Saturday, March 16, 2024

On questioning the parentage of reza pahlavi

On the anniversary of Reza Shah's birth I raise an important issue, that reza pahlavi is in all probability NOT the biological son of Mohammed Reza Shah. I start by bringing up the Massumeh / Fumika Pahlavi case, as the story is plausible, and the behavior of jomhori mollah in that matter is odd, for it would be in their best interest to verify her story. However, one must also realize that Shahbanou farah is a direct descendant of the prophet mohammed. Here farah gives credibility to this, as in her memoir she states in 1960 she was pregnant with a girl, yet gave birth to a boy in a hospital, where a baby switch could have occurred, and this has NOT been refuted. I also remind people that reza pahlavi still refuses to call the death of Princess Leila a murder, despite my work proving this and even King Charles III giving credibility to this, or how I was the one who got the feds to reinvestigate the death of Prince Ali-Reza and prove it was murder. This and the overall behavior of reza pahlavi as a glorified futility makes one raise serious questions, which need to be asked and answered.

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