Friday, July 31, 2015
Iran threatened by the nigger over nuclear deal
These posts from trita parsi on twitter shows that the nigger in the white house is intent on war with Iran if they do not do as he says, and that the nuclear deal is essentially meaningless in preventing war. There is no reason to doubt that trita is truthful about the conference call he mentions recently on twitter, and his mentioning it shows the sinister nature of america's government towards Iran.
Incidentally rudi bakhtiar has voiced her opposition to the Iran nuclear deal after global zero launched their video involving jack black, morgan freemen, lisa halaby/queen noor and valerie plame spewing their propaganda about backing the Iran nuclear deal.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Iran deal connection to the Tsarnayevs demonstrating government/police infiltration
Yesterday a rally organized by rashin khosravi and mass peace action close to john kerry's pickney st. house in support of the Iran nuclear deal was poorly attended, and conspicuously absent was raisin and her family
Excellent proof of government/police infiltration in the greater boston area, and how the government is running scared of it's own population.
When I checked rashin's Facebook page I noticed two things that were conspicuous.
1. There were no photos of her or any she took of yesterday's poorly attended rally in support of the Iran nuclear deal.
2. There is a picture of her kids with her husband harold physic eating at the same restaurant in Watertown Square where Tamerlan Tsarnayev and I used to hang out at, even spar at
That restaurant was made famous by the photo taken below by a Tsarnayev supporter
Interestingly enough elena trey not only has not gone to any of the places where Tamerlan and I frequented, she ignored the throw down I gave john b welles and those he had on his show claiming the Tsarnayev raid was a hoax

Thursday, July 16, 2015
Odd Iran nuclear deal event in Boston
Odd how mass peace action created this event hours after the deal was reached regarding Iran's nuclear program
Most terrifying is the fact that steve kirschbaum and steve gillis, the leaders of the Boston chapter of the workers world party, have been invited to this, the former who has been threatening Iranians who do not agree with his marxist-stalinist views, and the latter helping him execute those threats.
Most terrifying is the fact that steve kirschbaum and steve gillis, the leaders of the Boston chapter of the workers world party, have been invited to this, the former who has been threatening Iranians who do not agree with his marxist-stalinist views, and the latter helping him execute those threats.
Most disturbing is that one of the organizers is raisin khosravi, wife of watertown pig tony physic, who told Iranians not to testify against steve kirschbaum during his recent trial, and the same one I beat up at the niac event in June in Watertown when he made trouble.
Check the list of people invited and you will notice people with police/military backgrounds, so in all probability their inviting kirschbaum and gillis dempnstrates that workers world boston are government-police provocateurs. I am amazed they do NOT support the Workers of Russia, China, and other countries Iran does arms deals with, as the deal sanctions Iran from importing weapons even for defense. They even ignore the workers in Iran's military/industrial base who have to work harder to defend Iran.
More disturbing is that raisin shared an article by William Beeman about the nuke deal. Dr. Beeman is close to my cousin Homa Khanoum, who livers near physic and khosravi's 731 Belmont St. address, so it is possible they may be threatening my relatives who oppose this deal.
More disturbing is that raisin shared an article by William Beeman about the nuke deal. Dr. Beeman is close to my cousin Homa Khanoum, who livers near physic and khosravi's 731 Belmont St. address, so it is possible they may be threatening my relatives who oppose this deal.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
The true implications of the Iran nuclear deal
The wording of this deal, which can be found at the link below, is so
vague and unspecific, that any minor infraction can be used as pretext
to attack Iran and renege on sanctions. Expect this deal not to be ratified by Iran or any of the powers, and
expect sanctions to come back again. Expect zarif and rouhani to be in
the hot seat for this as well.
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
Vienna, 14 July 2015
The E3/EU+3 (China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom
and the United States, with the High Representative of the European Union for
Foreign Affairs and Security Policy) and the Islamic Republic of Iran welcome this
storic Joint Comprehensive
Plan of Action (JCPOA), which will ensure that Iran’s
nuclear programme will be exclusively peaceful, and mark a fundamental shift in
their approach to this issue.
They anticipate that full implementation of this JCPOA
will po
sitively contribute to regional and international
peace and security. Iran
reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop or acquire any
nuclear weapons.
Iran envisions that this JCPOA will allow it to move forward with an exclusively
indigenous nuclear programme, in line with scientific and economic
considerations, in
accordance with the JCPOA, and with a view to building
confidence and encouraging
international cooperation. In this context,
he initial mutually determined limitations
described in this JCPOA will be
followed by a gradual evolution, at a reasonable pace, of
Iran’s peaceful nuclear
programme, including its enrichment activities, to a commercial
programme f
exclusively peaceful purposes, consistent with international non
The E3/EU+3 envision that the implementation of this JCPOA will progressively
allow them
to gain confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s
programme. T
reflects mutually determined parameters, consistent
with practical needs, with agreed
limits on the scope of Iran’s nuclear
programme, including enrichment activities and R&D.
The JCPOA addresses the
E3/EU+3’s concerns, inclu
ding through comprehensive measures providing for
transparency and verification.
The JCPOA will produce the comprehensive lifting of all UN Security Council
sanctions as
well as multilateral and national sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear
programme, i
steps on access in areas of trade, technology, finance, and
The Islamic Republic of Iran and the E3/EU+3 (China, France, Germany, the
Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, with the High
Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy)
have decided upon this long
term Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
This JCPOA, reflecting a step
step approach, includes the reciprocal
commitments as laid down in this document and the annexes hereto and is to
be endorsed by the United Nations (UN) Security Council.
The full implementation of this JCPOA will ensure the exclusively peaceful
nature of Iran's nuclear programme.
Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek, develop or
acquire any nuclear weapons.
Successful implementation of this JCP
OA will enable Iran to fully enjoy its right
to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes under the relevant articles of the
nuclear Non
Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in line with its obligations therein, and
the Iranian nuclear programme will be treated in the sa
me manner as that of
any other non
weapon state party to the NPT.
This JCPOA will produce the comprehensive lifting of all UN Security Council
sanctions as well as multilateral and national sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear
programme, including steps on access in areas of trade, technology, finance and
The E3
/EU+3 and Iran reaffirm their commitment to the purposes and principles
of the United Nations as set out in the UN Charter.
The E3/EU+3 and Iran acknowledge that the NPT remains the cornerstone of the
nuclear non
proliferation regime and the essential
foundation for the pursuit of
nuclear disarmament and for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
The E3/EU+3 and Iran commit to implement this JCPOA in good faith and in a
constructive atmosphere, based on mutual respect, and to refrain from any
action inc
onsistent with the letter, spirit and intent of this JCPOA that would
undermine its successful implementation. The E3/EU+3 will refrain from
imposing discriminatory regulatory and procedural requirements in lieu of the
sanctions and restrictive measures co
vered by this JCPOA. This JCPOA builds on
the implementation of the Joint Plan of Action (JPOA) agreed in Geneva on 24
November 2013.
A Joint Commission consisting of the E3/EU+3 and Iran will be established to
monitor the implementation of this JCPOA
and will carry out the functions
provided for in this JCPOA.
This Joint Commission will address issues arising
from the implementation of this JCPOA and will operate in accordance with the
provisions as detailed in the relevant annex.
The Internationa
l Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will be requested to monitor and
verify the voluntary nuclear
related measures as detailed in this JCPOA. The
IAEA will be requested to provide regular updates to the Board of Governors,
and as provided for in this JCPOA, to t
he UN Security Council.
All relevant rules
and regulations of the IAEA with regard to the protection of information will be
fully observed by all parties involved.
All provisions and measures contained in this JCPOA are only for the purpose of
its implementation between E3/EU+3 and Iran and should not be considered as
setting precedents for any other state or for fundamental principles of
international law and the ri
ghts and obligations under the NPT and other
relevant instruments, as well as for internationally recognised principles and
Technical details of the implementation of this JCPOA are dealt with in the
annexes to this document.
The EU and E3
+3 countries and Iran, in the framework of the JCPOA, will
cooperate, as appropriate, in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear energy and
engage in mutually determined civil nuclear cooperation projects as detailed in
Annex III, including through
IAEA inv
The E3+3 will submit a draft resolution to the UN Security Council endorsing
this JCPOA affirming that conclusion of this JCPOA marks a fundamental shift in
its consideration of this issue and expressing its desire to build a new
relationship w
ith Iran. This UN Security Council resolution will also provide for
the termination on Implementation Day of provisions imposed under previous
resolutions; establishment of specific restrictions; and conclusion of
consideration of the Iran nuclear issue by
the UN Security Council 10 years after
the Adoption Day.
The provisions stipulated in this JCPOA will be implemented for their respective
durations as set forth below and detailed in the annexes.
The E3/EU+3 and Iran will meet at the ministerial level every 2 years, or earlier
if needed, in order to review and assess progress and to adopt appropriate
decisions by consensus.
Iran and E3/EU+3 will take the following voluntary measures w
ithin the timeframe as
detailed in this JCPOA and its Annexes
Iran's long term plan includes certain agreed limitations on all uranium
enrichment and uranium enrichment
related activities incl
uding certain
limitations on specific research and development (R&D) activities for the first 8
years, to be followed by gradual evolution, at a reasonable pace, to the next
stage of its enrichment activities for exclusively peaceful purposes, as described
in Annex I.
Iran will abide by its voluntary commitments, as expressed in its
own long
term enrichment and enrichment R&D plan to be submitted as part of
the initial declaration for the Additional Protocol to Iran’s Safeguards
Iran will begin phasing out its IR
1 centrifuges in 10 years. During this period,
Iran will keep its enrichment capacity at Natanz at up to a total installed
uranium enrichment capacity of 5060 IR
1 centrifuges. Excess centrifuges and
related in
frastructure at Natanz will be stored under IAEA
continuous monitoring, as specified in Annex I.
Iran will continue to conduct enrichment R&D in a manner that does not
accumulate enriched uranium. Iran's enrichment R&D with uranium for 10 years
will only
include IR
4, IR
5, IR
6 and IR
8 centrifuges as laid out in Annex I, and
Iran will not engage in other isotope separation technologies for enrichment of
uranium as specified in Annex I. Iran will continue testing IR
6 and IR
centrifuges, and will comme
nce testing of up to 30 IR
6 and IR
8 centrifuges
after eight and a half years, as detailed in Annex I.
As Iran will be phasing out its IR
1 centrifuges, it will not manufacture or
assemble other centrifuges, except as provided for in Annex I, and will r
failed centrifuges with centrifuges of the same type. Iran will manufacture
advanced centrifuge machines only for the purposes specified in this JCPOA.
From the end of the eighth year, and as described in Annex I, Iran will start to
manufacture agre
ed numbers of IR
6 and IR
8 centrifuge machines without
rotors and will store all of the manufactured machines at Natanz, under IAEA
continuous monitoring until they are needed under Iran's long
term enrichment
and enrichment R&D plan.
Based on its long
term plan, for 15 years, Iran will carry out its uranium
related activities, including safeguarded R&D exclusively in the
Natanz Enrichment facility, keep its level of uranium enrichment at up to 3.67%,
and, at Fordow, refrain from any uranium e
nrichment and uranium enrichment
R&D and from keeping any nuclear material.
Iran will convert the Fordow facility into a nuclear, physics and technology
centre. International collaboration including in the form of scientific joint
partnerships will be es
tablished in agreed areas of research. 1044 IR
centrifuges in six cascades will remain in one wing at Fordow. Two of these
cascades will spin without uranium and will be transitioned, including through
appropriate infrastructure modification, for stable
isotope production.
The other
four cascades with all associated infrastructure will remain idle. All other
centrifuges and enrichment
related infrastructure will be removed and stored
under IAEA continuous monitoring as specified in Annex I.
Sunday, July 05, 2015
Glaring errors by US Naval Institute on World Navies
their International Fleet review in the March 2015 issue of Proceedings the US
Naval Institute made many mistakes about the activities of the World’s Navies,
many of them glaring.
the case of Iran they ignore there are three Jamaran class FFG’s under construction, one in Khorramshahr, two in
Bandar Abbas. They also ignore the
acquisition of the Aquitaine class
DDG Tahya Misr by Egypt from France,
the Israeli deal to acquire two Sachsen
class DDG’s from Germany, the Turkish Juan
Carlos I variant Amphibious Carrier under construction in Tuzla, the
Algerian Navy acquiring two Russian Steregushchy
class and three Chinese Bengbu class
also wrongly assume that India is seeking more American weapons, when in fact
India has not been satisfied with American material since the USS Trenton/INS Jalashva LPD acquisition.
They also ignore that all three Kolkata
class DDG’s are operational, the INS Kolkata
is simply the only one commissioned, and they ignore the new Visakhapatnam class DDG’s, with the INS Visakhapatnam being launched and INS Porbandar under construction. India also has commissioned the first two Arihant class SSBN’s, and the progress
on the Supercarriers India is building, with INS Vikrant almost complete and INS Vishul
commencing construction. Most glaringly,
they ignore the fact India has been exporting warships to other countries over
the past few years, namely Sri Lanka and Mauritius. Indonesia is also becoming an exporter,
building two Makassar class LPD’s for
the Philippines and instructing Peru how to build two Makassar class LPD’s, while purchasing two FFG’s from the
Netherlands. Australia has already
launched the HMAS Hobart DDG, simply
allowing the Canberra class
Amphibious Carriers to be completed first.
Japan has already commissioned the JDS Izumo and has commenced construction on the second Izumo class Carrier. China has already completed two Type 55 class
DDG’s, and is collaborating with Singapore on building Aircraft Carriers.
mention is made of Russia’s two Admiral Gorshkov class DDG’s which have been
launched, or the full status on the joint Amphibious Carrier with France. The full status of the production of the Aquitaine class DDG’s is ignored, as is
the two Baden-Wuerttemberg class DDG’s
Germany has launched, the new Multirole Command/Logistical Ship KNM Maud Norway is acquiring from South
Korea, or the fact that all Venezuelan Mariscal Sucre class FFG”s are now
US Naval Institute needs to better check it’s facts. Had they checked directly from satellite
images and the websites of other countries as I have done they would not have
made these mistakes.
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