Saturday, April 15, 2023

On Vartan Gregorian's legacy maligned by shit u

On this day two years ago Iranian-Armenian educator Vartan Gregorian died in New York City because of the covid virus. He was the head of the carnegie corporation at the time of his death, assuming that position after stepping down as president of brown university
While his death received scant notice in the Iranian and Armenian communities the people at shit u exploited his death as the event below demonstrated
That event was held on the anniversary of my federal civil rights suit against the providence pigs for human rights violations I experienced when I was at brown's Middle East studies department at brown's watson institute for international studies, which Vartan helped to create. Vartan resigned from the board of directors of the watson institute in 2008 after I was banned from the campus for standing up for human rights violations. These people at shit u who claim they want to bring justice and peace to the World are some of the worst human rights violators on the planet, including the people at that event like shitforbrains bashir, who have weaponized academia to harm and malign the greater Iraniain community, and demonstrate the nerd racket waste of time academia has become.

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