Friday, April 28, 2023
Critical review of Henry Mark Holzer's "Fake Warriors"
When I was held by the feds facing illegal charges I was given a copy of one of the most
eye opening books I ever read, Henry Mark Holzer’s “FAKE WARRIORS.” When I read it it
not only showed how others lie about their military service, it makes one question authority and
corruption. Had this book been around when I was a teenager or before it would have helped me
and my family better stand up to my stepdad, bob lukse, for we would have been able to put him
on the spot about the bullshit war stories he told about himself and others. However, in reading
the book I notice many flaws in methods Holzer uses, and in who Holzer calls a fake warrior.
To begin with Holzer belittling “war stories” is wrong, as they do have an effect on
people whether they served or not. While Holzer is right in encouraging people to ask for more
details on many stories, he minimizes the effect they have. For instance, my stepdad would talk
about his WWII Seabee service in Subic Bay, but not once would he talk about what he did
during his service, which Holzer rightly calls a red flag. However, those war stories my stepdad
told were able to make him friends with john chaffee and other politically connected veterans,
which in hindsight should have been a red flag, however Holzer does not encourage such
veterans to question fakes like my stepdad.
Another red flag was how my stepdad would mostly avoid veterans groups like the
American Legion, and how most veterans were unable to have a coherent conversation with him,
how my stepdad never tried to get veteran license plates or a burial plot in a veterans cemetery or
services from a VA Hospital, things which should have been considered red flags by Holzer in
his book but are not, rather avoiding groups like the Legion are praised by Holzer. Those
behaviors by my stepdad were actually praised by politically prominent veterans like chaffee and
lenihan, when they should have reflected on their own corruption, yet Holzer does NOT go into
exposing corrupt veterans.
If anything I did not know about Holzer’s book because of his scabby choice of publisher,
as xlibris was one of the publishers which rejected my first book in 2003/4, so I was avoiding
anything from xlibris. As it was around that time I met Frank Lennon, who showed me how to
sift fact from fiction in war stories, however Lennon did not have the same primal outrage about
fake warriors such as my stepdad that Holzer and Captain McGrath have and which is evident in
Holzer’s book. For instance Lennon was able to shoot down my stepdad’s story that my dad’s
uncle was killed at Pearl Harbor, however it took another four years f research before I obtained
correct info about that family member’s WWII service, info I would have obtained sooner had I
made contact with Holzer and McGrath.
Despite their work in exposing fake warriors they do show signs of being overzealous.
Let me give two examples;
1. In the cover description they call the man in the picture a fake simply based on what was
reported in the media, ignoring that that man could have been wearing those pins, patches, and
surplus to honor a fallen veteran, and it is the fault of the media, not the man, for making
2. In the story of Captain McGrath’s encounter with Colonel Connolly Holzer ignores that
Connolly was a judo instructor at the Air Force academy and an Honorary Colonel who simply
had a form of dementia, which was the real reason the feds decided not to prosecute Connolly.
In viewing Holzer’s website I found another example of this overzealousness in his piece
on dick blumenthal. The hard facts are that the media distorted statements made by blumenthal,
and he has the support of veterans like Rob Simmons, who understand the nature of classified
military operations.
A major flaw in Holzer’s book is him mentioning that nothing is classified anymore,
when in fact many military operations remain classified. Instead of asking the person for more
details on their service to determine if there is truth in their statement, Holzer simply dismisses
use of this statement as a sign of a fake warrior. And while Holzer uses stories from Vietnam
and examples like Wilhelm Voight to illustrate the global impact military fakes have, he does
nothing to help preserve the honor of foreign military operatives in his book.
Another flaw is Holzer considering the unwillingness of people to talk about their war or
military experience as a sign of a fake warrior, ignoring that many people in military service are
traumatized by war and military experiences and unwilling to talk. In my stepdad’s case the fact
that could not hold a coherent conversation with most people should have been taken as a sign,
and Holzer would do well to see if many military fakes posses this same lack of lucidity and
consider this rather than unwillingness to talk as criteria for being a fake warrior.
In achieving the goal stated in the book of preventing misrepresentation of the military
causing a catastrophe Holzer is a day late and a dollar short. As things are with my stepdad he is
still alive at present, even though he helped cause the westerly shooting and the government
fuckups in the fallout, still continuing to rip people off even in his 90’s. The fallout from that
shooting helped escalate into a war with Iran, which america is losing as the recent incidents
with the uss florida and the seizure of the tanker advantage sweet demonstrates, and which has
snowballed into WWIII. One reason was that during my work at campuses like brown
university, mit, and nyu involved educating Iranians in military and security affairs to make their
mandatory service time easier when they returned to Iran, and to help reform the Iranian military
from within while keeping Soltani Talab/Royalist connections. Had someone in government
taken more positive action against my stepdad or had Holzer and McGrath made better decisions
which would have put me in touch with them over a decade ago lots of lives would have been
saved and america would not have been drawn into a losing global conflict.
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Iranian naval forces seizing tanker aiding american forces
Hours ago Iranian Naval forces under the control of pasardan/sepah seized the tanker advantage sweet which was transporting material to american centcom forces, as was announced by centcom
I should point out that Iran has been in a state of war with america since December 2019 and any seizure of american material is justified, which both the american and Iranian governments, the latter. being silent on this matter, would do well to remember. After all america is getting hit for starting shit.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Iranian Navy submarine IS Fateh beating us navy
Hours ago Daryadar Shahram Irani informed me that the IS Fateh 920 SSK successfully intercepted the USS Florida SSGN-728 and forced it to the surface in the Strait of Hormuz
Notice among other things the distortion of the Iranian flag the IS Fateh 920 is flying.
Among the reasons for this Iranian success was my assistance in educating Nedaja/Artesh in submarine construction and operations, which Iran has put to use. That has also included information on foreign submarines, and I put out over a decade go that the refit of the first four Ohio class SSBN's into SSGN/multirole combat ships, including the USS Florida, caused structural and operational problems, as I am more than familiar with what has come out of New London county
This is another Iranian victory which I am proud to have been a part of.
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
The exeter fire in rhode island
Last week a major forest fire started in exeter, rhode island, which has only been brought under control. In investigating the cause of the fire, I am wrongly being blamed for the fire, despite friends of mine in government sending me photos of the fire seen below
The hard truth is that this fire originated at a campsite close to the training grounds for the rhode island state fire marshal's north of the veterans cemetery, while the campsites I use are in the Tribal spots south of the veterans cemetery.
In all probability this fire was probably started by a provacetur, either someone associated with artemis moonhawk's occupiers, or someone in government, as there are many corrupt government officials who live in the area. In all probability this fire will be used as an excuse to go after me and other people who patronize Tribal camp sites and others who are fed up with government corruption.
Saturday, April 15, 2023
On Vartan Gregorian's legacy maligned by shit u
On this day two years ago Iranian-Armenian educator Vartan Gregorian died in New York City because of the covid virus. He was the head of the carnegie corporation at the time of his death, assuming that position after stepping down as president of brown university
While his death received scant notice in the Iranian and Armenian communities the people at shit u exploited his death as the event below demonstrated
That event was held on the anniversary of my federal civil rights suit against the providence pigs for human rights violations I experienced when I was at brown's Middle East studies department at brown's watson institute for international studies, which Vartan helped to create. Vartan resigned from the board of directors of the watson institute in 2008 after I was banned from the campus for standing up for human rights violations.
These people at shit u who claim they want to bring justice and peace to the World are some of the worst human rights violators on the planet, including the people at that event like shitforbrains bashir, who have weaponized academia to harm and malign the greater Iraniain community, and demonstrate the nerd racket waste of time academia has become.
On the anniversary of the Tsarnayev raid; fallout
On this day ten years ago Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnayev began their raid by bombing the boston marathon, in retaliation for the human rights abuses their countrymen have experienced because of the american government.
As a result of this the american government began increasing the human rights violations associates and countrymen of the Tsarnayev's experienced, and this was spearheaded by that nigger john gibbons of 49 anvil st agawam ma
The peoples of Central and Western Asia have had it with the human rights violations they experience in america, and expect more incidents like the Tsarnayev raid to happen in the future in america.
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Major new warships for Qatar
Recently Italy has built new FFG's for Qatar. Seen below are the QENS Damash F-102
the QENS Al Khor F-103
and the QENS Sumaysimah F-104
These are major new warships not just for Qatar but for the Khalj Fars region. The real question is how will Qatar use them, for they may be used to menace Iran.
New Aircraft Carrier for Russia
A recent satellite image of Severodvinsk seen below shows work on an Aircraft Carrier being started
This is sooner than expected, and with aggressive nato expansion and continuous problems in ukrayna and the Caucasus this shows the Russian military is expanding more aggressively than ever.
On major new Aircraft Carriers in service
This year two major new Aircraft Carriers have come into service.
Italy is commissioning the ITS Trieste L-9890, which has already been completed
Turkey just commissioned the TCG Anadolu L-400 this week
These are major military developments as they show that not only are Italy and Turkey major naval powers there are less dependent on outside influences. How these warships will be used is anyone's guess.
Major new israeli navy assets
A recent satellite image of haifa shows all four magen class FFG's, the ids magen, ids oz, ids atzmaut, and ids nitzachon, in port along with two eilat class FFG's, a Dolphin class SSK, and three hetz class Corvettes
This is a major new development as these warships can attack well beyond israeli boundaries, and may be used to menace others, particularly Iran.
Thursday, April 06, 2023
Ute Lemper regarding time travel
This week Ute Lemper issued a new song single called "Time Traveler" which is about experiencing time travel. The video of this can be seen below
What is interesting about this is that this coincides with the anniversary of the Montauk incident of August 12, and Ute lives in the vicinity of Montauk and many effected by the time travel experiences regarding the Montauk project. The song narrative is eerily similar to my own time travel experiences regarding Montauk, which increased as I spent more time in Ninigret's sanctum where Project Phoenix and Project Pegasus originally took place
It will be interesting to see the fallout from this interesting new piece by Ute.
On provocative timing of finland joining nato
This week nato approved finland, but not Sweden, as a new member of nato. This occurred at the same time nato was planning new aggression against Russia and China regarding ukraine
The fact is finland is in a position to menace some Russia's most important military assets in Sankt Peterburg and the Kola peninsula. However, by not approving Sweden nato is sidelining a county who's military has some of the most advanced Submarines and Fighter Jets in its inventory. Additionally, nato is making no secret it is using the situation in ukrayna as a proxy war against Russia and China. This aggressive expansion by nato will certainly justify Russia using nuclear force in ukrayna and nato targets.
Monday, April 03, 2023
NoRuz maligned by the united nations
I just learned that NoRuz was maligned by the united nations in their "International Nowruz Day" proclamation, which mentions NOTHING about Zarathustra and the true origin of NoRuz
NoRuz was first observed by Zarathustra three millennia ago to observe when the Supreme God Dadvah Ahura Mazda created Fire and finished creating the World. However, the united nations ignores this, at a time when Zoroastrians face increasing discrimination and criminalization of their faith.
This is the more galling as I have met with UN representatives about the discrimination I continue to face in america for being Zoroastrian, and the UN needs to get the facts on NoRuz right by including Zarathustra.
On terrorist ties with Iranian academic hack rizvi
I recently learned that Iranian studies academic hack kishwar rizvi, of 62 livingston st New Haven
has added an apartment at 100 landsdowne st cambridge to her residences
This is the same apartment complex mit pmo/mek frontman ali talebinejad lives, and her proximity to this terrorist explains why yale cmes has been issuing statements in support of the terrorist rajavi's pmo/mek.
It is bad enough this pinjara dwelling jendafarangistani has crank called the cops on me and stalked me in Vermont. This lasest act shows her discredibility and how Iranian studies has degenerated into a nerd racket waste of time.
Crooked pig who menaced Zendran busted
I recently learned that bill dickie, of 65 olney arnold road in cranston
was busted along with his wife tara for stealing an air conditioner and other items from a Lowe's hardware store in Warwick, for which their case was filed for a year
When puki clements ordered that raid on me on 2 May 2014 dickie was the one who lied to the hospital staff about me to give me drugs which nearly killed me, then stole my cell phone from the hospital and used it to harass one of my female cousins from Iran and marjan faritous/persia pele. When I confronted that fucker at his house on thanksgiving and he did nothing I posted his address on the internet, for which the us marshals had contacted cranston pig lee sohn, of 27 spruce ct west warwick about this
That pig sohn lied to doctors about me and had them give me drugs which almost killed me.
This fucker is so spoiled and acts entitled thinking he can get away with anything and this sentence is too light, more is needed to cull dirty pigs like this.
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