On massoud rajavi coming out
Three days ago massoud rajavi, who has been hiding for over a decade, publicly broke his silence and came out to praise those who had followed his wife maryam's incitement to commit acts of violence since december 2017. The statement can be viewed below
This statement comes before rajavi's event in paris this weekend and as american government officials have been inciting Iranians to violence, and as Iranian government officials are beginning to enforce the death penalty for those who participate in rajavi's protests and strikes and betray Iran. If one is still stupid to ignore that the protests and strikes in Iran are rajavi's doing to destabilize Iran to force his marxist/sharia ways on Iran then one deserves to be executed for menacing Iran by following this terrorist.
This statement comes before rajavi's event in paris this weekend and as american government officials have been inciting Iranians to violence, and as Iranian government officials are beginning to enforce the death penalty for those who participate in rajavi's protests and strikes and betray Iran. If one is still stupid to ignore that the protests and strikes in Iran are rajavi's doing to destabilize Iran to force his marxist/sharia ways on Iran then one deserves to be executed for menacing Iran by following this terrorist.