Wednesday, May 10, 2023

My Coronation letter to Charles III

Charles III King of Great Britain In writing you this letter after your coronation my purpose is twofold First, I would like to thank you for inviting me to participate online in observing your coronation, as in not inviting my fellow Gilanshahi, qajari, Pahlavi, and other Iranian Royals physically to your Coronation you wisely chose not to take sides in the current struggle to restore the throne of Iran and for power in Iran. Your physical omission of any Iranian government representative, choosing not to hold your Coronation during Ghambar as your mother did, and not using the KohINoor Diamond are also to be commended, as these are signs of your willingness to repair ties with Iran and right the wrongs of the past done by your predecessors. I must also remind you that I have not forgotten to deal with your people regarding the money your government owes me. This leads me to my second concern, justice for the murder of my late fiancée, HIH Princess Leila, who was murdered on 10 June 2001 during your parents birthday celebrations by dr lewis klein. While I and others have come out with overwhelming proof tat dr klein murdered Leila, her death is still wrongly ruled a suicide. This dr lewis klein deserves to die for his crime and at the very least he should be held on charges for the murder of HIH Princess Leila, and I hope you see fit to make this happen. I await your response and wish you well. Peter II Khan-e-Mazendaran Furst von und zu DZendran

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