Monday, April 01, 2024

On misdeeds by frye/harvard against Iranians

Here is a video action I did regarding misdeeds richard frye and harvard have done against the Iranian and Zoroastrian community To elaborate 10 years ago today I was one of the speakers eulogizing frye deputizing for Homa Khanoum and William Beeman
In 2017 Iearned my father's uncle Harry had served together with frye in OSS/CIa in the Khalj region, and frye not only wrongly used him as an authority NEVER helped him get repatriated
Additionally, when I was illegaly held at fort devens in 2020 one of the staff there was charles frye, dick's cousin who recognized me, and not only starved me and other inmates refused to allow my Zoroastrian prayers there. This is an unforgivable act by the frye family which harvard has endorsed. This shows that harvard's cmes, which frye founded, has been weaponizing information about Iran to harm Iranians, and those in academia working with hcmes and other similar entities are acting to the greater detriment of the Iranian community. Had I this info in 2014 about this I and Homa would have shut down frye's funeral and tossed him in the trash, Iran is right to deny him any honors after this.

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