Monday, January 20, 2025

On truth about rhode island media hackrats

The recent issue of rhode island monthly did a piece on slanderers and other media hacks by another media hack, phil eil, which can be read below Most prominently the pedophile steve ahlquist was profiled
That comic book store atomic comics was shut down because ahlquist kept stealing kids comics and reselling them, and repeated breakins by the dcyf kids to retrieve their stolen comics caused outrage in the neighborhood, and I and others had that borders store at the providence mall shut down because of ahlquist's refusal to stop shoplifters, vandals, and other thugs, and allowed gay prostitution to occur on the premises. These degenerates are a prime example of the shithole that rhode island is, and people need to get rid of this human shit rather than give them business.

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