Saturday, March 08, 2025

On the evils of international womens day

I remind people that the concept of international womens day is bad as it empowers extremists under the evil guise of feminism, like krista milburn who use that concept to advocate for mandatory male castration and human rights abuses, as her post here shows. I must add that one year ago today my dad appeared in a media broadcast and revealed how kim nemereau tried to castrate kids at goddard college on this date, how my dad helped stop this, and shortly after revealing this kim nemereau tried to castrate him for his actions
The idea of international womens day is a terrible idea promoted by extremist fuckups who consider the special treatment they get to be oppression so they can force their degenerate self destructive ways on others. Put this idea on the ash heap of history where it belongs.

On rudi bakhtiar having recent health issues

It was recently brought to my attention via a post that rudi bakhtiar is dealing with early onset parkinsons
I found this odd as I know her well and she never brought this to my attention and that of others
Additionally, no official announcement has been made about this, and she does live near a military medical facility, so either something sinister is going on, or this is the result of bad choices she has made in her life as the fags and retards reporting on this jendafarangistani nameh demonstrate.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

On USS John F Kennedy CV-67 being scrapped

Days ago the ex-USS John F Kennedy CV-67 arrived at brownsville where scrapping has commenced
As someone who had been on CV-67 during it's tiger cruise and who worked to preserve that ship I can say with authority there are enough resources to preserve this ship, yet nothing is being done. While Frank Lennon and others I worked with on this are aging a last minute effort can stop this and return CV-67 to Newport for preservation, and make positive action into cleaning up corruption and abuses in rhode island, yet will the white house make it happen or act like a bunch of all american fuckups.

On SS United States to be sunk

Days ago the SS United States was moved form it's pier in philadelphia to be sent to florida
Bear in mind there are more than enough resources to preserve the SS United States in it's entirety, yet neither chump in the white house, or my evil twin desantis, or anyone in government or business, or academia, are working to make this happen. If this does go through and no last minute efforts are made to stop this, this will be a symbol of how the united states is fucked.

Saturday, March 01, 2025

On cameras found in rhode island college bathrooms

Days ago an employee was arrested for putting cameras in the bathrooms at rhode island college
As outrageous as this is, this has been going on for years, and this started at brown over two decades ago, as I and others there found out the hard way. Amazing they acted on this the way they are doing.