Monday, September 05, 2022

On corruption/menace by gina raimondo

 If you want an excellent example of someone who is a corrupt menace in the biden administration look no further than wopaat gina raimondo

One of the reasons america is at war with Iran is because this woprat raimondo had continued the criminilization of Iranians in rhode island prisons with the rehiring of people like matt kettle who have cotiued the criminilization of Iranian Zoroastrians in rhode island prisons, and if you want to know where the bureau of prisons got this practice look no further than gina raimondo.
In addition to making prisons a major industry in rhode island she also made poverty and panhandling major industries by mismanagement.  I would love to see some of kthe panhandlers, among others the woprat has wronged, visit her at her home at 125 morris ave in providence and see what sympathy they get.
Additionally, gina raimondo has been involved in insider trading, as when she was a board member at yale university she used her position as rhode island governor to help yale acquire assets, including L&M healthcare, at relative bargains.
​Overall a corrupt person with no business in government.

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