Saturday, December 28, 2019

Was Zendran the target of a freemason hit?

With the odd way that I was menaced for almost a week after the Yalda/Winter Solstice there is one factor that should be taken into account, the masonic one.
            As it is the freemasons arrive at the Newport Tower in good weather to observe the alignments, claiming the Tower was built by the knights templar led by earl Sinclair in the 14th century, which they did in force this year as in 2017, but not in 2017 or 2015 when the weather was odd and the forecast not favorable.  You can see this in the picture below
Notice how I am obscured, but you can see me over by the flagpole in the one below
This year I gave both Jim Egan and Scott Wolter print copies of my syllabus deciphering the Narragansett Runestone, as they clearly did not get online copies I sent them.  In it I explain that there were errors made, and one symbol has a connection with wat tyler, the militant freemason in 14th century England.  Later when viewing the “IN HOC SIGNO VINCES” stone I, Scott, and those gathered had a lively discussion about masonic symbolism, specifically the number 3.

The incident at the hotel I was staying at had masonic overtones involving 3, as in three $20 bills were stolen, and 3 members of the Newport pd arrived at 3PM responding to my 911 call.
It should be noted I am one of the few non-freemasons who possess masonic items, including a masonic bible, and as a Zoroastrian am naturally opposed to freemasonry, as it distorts the teachings of Zarathustra, as does any organization involving secrecy.
Furthermore, my Ahunavar is a counter to any negative influence that freemasonry or any other entity, would bring on Yalda or anywhere, and I and Jim Egan have been prominent in making sure all groups with connections have access to the Newport Tower, breaking the masonic monopoly.
I should also remind people that the lower three degrees involves doing harm, including murder, to those who openly speak of masonic secrets, and what I experienced in the week after that event at least appear to be a “soft hit” by someone, and after what I experienced in Westerly this past February at the hands of associates of the sinclair’s during a blizzard it would certainly be a strong possibility.

Zendran menaced after Yalda/Winter Solstice 2019 at the Newport Tower

Hours after leaving the Yalda/Winter Solstice event at the Newport Tower I received an unexpected menace.
Around 2:30PM I returned to my hotel room to find my money had been stolen, but no sign of forced entry.  When I contacted the hotel staff they refused to check the cameras, so I called 911.  When Newport PD arrived they noticed the injuries I had sustained to my left hand days before from a hand warmer accident which occurred around the same time I learned of the shooting in Westerly where my step-father was living, however they assumed I had been making bombs and told me they could only clear up that issue at the station.  Once at the station the Sgt. In charge not only noticed the injuries but the way I was having trouble moving, and after explaining to him about the Tower event, and the hand warmer accident coinciding with the aforementioned shooting, he had me brought to the hospital.  Once there the doctors traumatic circumstances to keep me for observation.  While on observation I was not allowed to do my praying, despite the attention the Tower event, and though the medical staff noticed I had in fact gained weight, inconsistent with a full withdrawal from the drug cocktail given to me five years ago, no follow up tests were done.  In fact when I complained about being on the same unit as someone who had MRSA who I was in the aci with eight years ago during occupy and had notified my doctors at Yale medical about this the night staff ganged up on me and gave me drugs they were not supposed to, which caused trouble seeing, breathing trouble, and palpitations.  Friday morning the doctor in charge stated the latter action taken was wrong and excessive, and had me discharged and brought to my doctors at Yale medical.  I was also notified that the FBI had called about me, and before my discharge I called them and arranged to meet with them the following week.  Once at Yale medical the doctors noted the follow up instructions radically differed from those on my discharge papers, and they had a MRSA test done.
For such actions to be done to anyone when there is no threat in the name of safety is inexcusable, and retribution, as is seen throughout the northeast where similar instances have occurred, is certainly coming.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

On Yalda/Winter Solstice 2019 at the Newport Tower

This Yalda/Winter Solstice at the Newport Tower was a more interesting and exciting one, especially after the freak storm and shooting that occurred two days before on the anniversary of the Great Swamp massacre, and with rudi bakhtiar stalking me up that way before that because of her new movie "bombshell".
The morning alignment occurred between 7:30 and 8 AM EST, but the sun moved very slowly and not as bright as on previous years
The 9AM alignment occurred as well this year with a large crowd, including Chief Sachem Black Eagle of the Pocasset Wampanoag Tribe and Scott Wolter, however with the freemasons doing a ceremony I countered with a public Ahunavar, as freemasonry rips of Zarathustra
After the alignment I joined Scott Wolter and others to view the IN HOC SIGNO VINCES stone which was has existed long before the permanent settlement of Newport and which is close to the Naval War College and Naval Base
As eventful a Yalda/Winter Solstice as they come.

Friday, December 20, 2019

On yesterday's shooting in westerly

If you have not heard there was a shooter at the babcock village apartment complex in westerly, rhode island yesterday morning, and the news has been doing a half-assed job reporting what happened there, and it is making this shooting stand out.
Basically Joseph Giachello, a 66 year old Latino resident, began shooting.  The property manager, julie cardinal, was killed and a tenant, Donna Thornley, and health care worker, robin moss, were wounded.  The westerly pigs basically panicked and used the shooting to harass the tenants before Federal law enforcement arrived and got everything under control.
This personally effects me as my step father, who along with washington trust, the lenihans, and the banerjees l were responsible for embezzling Peter I, my paternal grandfather’s forrine, lives in that building.  While eligibility for tenancy is based on age, health condition, they know that many tenants come from old money and/or government service backgrounds, and thus have valuable assets, and such an incident may be justified raids for illicit gains.  I had also lived from December 2010 to January 2014 in an apartment building in providence managed by the same company that manages babcock village, pag, and I know firsthand that company is notorious for harassing tenants from well off backgrounds to the point of causing health problems simply for illicit gains.  It would not be a surprise if Joe Giachelo was experiencing similar problems and finally snapped.
It should also be noted that rhode island has insanely strict gun control laws, in this case it they did not make a difference, as that part of rhode island, as well as that neighboring region of Connecticut, has the highest population of government service veterans, including ones who have seen combat, and who have no trouble obtaining and concealing firearms.  Additionally, despite westerly being portrayed as a low crime community, it has the third highest arrest rate in rhode island, high incidents of brutality, and openly hated among the locals, contrasting with neighboring towns like Hopkinton and Stonington where cops are popular.  If Joe Giachello did not do this someone else in Westerly fed up with the harassment and corruption would have done this and something similar may happen.
They are also making a similar mistake as was done with sandy hook, that being to over glorify people in government positions simply because of who they are rather than stand up against the wrongs those same people do using their positions to intimidate.  This has been the case in westerly for almost a decade, and it disgusts me, and if this trends continue more people will act as Joe Giachello did.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

On crooked judge in the Tsarnayev case

If one still doubts how corrupt and vulnerable those in the government involved in the Tsarnayev case are my home visit to ojetta rogeriree thompson​'s 159 wheeler home in the south park section of cranston seen below
Not only is it easy to get to, this is a rough area of cranston/providence and any judge living there should have better protection.  One reason for the lack of security are shady associates of judge thompson, mainly arf/dashanks like her next door neighbor, and the zobians, who have repeatedly harassed me, brought bogus hate crime charges against me, and who in 2013 openly admitted to being associates with thompson.  This is the same arf/dashank group that was involved in making the bombs the Tsarnayev's used and helped them hide the bombs they used.  
For a judge to be associated with people openly involved in a case like this is a major conflict of interest, and to be this lax shows just how vulnerable america's government has become.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

On crooked cops as us marshals

Should one have any doubts as to the corruption in the us marshals and the trouble I have been getting from them the video of my visit earlier today to his place at 1 century circle in north providence
This pig, along with greg bolden, was the one who began the legal harassment of me on February 19, 2003, simply for macing a junkie who attacked me on a bus, and because of those pigs experienced deprivation of rights in jail, not being allowed to do my prayers because I am Zoroastrian.  As it turned out bolden was too easy to track down, yet san antonio would only harass me when other pigs were around, and only infrequently, with things finally coming to a head in September 2013, when he harassed me for helping out a Green Beret veteran I had been in the ACI with who knew veterans I work with, which led to his leaving the providence pd.  One year later george joins the us marshals around the same time as the suspicious death of Frank McKnight.  It should also be noted that george recently moved to his 1 century circle place having previously lived at 79 columbus ave in north providence, then having the street number of his house changed to 68 as well as others on that street, trying to throw  people off to conceal how easy a target he is.
I also mentioned one of the circut judges in the Tsarnayev case there as well, as thompson is associated with the arf/dashank group that was involved in making the bombs the Tsarnayevs used, and has no business being on the case, and the pig chief for the town where george san antonio lives, tikoyan who is also associated with arf/dashanks, left the force after having an odd encounter with me during a snowstorm weeks ago.
How dirty pigs in the american government are allowed to carry on like this is beyond me, and shows how rotten things are in america.

Monday, December 16, 2019

On the Waltham murders and Tamerlan Tsarnayev

Today I paid a home visit to the prime suspect in the Waltham triple murders of 11 September 2011, pete koutoujian, the current Sheriff for Middlesex county and who lives close by as I show in the video below
As I make clear his house is VERY close to where the murders occurred as the map below demonstrates, walking distance actually
Notice how I mention the masonic connotations to the case, koutoujian's house number being 33.  It should be noted that koutoujian's birthday is three days after mine, and the day the murders occurred I was in Watertown square partying with friends and relatives, including Tamerlan Tsarnayev who showed no sign whatsoever he had done those killings, and the three pattern is masonic code.
Notice also how I mention koutoujian's affiliation with the arg/dashank organization, who has the formula for the explosives used during the Tsarnayev raid/boston marathon bombing and where the bombs used were kept.  Additionally, Zoroastrians and others with similar worship practices are criminalized in Middlesex county by this arf/dashank shit, making problems there worse.   How nobody could notice this is beyond me, but this crooked pig needs to be called out

On the Straight Pride punks sentenced

Today the punks who made the most violence during the Straight Pride parade in Boston were sentenced.  They all, boyd, kraft, and rego, must serve six months probation and do 15 hours of community serviceas part of their plea deal with the court.  As nobody from SHFA could attend I was there, and took the pic of the three punks and their pals below
Notice how kraft, in blue shirt on right, is taller than boyd, on left in green shirt, and rego, who is next to kraft in black, unlike their press photos, meaning they could have raised questions, however their behavior showed they had something to hide.  The lawyer for kraft was the biggest asshat, he complained about my presence, however the Boston Police and Suffolk Sheriffs backed me up.

Friday, December 13, 2019

My presence at the Tsarnayev appeal

Yesterday I was at the Tsarnayev appeal.  I had with me copies of my amicus briefs I filed in Tsarnayev's defense and the sign you can see below
This time while Homeland Security said they were wiling to let me in, once again the us marshals refused to let me enter to file amicus in support of Tsarnayev, and I let them read my brief and told them to contact the FBI, specifically naming the agents I have been talking with about issues related to Tsarnayev and other cases out of that courthouse.  This year cbs was trying to incite trouble by daring me to go inside for another confrontation, but you can see why I remained outside as I was, which explains why mit pigs and fuckmeat haslet did not want to engage in a physical confrontation with me.  The fact is my body is finally starting to heal from the health issues I have had over the past decade, and this, and the nasty surprise I left mit the night before, were a small demonstration of how not only can I handle subzero conditions like those in Boston yesterday, to remind those  that outside in that weather they are helpless to handle me.
Regarding the press while cbs was antagonistic, Fox News was shadowing me, mainly because of my involvement with rudi bakhtiar and the movie about her time at Fox "Bombshell" coming out today, as they use my pic but not what I said during my interview with them
I noticed andy martinez chose not to use my title in quoting me and only referenced my confrontations outside in his Boston herald piece, as did channels 5 and 7, though they did get good images of me there

If you got a problem with my sign and my defending Tsarnayev you can drop dead.  if you want me to voluntarily stop using that sign let the feds know to let me file my amicus brief and access other cases I have there.  The Trump administration was kind enough to find case files I had the nigger before Trump had thrown out, and I will be revealing important files about corruption in the Boston area involving the us marshals in the coming week.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

On chasing away crooked pig at dominos pizza

Last night when I stopped in dominos pizza in Cranston, after seeing my friends pizza place nearby had staff issues, I noticed dave schiavulli, the same crooked pig who with his partner ken court on May 22, 2004 put his gun in my face in an attempt to prevent the release of my first book, hanging out there, you can see the plate number of his truck and him in red in the window's reflection
After seeing me that donut fucker noticed me he made a run for it as you can see below in the video I took
This more than shows that this scabby guinea knows he did me wrong, that he used his badge as an excuse to do whatever he wants, and that just retribution for the injustice he did me can strike any minute as deserves.  Moreover, this is the last person anyone wants to see in a dominos pizza, either to eat near or have food near.

Monday, October 28, 2019

New major Iranian naval development in the Caspian

Seen below is a recent satellite image of Bandar Anzali Navy Base
Notice how the IS Damavand 77 FFG has been rebuilt and is now operational
If one still thinks that Iran is weak and vulnerable after seeing this they need the word stupid branded on their head, for Iran has proved it's ability to maintain it's defense by reactivating lost military assets.

New dashank/armenian oddness in watertown

This week when I was in watertown I noticed after leaving my cousin's club there were a large amount of packed boxes in the dashank/armenian revolutionary federation hq
Clearly they are preparing to move, what and where is in question, but apparently people are wise to the evil shit they are.  This is coincides with the Tsarnayev appeal, and I recently mentioned to the fbi weeks ago that the explosive formula used for the bombs/explosives the Tsarnayevs used was developed by hamazap hovhanessian, the son of General Hamazap, who commanded the third battalion of the Armenian volunteer corps during WWI, and who had detonated such an explosive in providence's armory district during the 1990's.  I even made clear to the feds that I still have the audio file from my 17 March 2015 interview on the Barry Chamish show and posts from 2015-4 available mentioning this, yet they were not looked at during the first trial, and I plan to enter this into evidence during the appeal,  Another fact is a crooked us marshall in the boston area who was present during the Tsarnayev trial is a dashank member.
I also noticed watertown pig sgt pugilese has been harassing local residents and businesses when I was there, in all probability something sinister is afoot in watertown concerning the Tsarnayev appeal.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Confronting zuckerberg about censorship

When suckerberg recently decided to censor me on facebook over a post i made where I called out crooked pigs who tried killing me, and because of this delayed response and the harassment I have recieved from suckerberg's associates over the years I decided to confront his family at their pace at 2 russell place in dobbs ferry this morning
As to be expected they were cowards, as they not only would not come out suckerberg's dad ran from me when he saw me at the dunkin donuts down the street.  Additionally suckerberg's dad lists his place as a dental office, yet you can clearly see that is simply an online lie to throw people off
Oddly enough some people made trouble for me at an event up the street in mount pleasant and I would not be surprised if they were suckerberg associates, as they are nothing but control freaks who epitomize why jew lives don't matter and who need to be done away with.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

2019 watson weirdness

I returned to the watson institute last night to see if those strange lights would return.  That they did and their positions were made difficult to view by the changes to the starr plaza park caused by the addition of the new stephen robert hall.  Notice in my video how the recording was cut off as I was beginning to explain these changes
As a result of that new addition the lights were in different positions, and the lights in my old department and the directors office were on as noticed.  However the new hall is open with different hours and staff, so to determine if the oddness in the old building and was caused by the beings from those lights or from modern interference was difficult to tell.
The warning is clear though, beware those allied with the global elitists, they will cause immense harm.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

My defending Iran from trump and rajavi menace at UNGA

This week I did three successful pickets in defense of Iran.
First on September 23 I held a successful anti-war picket at the naval Base in Groton showing how vulnerable they are
Even america's prime submarine base can be easily taken out, especially with mismanagement by those in the local government there.
The next morning I arrived at the UNGA in Manhattan. The train I had taken in was rerouted because of security measures for trump, however that did not stop me from holding a successful anti-rouhani/rajavi picket at the Iranian embassy, where I was joined by some of greta thunberg's supporters who agreed with me that war with Iran will be disaster for the planet worse than climate problems, and they took this pic of me seen below
Notice their salute to me. Even more telling was the fact that rajavi's people tried to recruit me, and I chased them away. Seeing how they started an hour late shows how little they are thought of. Just as telling was how even embassy staff were complaining to me about rouhani.
The following day I managed to get to Manhattan yesterday afternoon to picket the united against nuclear Iran event, despite transit issues with bus and trains being rerouted and online servers hacked and heightened security, including road being closed and blocked. Notice the pic someone from cnbc/nbc4 took of me below
That I could do that shows that most people are aware that Iran is being slandered by pompeo, dermer, sikorski, and saudis, and a marginalized few who are desperate and afraid of Iranians because they know they have wronged us and seek to avoid justice for their actions.
​Oddly enough rajavi's people were hardly around, and I did have to fight off a kidnapping attempt after leaving the uanI event, further showing how weak and desperate rajavi, pompeo, and the israelis and saudis have become.
I have repeatedly shown how vulnerable how those powers menacing Iran, specifically america, and their terrorist provaceturs like rajavi's associates are, yet the Iranian community has been too tanbul to follow my lead.  If Iran is invaded and the World destroyed from that war it will be because of their inaction and stupidity.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

On uber and rideshare companies caving in to rhode island thugs

Recently uber and other rideshare companies have made it easier to access their bikes, scooters, and other recreational mobile devices by lowering their costs
This was done after over 100 thugs used those very same bikes and other recreational mobile devices to go on a crime wave in providence,  Even though local officials chose not to make any official statements that crime wave drew international attention as the foreign use of the local news story demonstrates
This action will only increase violent crime.  The correct action is to treat all recreational mobile devices like bikes as weapons and criminalize them, as since occupy they have been used by thugs to harm people.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

On the final sergio franchi memorial concert

I learned this week that the sergio franchi music scholarship foundation will be holding it's final concert this August 24 in Stonington
Frank Pendola, one of my private tutors who enjoyed going through the music collection of Peter I, who was also a member of the met guild, was taught by sergio, and Frank and I both knew his widow eva.  In 2000 I learned that the franchis had taken money from f thomas lenihan and his associates, who were responsible for embezzling Peter I's fortune, and I broke of contact with eva and encouraged others to do the same.
Seeing as this is the last concert of a talented singer who had bad associates I am not sure to be happy to see them go under or sad at this waste of art.

On recent Mia Khalifa interviews

Recently Mia Khalifa has done some interviews claiming the porn industry has exploited her
While this may sound plausible, this puzzles me as I first learned of Mia Khalifa from a Kunoichi Iran/Iranian Ninja girl, who admired Mia and contacted me on a private twitter I used for my contacts in the porn industry.
If Mia Khalifa was really exploited as she says then why did she make no attempt to contact people who could have assisted her who were at hand.  Judging by the pics of her circulating is is not a surprise to see why she remains so popular

On Zoroastrianism maligned by Yale medical

When I was at Yale Medical's L+M campus in New London I noticed that some, but not all, of the incorrect info about Zoroastrianism posted in the chapel had recently been changed
While they updated the mention of the greco-roman label for Zarathustra, the year and location remains incorrect as he was born in 1000 BCE in Northeastern Iran.
Also the only correct Zoroastrian religious holidays are NoRuz, which is misspelled here, and the six Ghambars which are not fully explained in detail, the rest being spurious holidays by rogue sects.
For some reason L=M prior to and post Yale takeover never contacted me in regards to facts about Zarathustra despite all the legal ordeals I have had to go through since 2003 because of being Zoroastrian
Apparently Yale might not have obtained all the correct info about Zarathustra from Yale cmes, and seeing how the governor of rhode island, where Zoroastrianism and other religions with similar worship practices are criminalized, this should be expected, yet Yale should not take this lying down.

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

On occupy menace to rhode island bhddh subsidiary

Yesterday when walking through downtown providence I noticed, along with abandoned storefronts and buildings, that the MHRH, now BHDDH subsidiary I had served as a board officer for, MHCA-RI/oasis, had relocated to 134 matthewson st, which still has the meal site which was run by reverend almond when I was a board member of the aforementioned subsidiary and regularly visited that location to help out clients
Notice how occupy groups which provaceturs artemis moonhawk and charlie feldman are involved with like tenderloin opera are located there.
How a once reputable organization which helped people recover and get their lives together can sink so low as to associate with thugs like this is beyond me and that little is done about it is even more shocking.

On weaponization of bicycles in rhode island

In a recent piece published in the providence urinal which can be seen below providence city leaders are acknowledging how punks and other troublemakers are using bicycles and scooters provided by uber, bird, and lime are being used as weapons and to menace people
Notice how pukie clements is overfocusing on the issue of those devices being stolen and disposed of as trash, the former by groups like critical mass and other thugs using them as weapons to spread terror, the latter by outraged people who live in fear of those thugs seeking to deprive them of weapons.  Additionally they only quote on member of the city council and downplay concerns the majority of people have, showing that the urinal, while trying to report real news, is pandering to these thugs.

On the illegal nature of plastic bag bans

Over the past few years many states have been passing plastic bag bans, contributing to increasing health and trash problems under the lie of saving the planet.  The fact is these bans have been organized and spearheded by an eco-terrorist front group called clean water action, which is active in fourteen states and attempting to organize nationally as seen below on their site
An excellent example is the lies their rhode island chapter uses seen below
The fact is plastic bags prevent trash, as it is human stupidity that is responsible for misusing single use bags and causing pollution, not any kind of plastic bags.
Additionally, clean water action uses violence against companies and politicians to get these laws passed, making these bag bans illegal, yet nobody mentions this.
If you want to save the planet, use plastic bags, including single use ones as ONLY DIRTBAGS BAN PLASTIC BAGS.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

250 Sol Chanj Kharg Island

Today 250 years ago the Iranian navy defeated the british navy under henry moore at Kharg Island.  This was the first defeat of british forces and many british naval leaders were removed from command, including first lord of the admiralty admiral edward hawke.  This contributed to british defeats in North America which hastened the creation of the united states of america.
Today I was in front of the naval war college reminding them of this as well as the consequences of war with Iran
Iran has broken all invaders as those defending Iran are anything but the stupid ragheads trump and his followers, and military hacks like john hattendorf, claim we are, and if they attempt to further wrong us by war they will have no planet left on which to repeat their mistakes.

Thursday, July 04, 2019

On new Aircraft Carrier for the Turkish Navy

In May the Turkish Navy launched it's first Aircraft Carrier, the TCG Anadolu L-400 after a suspicious fire was used to speed up construction, seen below is a recent satellite image of the Anadolu fitting out in Turkey where it was built
For Turkey to build this ship demonstrates it's capability as the dominant native naval power in the region.

On former gitmo/guantanamo commander at rhode island veterans home

Days ago the providence urinal had a story about elderly abuse at the rhode island veterans home, mentioning the person who runs it is a former comander of the guantanamo prison, rick baccus who lives nearby in bristol at 80 kingswood drive
​However the website for rhode island veterans affairs does not mention this
With the website for rhode island veterans affairs mentioning only that baccus works for them
Whether there as a tenant or worker, the presence of baccus at the rhode island veterans home is putting a bullseye on the place, as the increasing reports of veteran abuse demonstrate.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Seeing taricani take the escalator to hell

After all the trouble jim taricani made for me 11 years ago I had to show up at his funeral, after all a wise guy had to be there, just not the kind people expected
The location of a church on uri property is a final insult, after uri issued a trespass against me in November 2015 after black lives matter tripped my leg which was in a brace then claimed I assaulted them, hence my presence on the sidewalk.
With all the praise for the first amendment and freedom of speech I had to remind rhode island what a bunch of fuckups they are seen by the World as.  What jim did to leslie yeransian when I was in a relationship with her was inexcusable, especially as she was the only mainstream journalist in rhode island who defended the legal harassment I received since being Zoroastrian was criminalized in rhode island in 2003.  Then adding insult to injury by jim asking me to endorse him at a national pres club event in rhode island, which was hosted by the rhode island chapter of the world affairs council, weeks after he ruined leslie's journalism career, which I had to decline.  At the time I was also on probation and dealing with a life threatening infected bullet wound which caused the loss of my peripheral vision and did serious damage to my immune system.  Within months the probation was over and the infection treated, yet the effects remain.
I should also remind jim's associates at wjar that I am one of the owners of the Sarnoff mausoleum in Westchester county, NY.
If anyone from wjar, uri, or any of the attendees were present at his funeral show up there they will be arrested for trespassing at my request.  After what they did to me I want to be sure they TAKE THE ESCALATOR TO HELL.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

GOOD RIDDANCE jim taricani

Friday night jim taricani died at his home in north kingstown, rhode island, as his colleagues at the NBC affiliate wjar reported
In 2008 he made serious trouble for me in 2008 when he set up leslie yeransian, who I was in a relationship with at the time, and made it look like she lied on a news story when she did not, contributing to the end of her broadcast journalism career, then he appeared on a national press club hosted by the rhode island chapter of the world affairs council, which I had recently joined and which I had to refuse to endorse because of what he did to leslie.
Whatever he did in his life with others, I will always remember him as a dishonest dago, and all I can say is GOOD RIDDANCE

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Narragansett Runestone deciphered

Despite all the publicity it has received nobody has bothered to do a thorough translation of the Narragansett Runestone, partly because people have overfocused on the authenticity of that Runestone, and those who tried to made glaring errors in translation.  The claim by everett and warren brown that the Narragansett Runestone is their modern creation, though plausible, is certainly not believable.  The two major investigations into that Runestone, by Scott Wolter and by Uppsala University, make glaring errors, the former by overfocusing on one odd rune, the latter by overfocusing on grammar and ignoring the runic names and multiple meanings.  Here I shall clarify this, having studied the Runes in depth and having a strong familiarity with the area the Runestone was found.

To be specific, the Narragansett Runestone has nine Runic images, the first seven are in top of two.  It is the two runes o at the end of the first row and the first rune on the second row that create the controversy.  I shall clarify the meanings of those runes by mentioning their corresponding letter, name, and definition below.
            The first rune is the letter S, has the name Sowilo/Sol, and means Sun
            The second rune is the letter H, has the name Haglaz, and means Hail, either in precipitation or to honor someone.
            The third rune is the letter R, has the name Raido, meaning Raid, as in some journey to acquire something.
            The fourth rune is the letter O, has the names Odal and Opila, and means treasure or landed estate.
            The fifth rune is can mean either the letter Z or S, has the name Algiz, and means to protect.  In many languages and alphabets of Aryan/Iranian origin, including German, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, and English the interchangeability of the letters Z and S is common.
The sixth and seventh runes of the first row are where the controversy begins.  First they appear to either be eroded or poorly carved.  Most assume they are the runic letters L, which has the name Laguz, meaning a lake sized body of water, and that one of them is inverted, or the runic letters I, which has the name Isaz, meaning Ice.  However, they also resemble the Wolfsangel rune, leading to the multiple meaning of the first rune of the second row, which has a tie in with the first rune of the first row.
The Wolfsangel symbolized the hook on which meat was hung in use to trap carnivorous predatory animals, specifically wolves.  It became popular as a mark of heraldry and used in stonework as an early masonic marking, including masonic conflicts in the 15th century against the aristocracy of the Reich.
It was Scott Wolter who assumed that rune to be the symbol of a secret society from the era when runes were in common usage as an alphabet, and most scholars have wrongly assumed it is the letter a.  While the secret society theory has plausibility, there are three other possibilities.  The first is the abovementioned Wolfsangel.  The second is the letter G, with the name Gebo/Gyfu, meaning a gift.  The third is the Mundilfari rune, which is similar to the Wolfsangel and has the same appearance as the Central Asian and Indigenous American swastika, and it symbolizes raw uncontrollable energy.  In Scandinavian mythology Mundilfari is the deity symbolizing Time, who created Sol, the Sun, and Mani, the Moon. This myth is similar to the Zurvan creation myth which originated in Ecbatana during the Hakhamanish Dynasty in which Zurvan, the Aryan lord of time, creates Dadvah Ahura Mazda, the supreme God, and Angra Mainyu, the lord of evil, thus reinforcing the Aryan heritage of Europe north of the Danube region and Iran, as one should bear in mind the people the Romans referred to as the barbarian Germanic tribes were in fact criminals and other undesirables expelled from the Parthian,and Sassanian Iranian empires.
The final rune is the letter A, has the name Ansuz, and means river, opening, or the Aesir pantheon of Scandinavian deities, specifically Odin.
The mistake many scholars like those at Uppsala made was to focus on the grammatical/letter usage of particular time periods, and ignore the Odin factor, namely the worship of the Norse deity Odin and his being credited with creating the runes and their meanings.  Clearly these runes on the Narragansett Runestone was carved sometime between the first voyage of Leif Erikson, who carved his name in runes on a rock on Nomans land Island nearby, and the voyages of Christopher Columbus.  Whoever carved them was not some modern fake, as they had knowledge of Runes other than the FUTHARK system, and may have been part of a secret society or an Odin worshipper.  Additionally, the Narragansett Runestone has been moved from it’s original location, with it being oddly stolen and recovered with the culprit never disclosed, and with the exact original location unmarked one can not attempt to duplicate a similar item to test the claim by the abovementioned brown brothers.  That the people at the university of rhode island had inconclusive results with their analysis of the Narragansett Runestone is not a surprise, as that campus is a laughingstock which is poorly maintained, yet for a University as prestigious as Uppsala to ignore the multiple meaning of Runes is shocking.  One must also account for the Aryan pride, white supremacist, and secret societies which are active in the area which either venerate such an object, including hiding it for preservative trophy purposes, or who would seek to destroy it.
When one takes into account the multiple meanings of the Runes carved on the Narragansett Runestone into context it tells of a journey overseas regarding some treasure, what this treasure is remains to be determined, but it certainly does not appear to be a fabrication.It’s current problems are more from it’s location, as most of those in the community where it was found have so poorly maintained the area I can say wholeheartedly FUCK RHODE ISLAND.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

On british and arab menace to Iran

Days ago the british foreign and commonwealth office issued a travel advisory for all commonwealth nationals traveling to Iran
This came days after british foreign secretary jeremy hunt met with pompeo in regards to Iran, and you can see my response to him on the outcome of that meeting below
The house of hannover-saxe-coburg-gotha-battenberg has been trying to add Iran to it's dominions since the reign of queen victoria, and this is just the latest attempt at conquest by the british.
Around the same time the ministry of foreign affairs of bahrain issued a travel advisory to its citizens regarding Iran and Iraq
Hours after that was sent they issued a memo welcoming the call by king salman of saudi arabia for an emergency summit of the gulf cooperation council, which no other member of that organization has reciprocated
As this comes around the same time america is making threatening moves against Iran, this must be taken the same way as the american bullshit is, namely a menace to Iran.