Monday, September 25, 2017

Response to trump's remarks on Iran at unga

Your speech at the united nations was hypocritical and menacing towards many, particularly Iran, for while you said you and america do not seek to impose the american way of life on anyone, yet that is what you and america have been doing to Iran since franklin roosevelt was president, and you forget it was jimmy bin farter who put the current “rogue regime” in power in Iran by imposing american values on Iranian students and dissidents and backing tick picker khomeinei in 1979, and every american president since george bush sr has made policies hostile towards Iran, particularly the nigger who used threats and coercion to bring the nuclear deal into being against the wishes of the Iranian people and the International community.
Your behavior and that of your associates in New York when visiting the united nations demonstrates that you wish to continue this tradition of your predecessors.  The remarks you made would be tolerable were it not for the fact that many of your associates have been assisting the muslim/marxist fundamentalist terrorist organization led by the rajavis called the mojahaden, who impose a malicious lifestyle on their followers where many are kept in subservience so a few leaders may live lavishly, and who’s ill gained wealth are given to your associates. 
Perhaps you did not notice that Iran’s military is capable of repulsing any invader, including america and israel, and Iran’s military, which is composed of many who either have connections to the pre-khomeinei military or were trained by them, to protect the Iranian population from all threats, including you and Iranians who are stupid enough to fall for you and your associates.
It is also clear you spend little time with the Iranian, arab, jewish communities in america as those communities are largely comprised of perpetual malcontents too lazy to take any physical action and advantage of the opportunities to better themselves in their native land, and obstructing the productive few.  And you and your government have been encouraging this behavior for decades by putting restrictions in place making it difficult to find employment and to suppress technology and products to better the community and subsidizing these lazy malcontents through easy access scholarships and welfare and glorification of that lifestyle.

You talk of going to war with Iran in order to replace a regime which is unpopular and harmful to it’s population, just like the regime in the country you are president of without considering the full consequences of your actions.  You forget that any invasion of Iran will result in the military invasive capabilities of that country, including america, neutralized permanently and the home soil of the invader attacked within minutes of any invasion.  You probably were unaware that Iran has in Mount Damavand a nuclear warhead which can and will be detonated in the Earth’s core should Iran be invaded.  After all, who would want to live in a World ruled by muslim/marxist fuckups like rajavi’s mojahaden who stone to death teenagers who go out on dates, bible thumping fucktards in america who have people beaten and imprisoned because they do not like your opinion, and zionist jewish pathological liars like you asshole buddy netanyahu and his israel who build walls around entire cities cutting them off from water because they are not jewish and torturing people in their jails simply because some half baked oven stuffer was offended by criticism about jews.  That is the World you and your government is forcing on people and which the World is fed up with.
I know this because I see this firsthand daily, and I saw it when I was picketing at the Iranian embassy against the elitist shill rouhani who has ruined Iran as his nuclear deal demonstrates and against rajavi and you for the nightmare state you and rajavi want to impose on Iran.  I saw how barely 50 people attended the “Free Iran” rally rajavi announced, how your fuckup friends like jew liebermann and joke bolton talked shit about Iran to a nearly empty crowd and were easily heckled by people on the street.  I saw the amusement from people on the street when they saw how rouhani would not exit the embassy as he was afraid I would have him arrested for treason and how the NYPD had to remove the limo waiting for him in support of my actions, forcing rouhani to sneak out the back entrance after requesting the secret service for assistance as the NYPD refused to protect him in solidarity to me and other Iranians seeking Freedom and who have helped make New York a great place.  I saw parsis and other non-muslims walking to rajavi’s “Free Iran” rally then running away from it once they realized that they would not be tolerated because they do not pray to allah the way rajavi does.  Most importantly, I saw how you were too chickenshit to walk the streets of New York the way I have seen other Wolrd leaders do so during the united nations general assembly meetings.  While you complain about the flag and anthem being disrespected you ignore how monuments to Iranians in New York are marginilized by shahbanou farah and barak barakat, desecrated by idiots, and how Iranians in New York are slandered and maligneddaily by your jewish associates as the jewish community has been doing to Iranians since the reign of Khashahyar Shah with their lies. 
Yes, jews like your pal netanyahu have been lying and slandering Iranians and others who disagree with them throughout their entire existence.  I was amazed you forgot how it was netanyahu who started the slander of Kurt Waldheim in 1986 or were the people at the unga too cowardly to mention this to you.  Did you also ignore how israel caused the fukushima incident as a test run for the stuxnet virus, or how israel caused the Bam earthquake, or how the mossad instructed savak to commit atrocities which bolstered support for khomeinei.  You probably forgot that mohammed moghadam, who held people hostage at the Amarillo wal mart, was trained by mossad, yet you ignore this.  I bet you ignored those in New York who found how the vital records of Iranians who came to america had been vandalized and those responsible unpunished.  Were I to list every wrong the jews have done to Iranians, New Yorkers, and the World it would take so long I would have time for nothing else.
If you want war with Iran to please your Zionist pals like netanyahu and associates who take the ill gained money rajavi pisses on them then you will not have a planet to live on, for the World has made clear they are fed up with those particular associates of yours who have maliciously treated them for centuries.

Monday, September 11, 2017

On mek terror presence in watertown

Recently rajavi's mek front group oiac opened up headquarters in watertown in the same neighborhood where Dzhokar Tsarnayev was captured at 43 irving street
That they do not mention any names for a contact demonstrates that this oiac chapter is aware that by associating with rajavi they are involved in terrorist activity, particularly as that location is government housing
Ey rajavi/mek talab, you can NOT fool everyone and you will NOT be permitted to engage in terrorist activity.

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

On Berchtesgaden underground tunnels

When in Vermont recently I was going through some family items, including those from the military service of my father's uncle Harry Zendran.  Among the more interesting items was the briefing book issued to him and others serving in the american military who were posted to Berchtesgaden in 1945 in order to occupy it

Notice the mention of the underground tunnels and regions, demonstrating in all probability that the allied occupying forces had knowledge of underground areas in use by the nazis, which in all probability was the reason hitler had the berghof built at that location, and those underground facilities may be in use today, including by nazi groups.