Tuesday, January 07, 2025

My Rickover-carter dealings

Few realize that I and jimmy carter had interactions with Admiral Rickover
I got to meet Rickover at his last public appearance when the USS Nautilus SSN-571 was opened as a museum and when the Rickover memorial was unveiled at the Groton base, while carter cracked during his dealings with Rickover https://www.usni.org/magazines/naval-history/2025/february/carter-rickover-relationship How someone like carter could have been allowed into positions of power when he could not handle the excellence of Rickover shows how degenerate america and western civilization has become.

Monday, January 06, 2025

On american government va defending bob lukse stolen valor fraud

I just got a email from the american government's veterans administration upholding the stolen valor fraud my stepdad robert lukse committed
I point out bob lukse was twice rejected as unfit for duty, in 1945 and 1946, and passed off other veteran's military service as his own. He also helped incite the mass shooting in westerly on 19 December 2019 which snowballed into WWIII. This burial happened because iacoi funeral home lied to the va, because iacoi helped lukse and washington trust embezzle my family's fortune in 1992, as bob had a plot at kensico cemetery, but expect americans and jews to get it wrong and fuck up.