Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Recent fallout on new Zendran charges in westerly

I have yet to appear in court as a result of what occurred in Westerly regarding that disorderly charge, and there is already fallout. Just days ago the westerly pig chief st clair announced he would be leaving the force at the end of this month
This is important as he and my family had property in Bradford, and he continues to move around, partly as he is the one responsible for ruining the wpd as a police force by using the same ninny state bratton tactics that have ruined forces elsewhere, as well as by praetorian policing tactics. It should also be noted that they had to file charges against me twice, as the officer who filed the complaint chose not to, and another pig, sgt campbell, decided to refile the complaint against me.If one doubts that there is praetorian policing going on notice the fine which cherenzia's construction business received within weeks of the charges brought against me
I and sergio cherenzia had clashed regarding greater westerly-pawcatuck chamber of commerce issues, including his talking taylor swift's millions to create the rock wall illegally stretching out past the shoreline into the Atlantic Ocean by having his company's counsel state falsely that rock walls are natural formations. I also clashed with him over the botched relief after sandy, as he was not organizing relief work on a daily basis, even at a club opening at foxwoods which one can see here
Look no further than here to see how the rot in now of america's wealthiest communities is becoming apparent by those who irreparably fucked it over.

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