Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Larak; otherworldly background of Yima's var

According to the story of Yima, also known as Jamshid, he was warned by the supreme God Dadvah Ahura Mazda of a coming flood, which is known as the great deluge, and in preperation he build a Var as a refuge in a mountainous region of Iran using the name Larak for this location. Larak is the original name of Babylon and there are four places in Iran named Larak, all with mysterious ruins that can be seen from space. ​The first is in Mazendaran
The second is in Bakhtiari territory
The third is in Sistan
In addition, there is Larak Island at the entrance to Khalj Fars with mysterious ruins
That there are four locations matching this description shows proof that there is an alien, probably Anakim / Annunaki background to this story. The Gilanshahi and original inhabitants of Mazendaran also have a strong oral tradition of Yima / Jamshid settling people in Mazendaran to survive the deluge, which caused the peoples of Mazendaran to be referred to as "devs" for centuries. ​This is also the origin of the Nordic / Germanic legend of Ymir, demonstrating an Aryan connection in addition to the alien one.

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