Monday, September 25, 2023

Online oddness regarding Iranian action at the UN

Among other acts of online oddness coinciding with the UN General Assembly, youtube has had a hack attack which has prevented me from uploading the video of the demo I did at the UNGA which is a follow up of my action there last September and my open letter to ali khamenei, as the image below shows
This is a major hindrance, for it prevents proper follow up on major actions not only against jomhori mollah, but rajavi's pmo/mek, reza pahlavi, and all other ameircan/zionist backed puppets who falsely claim to be resistance, as I am the only Iranian who Artesh respects who can beat america, zionists, and all other enemies of Iran. This occuring shows that the american and zionist governments, jomhori mollah, rajavi, pahlavi, and their associates realize not only can I beat them but I show them up as bullshit artists unable to fulfill their promises to Iran.

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