Tuesday, June 21, 2022

For a strong and free Iran


The situation for those who want Iran to be strong and free has changed radically in the past two decades, sadly because most Iranians are so in love with the idea of a strong and free Iran they are not willing to do what it takes.  Many have fallen for those slick talkers like reza pahlavi, maryam rajavi, trita parsi, and the like to their greater detriment. As one who has advocated for just that for the past two decades, through means many question, the events of December 2019 have proven my asymmetric strategy to be the correct one, for by working with Artesh I and others have ensured that Iran has the means to make itself strong and free as a result.              For there to be a strong and free Iran it begins by the rejection of slick talkers mentioned above and the acceptance of Artesh, which even khomeinei acknowledged as the real power in Iran, which has been true since the days of Kurush.  As it is Artesh is waiting for something major to happen for them to step out and replace jomhori mollah with something more stable and beneficial, and Artesh is the only group in Iran that has the means to do it.  Therefore, it is important that Iran be kept safe from domestic and foreign agitation and entanglements as they can cause a destabilizing conflict.  Such an Iran would be able to restore the Iran of Daryush, Shabour, and Abbas.

            Though that may seem a pipe dream such a Iranian resurgence is possible, and within the next 50 years it is possible to see Iran retaking Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and all of Khalj region. However for now, such reconquests must be long term, with the near term focused on Iraq, which already has a population ready to be reabsorbed into Iran.   Such a reacquisition would however put Iran into close range for a strike by israel, the greatest menace to Iran and the World.  Even though an undeclared war with israel has been going on for decades, such a reacquisition would only escalate a conflict, and Iran must be prepared to win such a conflict by wiping out the zionist menace of israel.

            Only by following those who know the meaning of success like  Artesh and by stopping the habit of living in fantasy can one make the fantasy of a strong and free Iran reality.

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