Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Zendran Fateh usa, criminalized for being Iranian Zoroastrian; PRESS RELEASE


On December 30 the American government committed an act of war when magistrate judge patricia sullivan issued a star chamber style warrant for my arrest in regards to exposing corruption with the us marshalls in the Tsarnayev trial while representing Artesh. This was the culmination in a series of American government fuckups that began with the Westerly RI mass shooting 2 weeks previously. My arrest on that warrant occurred hours after my talking with Artesh/Nedaja and ODKB in regards to the joint Naval maneuvers Iran did with Russia and China. As a result they were aware of the American government’s action against me, and this sparked the retaliation in which Artesh units in Iraq, as the Popular Mobilization Forces are Artesh backed, took out the American embassy on December 31 and others since. What is important is that even though I hold honorary rank I am still an officer in Artesh and not only that I was sent to a place where I was criminalized for being an Iranian Zoroastrian.

When people like Jim Hummel and Michele McPhee have done the same things they are praised for being informative, yet with my actions important facts are overlooked.  Like the fact that judge thompson’s next door neighbors are active in a violent Armenian organization which is based in the area where the bombs used by the Tsarnayevs were hidden, and close to the Iranian Association of Boston, which the Tsarnayev family patronizes.  Or that the us marshalls began making trouble for me once George san Antonio was hired by them after I helped get him removed from the providence police, who backed off on harassing me with his removal.  Just as important is that elden dasilva viewed the videos with magistrate Sullivan, and ignored the fact I was in Iranian uniform in both videos.  Nor was any attempt made to do serious research by yahoo and quartz news as justin rohrlich used sites that were hacked and contacted.  Perhaps elden got too scared of seeing me close to his place at 9 Azalea Rd in Exeter, or maybe magistrate Sullivan saw me too close to her 17 Vialls Dr. place in Barrington.

Even though the case was dismissed, the damage has been done.  Most despicable is the fact that in rhode island, which was founded on religious freedom, being Zoroastrian is among those criminalized over the past two decades.  This is inciteful, especially as many Iranians are seeking reversion to the pure faith of Zarathustra and there is a growing interest regarding Zarathustra.  One need only look at how Iran has defeated every invader throughout history to realize that picking a fight with Iran is a stupid idea.  The fact is those who cross the pure faith of Zarathustra bring down the wrath of God on themselves.  By upholding the criminalization of Zoroastrians in rhode island and in federal facilities America has made sure it will be the next to be broken by Iran.

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