Friday, May 03, 2024

On menace from dartmouth over Palestine solidarity

Hours after uploading my solidarity message regarding student/community action for Palestine the campus security handed me the document seen below Despite this I can still access dartmouth's medical facilities and all bus services, yet this came after all the help I did helping dartmouth with their protestors after I was warmly welcomed as part of beilock's dialogues program as part of community building. Yet rather than respond rationally they act like bitches. I will be following up with the town of Hanover and Grafton county attorney re countercharges, as that invite I got from dartmouth helped cause the panic among the protestors, expect me to have beilock's and kotz's jobs for this. Instead of community builders, beilock and her dialogues turned out to be a bad hookup, to be expected from a hack who got too far too fast and who pays companies for media attention.

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