Recently some items of attention were brought to my notice regarding the Zoroastrian community in america.
This boston #Zoroastrian
organization has only been around since 2014, and by the info posted on
it's website the Zoroastrian Association of Greater Boston Area is made
up of parsis and others who practice a polluted form of Zoroastrianism
deviating from the teachings of Zarathustra
That they practice a polluted form of the teachings of Zarathustra is
demonstrated by their holding Zoroastrian festival in non-Zoroastrian
places of worship, notably christian churches, their praising
nietzsche's bigoted presentation of Zarathustra, and their unwilling to
address the criminalization of Zoroastrian worship in states like rhode
island and massachusetts
This piece by mohammed hassan shows he, nbc, and pbs did their usual
half-assed job on Zoroastrianism and Zarathustra, as demonstrated by
mentioning a non-existent holiday, tigran, instead of Maidyoshem Ghambar which occurred around the same time
Those calling themselves Zoroastrians are actually parsis, which are the
largest Zoroastrian sect who practice a polluted form of #Zoroastrianism,
and for that niggers pbs and morgan freeman to assume that
Zoroastrianism is Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds is insulting
without studying the Yasna, Gathas, and other teachings of Zarathustra
and how to apply them in life.
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