My presence at the Tsarnayev appeal
Yesterday I was at the Tsarnayev appeal. I had with me copies of my amicus briefs I filed in Tsarnayev's defense and the sign you can see below
If you got a problem with my sign and my defending Tsarnayev you can drop dead. if you want me to voluntarily stop using that sign let the feds know to let me file my amicus brief and access other cases I have there. The Trump administration was kind enough to find case files I had the nigger before Trump had thrown out, and I will be revealing important files about corruption in the Boston area involving the us marshals in the coming week.
This time while Homeland Security said they were wiling to let me in, once again the us marshals refused to let me enter to file amicus in support of Tsarnayev, and I let them read my brief and told them to contact the FBI, specifically naming the agents I have been talking with about issues related to Tsarnayev and other cases out of that courthouse. This year cbs was trying to incite trouble by daring me to go inside for another confrontation, but you can see why I remained outside as I was, which explains why mit pigs and fuckmeat haslet did not want to engage in a physical confrontation with me. The fact is my body is finally starting to heal from the health issues I have had over the past decade, and this, and the nasty surprise I left mit the night before, were a small demonstration of how not only can I handle subzero conditions like those in Boston yesterday, to remind those that outside in that weather they are helpless to handle me.
Regarding the press while cbs was antagonistic, Fox News was shadowing me, mainly because of my involvement with rudi bakhtiar and the movie about her time at Fox "Bombshell" coming out today, as they use my pic but not what I said during my interview with them
Regarding the press while cbs was antagonistic, Fox News was shadowing me, mainly because of my involvement with rudi bakhtiar and the movie about her time at Fox "Bombshell" coming out today, as they use my pic but not what I said during my interview with them
I noticed andy martinez chose not to use my title in quoting me and only referenced my confrontations outside in his Boston herald piece, as did channels 5 and 7, though they did get good images of me there
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