Friday, May 03, 2024

My message to Datrmouth/Beilock over protest/dialogue problems

You can view my message to Dartmouth college and Sian Beilock regarding the events regarding the Free Palestine Solidarity protest of 1 May 2024 which I briefly visited I blew an event invitation from Beilock's people for an event happening at the same time, for while I welcome interaction with Dartmouth's Dialogues Initiave, that event was NOT part of that program, rather a dickey center event coinciding with the anniversary of john sloan dickey's relatives trying to kill me in a hospital ER in providence. The dickey center and Dartmouth staff are aware of my issues and have security on hand for my presence at those events as they worry about me flashbacking. Had I accepted that invite or remained there was a chance I could have been caught in the ruckus at the Green and done serious damage, yet my friends there made sure I did not linger as I can not drive. If that invite was an accident, misintentioned, or an incitement Beilock and Dartmouth need to address, as the Dialogues program has issues, and entrapment is a form of incitement.

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