the RBNS Sabha 90 FFG

 Along with the Italian DDG ​ITS Federico Martinengo F-596

 the British Amphibious Assault Ship ​RFA Lyme Bay L-3007

 and the american multirole ship USNS Trenton ​T-EPF-5

 I had the chance to visit the USNS Trenton shortly after it's commissioning when it was JHSV-5

I hope nothing sinister is afoot, but something may be in Khalj Fars.