Tuesday, June 21, 2022

On america the fucked


The way things have been going downhill for america since the end of 2019 shows one major truth, america is fucked.  Mainly because of the five evil P’s in america.

They are PREACHERS who extol others to do their biding by mesmerizing them in the name of the most evil person ever, jesus

They are PRISONS where people are held captive and tortured for the most trivial issues by POLICE, who kill, destroy and steal for their own personal profit under the guise of public safety. They are PHARMECUTICALS which poison people’s minds and bodies

 And makes them do things they would otherwise never do in a sane condition.

And these four fuck ameica over because of PACIFISTS who do nothing and encourage others to follow their lead in the name of peace.

What is truly sad is that those who are aware are demonized as crazy and conspiratorial and those who take constructive action continue to be attacked.  Unless this changes, america will truly be fucked

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